02 February 2020

the masks come off

One of the less stand out items of Trump's Deal for the Mid - East, includes replacing Israel rule with "Palestinian" administration for large clusters of current Israeli Arab populations in a relatively small area of Israel.

The clear upside of this for Israel, the Jewish state, is that we will have about a quarter-million fewer Arabs in our Jewish state. If I may be blunt and totally politically incorrect; this is wonderful for a whole lot of obvious reasons.

Since Israel's founding as a "Jewish and democratic state," official Israel and it's Arab citizens have been dancing at a masquerade ball.

On the one hand, these Arabs were an integral part of the genocide minded enemies during and before the 1948 Independence war. They were however amongst the smarter and very lucky ones not to flee the area when the Arab armies invaded and told the Arabs to leave temporarily while they slaughter the Jews. They promised that they would then be able to return and occupy the properties of the slaughtered Jews. Simple and realistic at the time.

That was the plan. It did not work and thankfully the bulk of the Arabs did leave never to return. Those who did not, the smarter ones, enjoyed the paradise that was then built around them, called the Jewish state. They have been enjoying the fruits of the trees of this Paradise all the while cursing it and supporting those who would cut them down.

How do I know this?
They vote for Arab parties that support Israel's enemies.
A poll that evaluated Arab countries' attitudes to the Holocaust, found that the highest percentage of Holocaust deniers were amongst Israeli Arabs!

Last night there were two demonstrations against the idea of exchanging Israeli rule for "Palestinian" rule in these areas.

One was organized by "Peace Now", the Israeli extreme Left group. They do not want to part with their anti-Israel Arab comrades no matter the political considerations of the government. That would be clearly immoral and illegitimate

Expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes by the government for political considerations is, however, very legitimate, moral and just wonderful.

There was another demonstration last night in the Israeli Arab town of Baka al Gharbia. They do not want to lose the Jewish Paradise that they hate so much in favor of living under their beloved "Palestine" flag and brutal Arab rule.

I get it. Paradise beats a corrupt hell hole; even a Paradise hated.

They claim that they are legitimate and natural citizens of Israel and it is unthinkable and immoral to take that from them.

If I were them, in order to win Jewish naive hearts and gain Jewish allies for the argument for their natural place in Israel, I would have raised the "beloved" Israeli flag and sing Hatikva at their demonstration. Instead, they raised the "Palestine" flag and chanted "Palestine from sea to sea" (in other words, destroy Israel). Did God harden their hearts or did he not have to...?

No matter how foolish the Arabs are in arguing their claim to remain in the Jewish Paradise they so clearly abhor, there will always be many useful Jewish idiots to cover up for them.

There is though a huge downside to ridding ourselves of a good number of the those who are a terrible burden on the backs and in the bowls of the Jewish state.

How can any Jew ever relinquish even an inch of our God-given beloved land?

Seems like a lose-lose situation

I once knew a very very great rabbi, a lover of and warrior for his people and land who did have just the right formula.

His formula was a win-win one for the Jewish Nation who finally returned to their land.
Forfeiting any of the God-given land was not an option. Allowing Arabs to strangle the Jewish state from within was also not going to be one.
He warned us of the thorns in our sides.
He refused to attend the masquerade ball.
He kept warning us of missed opportunities.
These were lost along with him.


moshe said...

We are ma'aminim bnai ma'aminim, so we know this supposed 'state' will never come about. Any Jew who feels that such a 'state' should, c'v, exist, does not belong within the Jewish nation! No one, no human, no country, no one can or will ever succeed at going against G-D's Promises! To even debate it is a gargantuan 'sin'. The whole makeup and system of the memshala is a joke. The parties are just interested in their own power and greed, and that includes the so-called religious parties; otherwise, these debates (and especially since the wicked Oslo) would never get off the ground. H' is testing His people and the world, so Yehudim better be on the right side, the side of H'.

Neshama said...

So well said, Moshe. Kol HaKavod!

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