01 October 2020

Reb Neuberger — Our Hiding Place


By Roy S. Neuberger



Erev Yom Kippur I received an email from a yeshiva in New York, which said, “The Satan is trying mightily to close shuls and mosdos ha Torah. We are on the verge once again of not being allowed to gather for tefilla or learn in our bais medrash.”


Shortly afterward, I received an email from another yeshiva, which said, The Department of Health has agents who are observing the community. On Tuesday they will decide about restrictions.”


In a statement issued this week, Agudath Israel of America noted the attitude of government officials: “New York’s public health officials … need to reflect on their approach. Shaming is not a legitimate or effective tool. No other community is singled out and stereotyped as the Orthodox are. That … needs to change.”


My friends, we are living in an alien world, a world resembling Mitzraim, from which our ancestors were freed only after they “groaned … and cried out. Their outcry … went up to Hashem. Hashem heard their moaning, and Hashem remembered His covenant with Avraham, with Yitzchak and with Yaakov.” (Shemos 2:23ff) 


We are coming to the great showdown. The surge of evil in the world calls upon us to grasp with an ever-tighter grip the rope of Torah extended from Shomayim, which is our only hope for survival. “Bifroach rashaim … When the wicked bloom like grass and all the doers of iniquity blossom, it is to destroy them till eternity.” (Tehilim 92)


Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch provides a masterful description of how we are supposed to relate to the Ribono shel Olam, the Master of the World. (Dvarim 32:11) From this I believe I understand why the Torah could tell us that Hashem carried us “on the wings of eagles….” (Shemos 19:4) when He took us out of Mitzraim.


“The eagle does not bear his young aloft when they are sleeping or in a passive condition. Rather, first he arouses his nest, and then spreads his wings -- not under his young -- but above them. Wakefully and energetically, they take off and fly up to alight on the outspread wings awaiting them. By free, conscious and brave decision, they entrust themselves to him so that he should bear them aloft. The eaglets must fly up and out of the nest by themselves and set themselves on the wings. So did G-d first awaken the spirit of His people and, through training, invest them with the courage to entrust themselves, by free, conscious decision, to His guidance.”


“Hashem alone guided them, and no alien god beside Him.” (Dvarim 32:12)


This word “alone” refers to Hashem, Who is by definition separate from all of His creations. But it also implies that we, Am Yisroel, His children, are alone in the world. 


The word “alone” in Hebrew is “badad,” which has the same root as the word “bidud,” a word one hears constantly on the news in Israel. “Bidud” means “isolation.” The current plague requires us to isolate ourselves. This comes to remind us that we are “am levadad yishkon, a nation that dwells alone.” (Bamidbar 23:9).


Someone said to me yesterday, “Let Corona just go away.” I do not think Corona is going away so fast. In Mitzraim, the plagues came to separate us from the culture of Egypt so that Hashem could take us out of there and we could receive the Torah in purity and unity – unity with each other and unity with Hashem.


I believe this plague is telling us: separate yourself from the alien culture around you because Hashem is coming to take you out and present the Torah to you once again.


My friends, we have a hiding place. We can run to the sukkah!


This is where we exist in isolation, protected only by G-d, where we join our avos, Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe, Aharon and Dovid, who paved a way for us to cleave to G-d with wholehearted purity.


This is all we need! 


“Ana Hashem Hoshia na! Ana Hashem hatzlicha na ….”


“Please Hashem save now! Please Hashem bring success now!”


“Hoshana v’hoshiana na! …. Save now and bring salvation now!”



Roy Neuberger’s latest book, 

HOLD ON: Surviving the Days Before Moshiach

Available at Jewish bookstores and online at and

“Hold On” has now been released in Hebrew in Israel 

as “Tachzik Chazak” (Feldheim Publishers)

Roy and his wife speak publicly and via Zoom 




© Copyright 2020 by Roy S. Neuberger



I have a thought after reading this. Maybe HaShem is bringing all this upon us in order to separate us from “them” so when the MHM passes over the world we will be inside our mezzuzot masks and protected. Just a thought. Dreadful times are coming and there must be a reason that we are being singled out? Remember to examine the “opposite purpose from Shamayim” that may apply to us Torah abiding Jews.


elisheva said...

