01 September 2019

Understanding the Psychology of Semantics

Misinformation Designed to Deligetimize
(How 7500 becomes 750,000 and even more)
Editorial By Alison Fujito,
Children’s Health Defense Contributing Writer

“Mr. Paumgarten, it’s long past time to address the misinformation in articles like yours, The Message of Measles, which paints such an intensely biased, extremist picture of those who delay or even refuse vaccines, that by my definition, it does not qualify as journalism.

“In the first place, please stop calling us “anti-vaxxers.” WE VACCINATED OUR CHILDREN. Our sons and daughters had medically-documented, serious adverse reactions to vaccines. Not redness, swelling, or a little fever, but autoimmune reactions, neurological reactions like seizure, encephalopathy, or loss of consciousness, and a host of others with long-term sequelae. Yet our children’s injuries are dismissed and ignored, while we are inexplicably —and unethically— told we must continue to vaccinate to protect others.

“Why wouldn’t we protest?

“This isn’t about your conspiracy theories of “the anti-vaccination movement,” Andrew Wakefield, social media phenomena, “die-heard refuseniks,” and this most certainly is not about “immunological amnesia.”

“This is about what happened to our children, and why. We haven’t forgotten what happened to our own children, Mr. Paumgarten. We never will. Some of us will regret that we vaccinated until the day we die.

“Some of us are not even opposed to vaccines, only to compulsory vaccination. Others have, understandably, lost trust in the entire medical system. We are, however, united in our opposition to fraudulent product licensure, fraudulent product marketing, and corruption of government entities meant to oversee industry, but staffed by it instead.

“People seem to have no trouble understanding the fraud and corruption that led to the opioid debacle. And the Vioxx debacle. And the DES, thalidomide, and countless other debacles caused by pharmaceutical dishonesty. There is clear evidence of fraud and corruption involving many vaccines. Why is that so hard to accept?

“Note that Merck has been in federal court since 2010 on fraud charges brought by their own virologists, who disclosed that they were actually forced to falsify efficacy data for the MMR vaccine.

“This is especially significant because Merck, like other vaccine manufacturers, is already exempt from the gold standard requirement of randomized, double-blind, inert-placebo-controlled safety trials on vaccines because they are classified as “biologics” rather than “drugs.” Yet, astoundingly, in the US, they cannot be sued for adverse reactions, not even if they are proven negligent.

“Inadequate safety testing for a mandated medical intervention, yet full protection from liability — this is a recipe for disaster.

“As if that weren’t bad enough, we also lack an adequate reporting system for post-vaccine adverse events.

“The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was intended to pick up signals of unanticipated adverse reactions. It was put in place in 1989 along with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, because children were suffering vaccine-induced seizures, and their parents were suing the vaccine manufacturers, who had never fully disclosed the risks.

“Parent representatives and legislators agreed that the new reporting system would contain a Table of Injuries that would, under specific circumstances, automatically qualify for compensation, so that families could obtain necessary long-term medical care for their vaccine-injured children. This included seizures within a specified time frame following certain vaccines, already noted in package inserts as reported adverse reactions.

“Under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, physicians were and still are required to report post-vaccination events listed on the Table of Injuries.

“But in February of 1995, seizures were quietly removed from the Table of Injuries by Donna Shalala.

“So, today, most doctors don’t bother to report post-vaccine seizures to VAERS, because they’re not required to.

“In fact, a 2010 CDC-funded study by Harvard Pilgrim found that less than 1% of the post-vaccination adverse events recorded by doctors in their own medical records were ever reported to VAERS.

“This means that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System fails to pick up signals of unanticipated seizure reactions, because the vast majority are not being reported.

“It also means we have no idea how many serious adverse events follow vaccination, nor how many of those are genuine reactions. They’re not reported; they don’t get investigated. Even those that are reported are not adequately investigated. Also, there are no studies under way to uncover shared susceptibilities to adverse vaccine reaction.

“We can’t even find out how many seizure reactions WERE reported. VAERS staff, rather than the reporting doctors, assign one of at least 28 different reporting codes to seizure/encephalopathy/similar neurological events, which are then listed in alphabetical order together with ALL other event reports.

“Even so, I was able to find over 7,500 reports of such reactions reported as associated with MMR vaccines.

“Is that 1% of what really happened? More? Less?

“If it’s 10% of what really happened, we’d be looking at 75,000 such reactions.

“If it’s 1%, we’re looking at 750,000.

“Seizures. Epilepsy. Convulsions. Encephalopathy. Encephalitis.

“Brain damage.”

* * * * *


[…] Unvaccinated students have 14 days from the start of school to prove they received the first dose of each immunization, and they must make appointments for the next round within a month. Most schools reopen just after Labor Day. YWN

1 comment:

moshe said...

Simply put, once any government starts to coerce its citizens to do things that go against their values, religion and ethics, then the country can no longer really call itself a 'democracy'. These unrealistic and problematic rules & restrictions are just a sign that freedom is slowly being chisled away. People should start thinking and wake up.

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