09 February 2020

UPDATE: Asian Soldiers Training Among the IDF

SOLDIERS FROM ASIAN COUNTRY WITH CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK TRAINING WITH IDF IN ISRAEL.  IDF says no concern about infection with coronavirus during joint exercise taking place at base in southern Israel. [because they are taking daily temperature checks? this is supposed to alleviate fear??] INN

We should be asking:
Were they quarantined for 14 days BEFORE being among the IDF?
I hope they realise that daily checks mean nothing because the incubation period is 14 days within which NO SYMPTOMS appear until full-blown ill. It is “before they become ill that they infect anyone near them and more.” 
Therefore, during all the time these “persons” are going among IDF soldiers “they” could be infecting them. This could lead to major sections of the IDF being quarantined and not available for action in defence of Eretz Yisrael.


EL AL: The Hong Kong line operating normally
EL AL Israel Airlines says that its flights to Hong Kong are operating normally. It was responding to reports that it has decided to reduce the flights on the route due to the coronavirus. INN

REAL SMART THINKING. Here is another snafu, since another huge city in China, Shenzhen, is going into lockdown, people are running to Korea to escape the forced enclosure; and they may just be harbouring the nCoV (coronavirus). And if ELAL is going back and forth, and bringing passengers, they just might be bringing the nCoV to Eretz Yisrael.


Unknown said...

I am sure it was made on purpose as a matter of SABOTAGE by our enemies within. It looks like the outbreak in Israel is unavoidable !

Another huge vulnerability is the Israel's southern border to Sinai, which is as leakproof as a piece of swiss cheese. Just consider how many african infiltrants are able to come through this "border" illegaly and to occupy Tel Aviv. The huge problem with this border to Africa is that Africa WILL SURELY have very soon an huge out-of-control pandemic of this Bio-weaponized Corona Virus. Because the corrupt Ethiopian authorities refuse to stop the airline traffic from China, and the panicked Chinese who try to escape China are comming right now in thousands to Ethiopia, without any health checks or other controll.

See this article by zerohedge about this huge problem with Chinese mass immigration to Ethiopia, trying to escape the quarantine in China.
" Coronavirus – The African Connection "
And also this article:
" Ethiopians are slamming their government for not stopping China flights"

It is sure that ALREADY NOW there must be many cases of this infection in Ethiopia. And very soon it will spead all over Africa. The only reason that the world knows nothing right now about the infections in Africa, is becasue the authorities in Africa are lacking the test kits for this Novel Coronavirus. But now the WHO is sending them these test kits, which means that VERY SOON we will know about the huge outbreak in Afrika.

But Israel is unprepared for this, becasue it lacks the fence at its southern border with Sinai. That makes the chances of Israel to escape well this pandemic to be very small. NOW is the time to prepare for the worst !


Unknown said...

I am sure it was made on purpose as a matter of SABOTAGE by our enemies within. It looks like the outbreak in Israel is unavoidable !

Another huge vulnerability is the Israel's southern border to Sinai, which is as leakproof as a piece of swiss cheese. Just consider how many african infiltrants are able to come through this "border" illegaly and to occupy Tel Aviv. The huge problem with this border to Africa is that Africa WILL SURELY have very soon an huge out-of-control pandemic of this Bio-weaponized Corona Virus. Because the corrupt Ethiopian authorities refuse to stop the airline traffic from China, and the panicked Chinese who try to escape China are comming right now in thousands to Ethiopia, without any health checks or other controll.

See this article by zerohedge about this huge problem with Chinese mass immigration to Ethiopia, trying to escape the quarantine in China.
" Coronavirus – The African Connection "
And also this article:
" Ethiopians are slamming their government for not stopping China flights"

It is sure that ALREADY NOW there must be many cases of this infection in Ethiopia. And very soon it will spead all over Africa. The only reason that the world knows nothing right now about the infections in Africa, is becasue the authorities in Africa are lacking the test kits for this Novel Coronavirus. But now the WHO is sending them these test kits, which means that VERY SOON we will know about the huge outbreak in Afrika.

But Israel is unprepared for this, becasue it lacks the fence at its southern border with Sinai. That makes the chances of Israel to escape well this pandemic to be very small. NOW is the time to prepare for the worst !


moshe said...

Oh, how H' must hate these alliances with the nations! The state becomes more treife by the day being led by the Erev Rav. H' yerachem and protect every Yehudi in EY and everywhere, together with the righteous of the world.

Neshama said...

Thank you DWD, the “crisis” is not being recognised by nations around the world as being a possible unstoppable pandemic. In order to control it, QUARANTINE is the only method. Just in case the “miracle vaccine” comes to help most people, I for one do not want to have those ingredients swimming around in my system. So be it . . . .

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