They won't make aliya, so they'd better be screaming for geula shleima bera chamim.

I checked the Hebrew dates of the Pittsburgh attack and Kristallnacht, and it turns out that Kristallnacht started on the eve of 16 Cheshvan and went on for a few days. Pittsburgh was on the 18 Cheshvan, so 80 years to the day. If that wasn't Hashem speaking to us through current events then I don't know what is.

At the time of Pittsburgnacht I asked what will Jews do if there are no flights, if there is a mob baying outside their homes, and there is no police. And sadly and predictably was derided. Yet here we are.

And now there are the powder keg US elections and it doesn't matter who wins, the other side is going to be out in force, literally, and neither of them are fans of Jews.

Regular Americans are discussing the upcoming race war, ... from a forum of AA women,

"No race war will happen...."


"Nah. I think you not understanding the climate.

If Trump win them radical whites are going the xxxxxx up. The country is going to be like Portland. This not regular.

If he lose , The proud boys & whyte supremacist groups going to act up.

This not a regular election."

"Trump supporters openly saying they are ready for war. Wait until the end. He openly says that if Biden wins, “we coming and we coming strong"

The harder the circumstances are the more critical and urgent the mass aliya of American Jews becomes. The problem is that there is no widespread ratzon, amongst the leadership especially, because this aliya is going to have to be organised and coordinated, with assistance for Jews in vulnerable situations. Saying that it is not possible is a complete lack of emuna. We have to have the razton and the emuna, and let Hashem decide the results.

Not scaremongering but looking the reality in the face.

Neshama said...

Didn’t like the language of the AA speakers. They are obviously not from the well informed, or the patriots.
They really don’t understand. They probably swallowed the msm lies, and the dems lies and distortions.
The LAW is behind the President and he can have them All arrested. He’s organized for such a scenario. All it takes is the law enforcement bodies. Once he’s elected it’s game over for them and they know it.
This really is a war against the S’M.

elisheva said...

The point is that regular Americans are aware of what is happening, and how to prepare in anticipation, either to leave the country or at least move to a rural area, whilst Jews remain comatosed. I don't know what you mean about dems lies, law and order has already broken down in an already violent country, there are already scenes of mobs demanding that whites hand over their homes, of blm intimdation of diners, demanding submission. Law enforcement is way down and crime is skyrocketing. Trump may not win, and either way, the radicals on the losing side will be causing mayhem. Add to the pot, nearly a year of covid, unemployment, fear, desperation, guns, drugs, ... it's a big mess.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

He might have law enforcement support but the military leadership is against him. Current and former chiefs like Powell have called for the military to intervene after the election to remove him from the white house if he doesn't concede. Those AAA women have their finger on the pulse.

Neshama said...

Gabriella, half the military are d s war mongerers. The other half are solidly behind The Pres and returning America functioning under the one and only Constitution et al. It is not evenly half and half. Those war mongerers are with the big binkers and ripping funds from the people, keeping the people in debt, so “THEY can fatten their pockets. It’s all been a SCAM for years.

There will be a big fight, but I believe that with HaShem overseeing Trump and the patriots, it will end messy but for the GOOD, this all goes together with “making peace” in the ME. We are heading into the thick of the redemption.

You are believing too much of the propaganda from the scared and hysterical dems and d s. Most if not 80% of ALL NEWS is fabricated lies about Trump.Like he said they are not after him, they are after the people, (to enslave them).

Be careful where you get your info from.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, calm down. Go back to trusting HaShem knows what HE is doing. Stop reading and listening to all that leads one away from Emunah. The chaos was all planned years ago, and now fully out in the open because of the mastery of Trump. Just “Hold On” As Reb Neuberger has written.

Don’t you see the war of evil vs good?

moshe said...

Firstly, the first commenter is putting the blame on white suprmesists; they are not the problem, the 'leftists' are the problem. These socialist/progressives are violent and the ones who hate the present administration in the U.S. and they are reminisent of the brown shirts in WWII germany (the national socialist party).
Secondly, the military and law enforcement are all in for the president, not the reverse. Also, do not believe 99% of the fake news, which is an epidemic in itself, worldwide.

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