27 October 2020

FLU Vaccine Exacerbates Respiratory System … and COVID testing kills

Brazilian Doctor Dies Participating in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial

A 28-year-old physician volunteer in Brazil, who was participating in a Phase 3 clinical trial of the experimental AZD1222 (formerly ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) for COVID-19 developed by AstraZeneca plc and Oxford University, died on Oct. 15, 2020. Early reports did not specify whether he had received the AZD1222 vaccine or a meningitis vaccine used as a “placebo.” It has since been reported that the man did receive the meningococcal vaccine used as a placebo in the trial instead of the experimental coronavirus vaccine, although no official confirmation has been released by AstraZeneca, which has cited privacy concerns for not making more information available to the public.

the show must go on . . .

The Clinical Trial in Brazil is Expected to Continue

In a public statement, Oxford University said, “All significant medical incidents, whether participants are in the control group or the COVID-19 vaccine group, are independently reviewed. Following careful assessment of this case in Brazil, there have been no concerns about safety of the clinical trial and the independent review in addition to the Brazilian regulator have recommended that the trial should continue.”

AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 trials on the AZD1222 vaccine had been halted last month when a trial participant developed inflammation of the spinal cord after vaccination in the United Kingdom. That trial was resumed in the U.K. after a review by Britain’s Medicines Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA). The trial on AZD1222 vaccine in the United States remains on hold pending an investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

AZD1222 (formerly ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) uses a genetically engineered adenovirus that causes common cold symptoms in chimpanzees (ChAdOx1 – chimpanzee adenovirus Oxford 1) and contains the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus surface spike protein. The AZD1222 vaccine induces production of the coronavirus surface spike protein, priming the immune system to attack the coronavirus if it later infects the body and causes COVID-19 disease.

No adenovirus-based vaccine has been successfully developed for use in humans, and questions have been raised about the approach.

Also see this

KOREA: Another 25 citizens pronounced DEAD from the flu shot 

The South Korean government is currently offering free flu vaccines to 19 million people across the country. The Korean Medical Association has deduced that the flu vaccine could potentially offset complications from covid-19, promising to keep people healthy and out of the hospital. This same theory (that a flu shot would stop covid-19) was peddled by the New York Times in March 2020.

Now the head of the Korean Medical Association is trying to halt the flu shot drive because twenty-five citizens were pronounced DEAD after taking the vaccine. The victims came from all age groups and include a 17-year-old boy and a man in his 70s. Because vaccine makers enjoy legal immunity, the human sacrifice ritual will go on and any problems will be swept under the rug and deemed “necessary” for the greater good.

What is their response

Vaccine drive resumes despite twenty-five deaths and three hundred fifty acute injuries

So what do they advise

A 2015 study investigated deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event’s Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States from 1997 to 2013. The researchers studied the cause of death and found that 51.4 percent of all vaccine-induced deaths in adults were caused by inactivated in?uenza vaccines. The flu vaccine remains the most ineffective vaccine on the market, with the largest number of adverse events reported to VAERS.

For children, the prognosis is just as bleak. A study published in the Thoracic Societyfound that children vaccinated with the inactivated flu vaccine are three times more likely than their non-vaccinated peers to be hospitalized with flu-like illness. These results were especially true for children with asthma.

A Department of Defense study, published in 2020, studied a phenomenon called virus interference among military personnel. The researchers found that influenza vaccination may increase the risk of the vaccine recipient succumbing to specific respiratory viruses, namely coronaviruses and metapneumovirus. When researchers examined the prevalence of non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to non-vaccinated individuals. These results were corroborated in a study titled, Increased Risk of Non-influenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. The study confirmed that children vaccinated with the inactivated flu vaccine were 440 percent more likely to be infected with non-influenza respiratory viruses such as coronaviruses.

If stopping the spread of covid-19 is so important, with governments shutting down people’s businesses and suppressing their livelihoods, then why isn’t flu vaccine-induced coronavirus infection being studied in greater detail? Are we afraid to learn that new outbreaks of infectious disease are strategically created and accelerated via immune-suppression and the toxic science of vaccination?

As South Korea and other Nations go forward with mass vaccination campaigns, they ignore the reality that this liability-free product is exacerbating the pandemic, increasing hospitalization in children, and causing unnecessary deaths in all ages. If one shred of the energy and funds being devoted to vaccination campaigns was used to implement strategies that actually make the human immune system strong, then all these respiratory viruses would be the ones dying off.

Sources include:

1 comment:

moshe said...

Look how they're rushing the vaccine agenda. They have 'TREATMENTS' for it and people are so unaware that they are still taking the flu shots when it was exposed during this epidemic that it makes it worse and more prone to get the Covid,c'v, when they take it. Shows you how potent the 'narrative' is when it's so propagandized in all the media. We pray that people wake up and that H' will hasten the Geulah already.