26 October 2020

Rabbi Kessin and the Yechida, the Crown (Corona) and MASHIACH* * * * *

In the very beginning, the Rabbi speaks about the five levels and their connection to parts of the human body.

Nefesh = Liver
Ruach = Heart
Neshama= Brain
Chaya = is the light surrounding our body

and then there is the
Yechida = this floats, and is our connection to Hashem

The Rabbi then explains the same levels for Adam HaRishon

Chaya, Neshoma, Ruach and Nefesh = and says that these were corrupted via his sin.

The last, the Yechida, was NOT corrupted.

Then the Rabbi said something very “telling”, that the Yechida is the “Crown”of the Neshoma, and this is our communication with Hashem!

Did you catch that?
The Yechida is the “Corona”!

Therefore I immediately realised that our ability to communicate to Hashem has been infected.

Infected with ……and there are many hisronus to which we can relate. 

Now I will listen to the remainder of the Audio . . . Stupendous About MBY and MBD


 Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #2 | Mashiach Ben Yosef [AUDIO] Given 5/19/2020

The Coronavirus is the Clean-up of the Jewish People = The Pachad Mahvis
The world has become like Sodom
Judgment of the entire world and suffering simultaneously

This event precedes the Geulah


drbsd said...

I haven’t listen to the shiur yet, but I read here a fascinating explication about corona. Rab Itamar Swhuarts, the author; says that we can acces to the 50 gate of kedusha or the 50 gate of tuma. It’s in us. I write this because the phrase you wrote that our communication with Hashem has been infected. ( I strongly like and follow Rab Mendel Kessin) I just say after reading this essay that if we know how we can comunícate con Hashem better. It has a lot to do with the internet, if you are intrested.

Neshama said...

Drbsd: Rabbi Kessin in this shiur/class is not in any way speaking about us. He is describing the neshomos from Adam HaRishon on down to Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David. Its fascinating and the concepts he’s describing is of course Kabbala, the deeper understanding of the neshomos of these redemption figures.

drbsd said...

BH at the first opportunity I will listen to it.