28 October 2020

The Top 5 Reasons to NEVER Get a Flu Shot

After getting a flu shot, your risk of catching Covid skyrockets at least 36 percent, and on up to 50 percent higher for human metapneumovirus* 

Ask yourself right now why the flu shot is almost always free, when all other preventative “medicine” costs a small fortune, even with insurance? 

In 1986, the vaccine industry as a whole was going bankrupt because they were fighting off so many lawsuits, so they went and lobbied Congress, who established the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, to save the vaccine manufacturers from going under.  From then on, compensation for vaccine-related injuries, no matter how severe, would come from a slush fund that’s funded by, wait for it… taxpayers.

Yes, folks, and that in itself is exactly why the flu shot is free, because of all the horrible health effects that send you and your children straight to the doctor for tests and prescribed chemical “treatment” of those symptoms. 

Think this one through very well.

It’s also important for all Americans to realize that 75 percent of all financial settlements for vaccine injuries are caused by the flu shot, and that’s where Dr. Alvin H. Moss, M.D. comes in. He testified to all of this, in front of the West Virginia Senate Education Committee in March of 2017. Dr. Moss is a professor and a physician at the Center for Health Ethics & Law Department at West Virginia University, and he’s testifying that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has already paid out over $3.6 billion for vaccine injuries, and that was almost three years ago. Then think of all the injured people who didn’t win in court, or even go to court, fearing they couldn’t or wouldn’t win anyway.

Plus, the most money paid out ever in one year happened in 2016, so it’s getting worse. Think about that for a minute. That’s nearly $4,000 MILLION, dished out in secret, never to be talked about, because vaccines are so dangerous. Surely that total has surpassed $4 billion by now. Even though 40 percent of all vaccines are flu shots, more than 60 percent of injury compensations stem from it. Go figure.

That brings us to the top 5 reasons to NEVER get a flu shot

#1. Flu shots lower your immunity to other viruses, including Covid-19.

#2. Flu shots increase risk of catching the flu the following flu season.

#3. Multi-dose flu shots are loaded with brain-damaging mercury.

#4. No flu shot has ever been proven safe or effective in clinical trials.

#5. The flu shot is “free” because it causes so many other expensive ailments.

Yes, receiving the flu shot can INCREASE your risk of catching other respiratory viruses, and when you hear that, you can’t help but think of the “C” word — Covid. This phenomenon of catching dangerous respiratory viruses because you got the influenza vaccine is known as “virus interference,” and there’s science to back it up. Department of Defense personnel were researched based on their flu shot status in relation to their association with respiratory viruses.


After getting a flu shot your risk of catching Covid-19 skyrockets at least 36% and on up to 50% for contracting Human Metapneumovirus

After getting a flu shot, your risk of catching Covid skyrockets at least 36 percent, and on up to 50 percent higher for human metapneumovirus (the latter causes upper and lower respiratory disease), and that’s according to laboratory data from a disease-specific investigation. Virus interference trends were recognized for Covid-19 and human metapneumovirus, and chances of contracting both were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated people.

Another study published in the same medical journal Vaccine in April of 2018 (Volume 36, Issue 15) found that among children, the risk of catching an acute respiratory illness (ARI) goes up, and those illnesses come from non-influenza respiratory pathogens. So a child gets a flu shot, still gets the flu, and is more susceptible to catching non-flu-shot viruses too. It’s a double whammy and the odds are very high. How is this ever deemed “safe and effective?” The vaccinated children are the sickest Americans, and that, my friends, is why the flu shot is almost always “free.”

Complete article at naturalnews

Sources for this article include:

You don’t want to have to go to the hospital if this greets you!

Some of the coronavirus patients died because of mistakes by hospital staff.  Hospital official says some coronavirus patients died 'not because of the disease, but serious mistakes. I've never seen such big mistakes.'

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