10 February 2020

Stunning First Person Account of Nearly Dying

I heard horrific booms and I felt the glass break over me and the wind blowing through the windshield, and it was just me and the screams in an enemy village. 

It took another second for me to lift my head and look at all the glass that covered me, and understand that I am in a battle for my life, that I wasn't harmed and I need to recover.

 "Anyone who knows me knows that I am a woman of peace, and I try to act with gentleness and respect towards others....but there is no question that something has cracked inside of me. I met violence which has no words, which has no forgiveness. I met terrorists."

"There can be no tolerance for such violence," [ . . .] that "throwing rocks is a terror attack, it's an attempted murder."

"A rock is a weapon, there is no question. We're not talking about spontaneous rock-throwing by a bored kid walking home from school. There's no question that that is also dangerous, but on Thursday night there were terrorists waiting, squatting at the side of the road to murder me.

"I didn't try to harm them, I just wanted to get home in peace. They tried to harm everyone's peace, and therefore, such wild ones have no right to walk free."

[ . . .] "I was a step away from being a horrific newspaper headline. This is my life, and that of all residents of Judea and Samaria. It's simply Russian roulette."

Read full article: On Thursday night I was almost killed in a terror attack'


Brazilian Ben Noach said...

I will not write any news here. Sometimes it is good to remember the truth so as not to be surprised by what should not be a surprise. Anyone who does not submit to Islam must be killed. Any sincere Muslim can explain this without subterfuge. Allahu Akbar… but much bigger than they think, because He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Torah. The attack on the Jews exists because true holiness in this world comes through them. For false holiness to reign, the true must be contained, combated and corrupted. Jewish culture never allows the use of shield children. An authentic Jew never uses child bombers. The number of Israeli casualties is just not the highest in the statistics because anti-Jewish rockets are shot down in the air. The people of Israel are trained to run to shelters, while the neighboring populations are encouraged to martyrdom. How can one justify, without subterfuge, the fact that the murderer of a Jewish child, stabbed to death in his sleep, is treated by the family, the community and the Palestinian authorities as a martyr? It is undeniable that anti-Judaism has no value shalom, in fact anti-Jewish values are reversed. In Islam, a woman is entitled to less inheritance than her brother and her testimony is worth less than a man's testimony. In short, they are second-rate people in this religion. And if a man needs it, he can copulate with a goat, as long as he slits the animal after orgasm (excuse me, sometimes you need to talk about the donkey in the room). When reading sharia, it is clear that the donkey is wild. Furthermore, it is understood why the word Islam means submission. According to Islamic doctrine, he who does not bow to Islam must be summarily beheaded. Just as there is widespread ignorance about figures like V. Lenin, Mao Zedong and Che Guevara, so does Islam. Nothing new or good brought Muhammad. Islam is a fascist ideology before it was a religion. Nazi myths are published in the popular press of Islamic countries as truths. For Muslims, killing or being killed by a Jew guarantees them immediate entry into paradise. The following sermon was broadcast on Palestinian Authority television on August 3, 2001: “All weapons must be aimed at Jews, enemies of Allah and which the Koran describes as monkeys and pigs, worshipers of calves and idols. Allah will cause the Muslim to prevail over the Jew. We will blow them up in Hadera, Tel Aviv and Netanya in honor of Allah against this mob. We will enter Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa and Ashkelon as conquerors. We bless all those who educate their children for jihad and martyrdom. Blessed is he who fires a bullet in the head of a Jew.” They believe that the honor of the resurrection will not come until Muslims fight against the Jews and kill them all. This is human Muslim theology. There is no moral equivalence between Judaism and Islam. In fact, Judaism is not a religion, nor is it any ism. In addition to a practical way of life, Judaism is the truth. The truth does not need proselytism, it is always consistent. Pope Francis, a Jesuit pope, had the audacity to preach the open borders to Israel when he found himself behind non-scalable walls. It is still a selective audacity, because it does not preach the open borders to China, North Korea or Iran, for example.
[Part 1...]

Brazilian Ben Noach said...

