16 February 2020

Rabbi Eliyahu shlit”a at the Kotel to Pray for the People of China Who are in Great Distress

Thousands of Jews came to the Western Wall from across the country to pray for the good health of people in China at the behest of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of the city of Tzfat and member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, in response to his call on Thursday night for faithful Jews to assemble at the Western Wall on Sunday, to “pray for the people of China who are in great distress.”

תפילה ביום א' בכותל על תושבי סין
"טוֹב ה' לַכֹּל וְרַחֲמָיו עַל כָּל מַעֲשָׂיו". אנו נקראים להתפלל על תושבי סין שנמצאים במצוקה גדולה. עשרות אלפי אנשים נמצאים בבידוד. מיליונים בהסגר. חמישית מתושבי העולם בחרדה גדולה. על כל אחד ואחד מהם נאמר: "חביב אדם שנברא בצלם".
אנו נקראים להתפלל על תושבי סין, אנו נקראים להתפלל על כל החולים במדינות האחרות. להתפלל על העולם. ביום ראשון (16-2) בשעה 4:30 בכותל המערבי נתפלל כולנו. ויהי רצון שה' ישמע תפילתנו ויקיים בנו. "וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ כָּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה וּבְזַרְעֶךָ". (בראשית כח יד).

“Tens of thousands of people are in isolation, millions under quarantine,” the rabbi’s press release said. “One fifth of the world’s inhabitants experience great anxiety. About each and every one of them it was said: ‘Beloved is man for he was created in the image [of God]’ (Mishna Avot, 3:14).”

“We are called upon to pray for the people of China,” Rabbi Eliyahu’s message continued. “We are called upon to pray for all the sick in the other countries as well. Pray for the world.”

“On Sunday, February 16, at 4:30 PM, at the Western Wall, we will all pray,” the rabbi urged. “And may God hear our prayer and make true through us the verse ‘In thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed,’ (Genesis 28:14).”

Earlier on Thursday, Rabbi Eliahu posted an exceptionally moving message, saying, “There is a tradition held by the people of Israel, that one blessing draws another. And when there was an epidemic in the nation of Israel, King David taught us to thank and bless every favor we receive from God, and so the plague stopped (II Samuel 24). That gift which we received from King David, we want to pass on to the Chinese people.”

“King David taught us to bless with a song,” Rabbi Eliahu continued, and called on all creative people, “composers, musicians and singers to compose a gift song from Israel to the Chinese people. A song of partnership, of prayer, of blessing.”


Source: A beautiful article about Rav Eliyahu: JewishPress


Bar-Ilan U New Technology May Speed Up Coronavirus Diagnosis  JewishPress

Excerpt: Dr. Danielli’s lab has developed a technology for sensitive detection of virus-specific RNA sequences [if this is an RNA sequence] by attaching the virus’ RNA to a fluorescent molecule that emits light when illuminated by a laser beam. At very low concentrations of RNA, the signal emitted is so low that existing devices cannot detect it. “If we think of the saliva of a corona patient filling an entire room, then this laser beam can be compared to the size of a fist and at low concentrations of virus RNA, there might be only 2–3 fluorescent molecules within that fist,” explains Danielli. Adding magnetic particles to the solution enables them to adhere to the fluorescent molecules. This enables a greater concentration of fluorescent molecules and a much more accurate measurement. Read full article at above link.

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