12 February 2020

Dear Mr Kushner . . .

Mr Kushner, 
is this who you want to ‘house’ in 
the Land of Eretz Yisrael, our tiny homeland?

“Palestine” is from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, says senior Fatah official [no, ‘Palestine’ IS Jordan]

"Fatah Commissioner and Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi: "Who said that we are for a state on the 1967 [lines]? Who said this? In Fatah, this does not exist in our constitution and our charter! They [Israel] want Beit El and Ma’ale Adumim (i.e., Israeli towns in the West Bank) to be Israeli, and we say that Nazareth, Haifa, and Acre (i.e., Israeli cities) are Palestinian, and they will remain Palestinian! Our Palestinian land is from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea. I dare any Palestinian, any senior Palestinian official, or any Palestinian leader to reduce the Palestinian map to the West Bank and Gaza! He would not be able to walk one meter in the streets of our Palestinian cities among our people! … Arab brothers… Be with the Palestinian people, the people that lives on land that is all holy and that is all waqf land (i.e., an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law.)"
[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, Feb. 2, 2020]

"Tawfiq Tirawi also holds the position of Fatah Commissioner of Popular Organizations

"Posted text: 'A speech condemning the deal of the century given by [Fatah Central Committee member] brother Tawfiq Tirawi during a meeting with the [Fatah] Movement associations and bureaus, Jan. 30, 2020’ ”



HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I know that a lot of people think Jordan is Palestine. But I'm afraid not; it's OURS. That's why I wrote a post and put a map of Greater Eretz Yisrael on it (actually, 2 - one in Hebrew, one in English) based on the parameters of our Holy Torah. It extends well beyond Jordan. The Arabs are afraid, because they know that somehow this will happen. This is why they keep saying that we're "spreading like a cancer" and similar nasty words.

Someday we'll get it all; how, I have no idea. But I think that HQB"H would want us to desire that.

Drums of War

We would like America to get it - someday they will, or they'll go bust.

Neshama said...

Thank you HDG. I went to your link, but the war didn’t come, and you didn’t really discuss why that land belongs to us, and other than the map, you didn’t state what other current nations will be uprooted to make way for Greater Eretz Yisrael, only to happen after Mashiach arrives. Your 9/19 needs a sequel, in response to my post — on your blog, with all the links.

Elucidate for our readers exactly why you commented on Dear Mr Kushner. Be more exacting. This is a great topic and readers should learn more (or be reminded).

Neshama said...

HDG: Also, I believe this so called Deal, is just a sort of jump start to more dynamic happenings. Notice that Trump introduced Kushner’s 3 year efforts, but its not really Trumps plan. It’s Kushner’s plan. Trump wouldn’t do such nitpicking, he’d be more bombastic. Now that Trump was sort of embarrassed, he’s going to think about it on his own. And like recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, he might just recognize the real biblical Eretz Yisrael, and repeal the Sykes Pico plan and allow the Arab tribes to reform again, and propose a state for the beleaguered people in northern Syria, bringing the other half from Turkey too.

Neshama said...

Exactly, this need a follow-up Post!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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