The spirit of Islam will never consider any bilateral treaty and all other people will only live as a supplicant slave to a caliphate if not exterminated earlier. There is absolutely no sense of coexistence in the plans of honest Muslims. There are only two Islamic stances towards Israel: destruction by permanent confrontation or negotiation in stages until destruction. Despite this plan, Jews will no longer be uprooted from their land. HaShem guarantees it. They tried recently and were humiliated. They will try again and be destroyed. The UN serves as an irrefutable record of the nations' hatred against Israel. Even those nations that claim to believe the Bible. In fact, the only group really friendly to the Jewish people, under any circumstances, is the one that follows the laws given to Noach. The B'nei Noach are the non-Jews devoted to the God of Torah; it is not religion, nor a Judaizing sect, nor Judaism for non-Jews, but the code of morality that forms the basis of civilization according to the Creator's vision. The false narrative that Jews have no historical connection to the Temple Mount has been widespread. To accuse a Judaism of Jerusalem is ridiculous as saying that Brazilians are Brazilianizing Rio de Janeiro. No matter what the world thinks of Jewish and Israeli rights to Jerusalem, it is a divine issue and worse for those who do not understand the seriousness of it. There has been a relentless terrorism against the Jews since Israel declared independence in 1948. For example, France is not opposed to Palestinian terrorism, in fact it facilitates it, since the French government pays millions of money to Palestinian NGOs, whose declared objective is to destroy Israel . For its part, Turkey, through the NGO Mirasimiz, pays US $ 1,000.00 for each man and woman to harass and shout against the Jews in the streets of the old city of Jerusalem: the main staff is “Allah is great and the Jews must be killed ”. Of the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Palestinian Authority receives from Europe, more than half is given as a reward to the families of the martyrs who killed Jews. Palestinian terrorists serving time in Israeli jails each receive an average of $ 35,000.00 annually from the Palestinian Authority, in addition to government expenditure on prisoners. UNESCO has said that Jewish holy sites are historically Palestinian: a huge and petulant fraud. Worse than Christian historical revisionism, which says Jews were replaced as the chosen people, UN revisionism says Jews were never there. It has always been like that with the UN, kosher on the menu and filth on the plate. The Palestinian Authority has demanded that Israel return the Dead Sea Scrolls, although they are written in Hebrew. What is most striking is that this distortion of reality manages to convince many people. There are more differences among Brazilians than between Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian citizens. They are the invention of an extinct people with doubtful descendants. There was no Arab Palestine in the last millennium. Was Palestine founded when and by whom? What were its borders, its capital and its main cities? What was your form of government and the basis of your economy? On any date, what was your currency? What was the supposed language of that supposed nation? How can a real nationality have a name that cannot be pronounced in its native language? What was your predominant religion? Did the Palestinians leave any historical artifacts or literary works produced before 1967? Name a Palestinian leader prior to Y. Arafat.
[Part 2...]

Brazilian Ben Noach said...

Israel did not start the 1948 war, which created millions of Palestinian refugees. Israel did not declare war in 1967. Israel does not spend more than half of its foreign aid to finance terrorism against its neighbors. Israel has not spent millions of dollars for decades to sponsor Islamophobic propaganda and incite violence against Palestinian civilians. Israel does not call for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Israel does not sponsor explosions from Palestinian restaurants, buses and clubs. Palestinian leaders had the opportunity to establish a state in 1937. Again, in 1947. Again, in 2001. Again, in 2008. Israel was the only country willing to give up part of its tiny ancestral land after winning all wars against an enemy. aggressor, all for the hope of achieving peace. However, Palestinian terrorist attacks have increased sharply. A clear case of opposition between a civilized people and a barbarian people. The deal with a thug like Y. Arafat was one of the worst mistakes in the State of Israel. The NGO TIPH, funded by Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey, is another example of the Israeli lack of assertiveness. Terrorist neighbors are cancer: cancer is not treated like the cold. Humanitarian excuses, supplies, financing, offers, talks and a ceasefire are enough. After all, if Jerusalem is so important to Islam, why is the city not mentioned in the Koran? For more than two millennia, Jews have been lighting the menorah in Jerusalem. As long as the Jews are not the only priests who represent all nations on the Temple Mount, the whole world will live in war and terror. Zionism is correct, poorly understood and should be supported by nations, as it is a project that aims at peace for the whole world. The consecrated land belongs to the Jews: simple and just like that. There is nothing more natural than a Jew in Judea, Gaza or Samaria. Nobody wants peace more than the Israeli nation. However, the enemies of the Torah intends to teach the world, the government of Israel and the people of Israel what peace is. How to speak in peace with someone who rejects their right to exist? Zionism and the State of Israel emerged to preserve and protect the Jewish people. A state with a Jewish majority, a Hebrew language and a Jewish constitution is not just T. Herzl's idea or a fundamentalist whim. Zionism is a response to anti-Judaism, which in its hatred confuses legitimate nationalism with racism. The Jewish people with the Torah in the land of Israel: if one of the pillars of that tripod is missing, it doesn't work. There is a serious problem with the Israeli government: neither the Jewish people nor the Torah are prioritized, nor is the legitimate boundary of the land of Israel known. In 1948 and 1967, Israel erred in not transferring or expelling all foreigners from its land. Out of pusillanimity, omission or failure to recall Purim's lesson, the State of Israel has paid a high price since then.
Greetings from a Brazilian who is proud to have been born in the same city as Osvaldo Aranha, articulator of that UN assembly in 1947, in addition to descending from Bnei Anussim. Shalom, shalom.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...