06 October 2020

Yuval Ovadia - General Summary Natural Disasters



Brazilian Ben Noach said...

Some thoughts:
All leaders are puppets and serve the world power structure, which is against the the citizens of their countries and against Torah\HaShem. It is a 24-hour media theater: Macron, Merkel, Johnson, Trump, Biden, Putin, Erdogan, Rohani, Bibi, Modi, Xi, Kim, all play roles, they are not real enemies with each other. At this moment there is an internal dispute between groups of this elite, to decide who will lead after the reset. HaShem's natural reset and the parallel reset, which they architect. The occult elite is transnational. The armies of the world are preparing to reduce the population with certain criteria and also to manage the natural reduction due to the climax of climate change.
There is no Nibiru, no global warming, no gradual solar minimum. There will be a magnetic field flipping, with the sun going out for a while, many catastrophes due to that and a regeneration after that. Elephants have died, whales have stranded and birds have plummeted dead because the electromagnetic field in this realm is heading for a reset. Moshiach will come after all the trash has been burned. 99% of humanity, including most Jews and B’nei Noach, are not ready to accept Mashiach and the true divine laws, unless HaShem bends each man's knees. One must learn to fear Him before obeying Him properly. Love for HaShem without knowledge\practice and without fear\respect is an illusion. Many Jews, who are the true spiritual elite of the world, look great in kedushah, but they are theorists. They support masks, social distance, vaccines, wicked leaders, wicked biologists, wicked media. What to expect from non-Jews, who have both feet buried in impurity?
COVID-1984 is the largest false flag attack in History. Do not wear a mask or wash your hands with alcohol. Unlike oil, which preserves and concentrates, alcohol extracts and dissipates the essence. Here is the secret of the anointing of kings and prophets with oil: it isolates, retains, prevents the loss of the divine electric\spiritual charge to the environment. As for the mask, in addition to harming your health, it is part of a magical ritual, cultural conditioning or spiritual psychodrama, which has to do with mystery, secrecy, shutting up, subjection, passivity, funerary rites, simulation, mockery, carnival, assaults and lack of identity. Basically, the mask is something non-essential, unhealthy and for animal control. Despite appearing incidental and confusing, this new Pavlovian normality is coordinated and sophisticated. Here are the phases of initiation into the new technocratic-satanic world: isolation or purging, trauma or transition, and normalization or integration. Human journey so far has been from the crown of creation to the doormat of the occult elite, or from the creature of the Creator to the object of the State. The cancellation of the human rights and duties given by HaShem is being implemented.

Brazilian Ben Noach said...

Stock up on food, water and medicines\supplements. The lack of food was already expected and the pandemic also came to justify it. First inflation, then regulation in quantity, then huge queues to buy, then proof of vaccination to buy, then distribution regulated by the army\state, total lack of food and, of course, civil war at some point in this timeline.
Observe the following configuration to know when to leave cities (if possible): when the signs in the sky scare us, the foci of local wars will be connected to a world war; the signals will be more meteor showers illuminating the night, lightning like never before, spectacular northern lights further south, etc; the sun more focused, whiter and faster will be the main signal, until it goes out, and it may be the so-called star that announces Mashiach; as few know the correct model, which is the opposite of what is taught in schools, no one will connect the dots and any explanation from the media will calm the mood; war will give more powers of confinement and control, in addition to distracting and dismantling revolts. It looks confusing, but it is not. It is a plan that has been devised for a long time and being executed with rigor. Fit the Esav's nine-month reign and other Jewish prophecies in this context.
The last pragmatic signal is a law that will then be enforced: healthy children will be removed from their homes. They will take the children right before the event! Tests can be easily falsified to be positive. If at some point the internet and telephony go down, people confined to their homes will be guided only by TV, state radio, megaphones on the streets, talking drones, etc. Most will not know that 90% of those removed from families will be children: no one will notice the pattern. Pay attention to this: when they capture the children, the event will be close. Or the natural\divine event that the elite monitors and has no control over, or the side event of deception that the elite will stage (EMP weapon, alleged asteroids, alien invasion).
Below I mentioned some links. The first is a video of a child being removed from the home recently; the second is from a neighborhood in the interior of Argentina where confined residents receive a kit of food and another of cleaning products; the next three links are for climate monitoring, updated frequently; the last two links are from places where it would be safer to be, as they were built specifically for this type of event, which is frequent in our fake History.
HaShem bless this excelent blog. He be praised and obeyed all over the world. May He be merciful to all of us who are with Him. And may Mashiach reign soon.

Neshama said...

Brazil, I was wondering how you were? Where you are still residing?
Thank you for your warnings. I hope my readers take from it what they need.
Wishing you well and survival.

moshe said...

Much of what the Brazilian Ben Noach writes is correct. The agenda of satanic Esav is just as he writes, but we have Hashem and HE will not allow their evil goals to ever materialize. Just as HE allowed the wicked Nimrod & his evil followers to go to war against Him and reach the heights, just then, HE scattered them throughout the world and jumbled the language where no one could understand the other. So it will be with the enemies of G-D today, their descendants/reincarnations); they will be totally gone after that Great and Awesome Day of Judgment. They have gone and plan to go too far and that will be their end. The golden lining to this insane and evil era is that it will bring us Moshiach tzdkeinu, in a blink of an eye.

Neshama said...

Moshe, That’s what Yuval Ovadia says I. The Succos post. Read it!

Neshama said...

Thank you for writing. The spark of a Jewish neshoma (soul) resides within you and it is striving to connect with HaShem. Keep doing what you are doing and may the wings of the Shechina protect you. A thought. To protect your project, maybe send me some as another backup. It might be good to have more than one place for everything? Only if you feel it is reliable. Many of your contacts are goor sources.

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