25 September 2019

Israel Police: Drinking Water? . . . and Jay Walking?

What has happened to helpful and kind Israeli Police who save lives of  babies locked in cars and cats stuck up in trees?
When did the police become the “POLITZIA” - “europeanish” in “anti” demeanor and rationality?
Arresting someone for “drinking water on Har HaBayit?” and accosting a haredi female for “jay-walking”?

Chareidi Woman Violently Arrested in Bnei Brak For Jay-Walking YWN

According to multiple reports, a female police officer asked her to identify herself, the woman refused and began to run away from the officer. Due to her refusal and resistance, she was arrested. The location is known to have traffic police monitoring the street for infractions on a consistent basis. In videos that were spread around social media, two violent police women are seen choking and dragging the woman while a crowd gathered around them and began yelling at them: “What is wrong with you? Leave her alone or you will sit in prison.”

A passerby attempted to calm the tensions and ask the officers why they don’t just give her a ticket. The officers responded that they cannot do so unless she identifies herself, something she refused to do. Due to the unrest of the gathered crowd, a large number of police reinforcements were called to the scene to assist in dispersing the crowd.

Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein and some of his staff members personally went to the police station in order to ask demand her release. “It is inconceivable that a Charedi woman would be arrested in such a violent manner without reasonable cause,” Rubinstein said. BeChadrei Charedim reported that after she was identified at the police station, she was issued a ticket for jay-walking and then was released.

YWN: Jerusalem police arrived at a home on Strauss Street where a chareidi family whose sons regularly take part in area protests reside. When police knocked on the door, the young teen panicked and jumped from the window from his first floor apartment. Seeing him run, police believed he was the wanted suspect. They apprehended him and placed him under arrest. Only after realizing they were after his brother and not him, was he released from the Russian Compound station.


The number of anti-Haredi attacks occuring in Israel is very troubling indeed. Ever since the fiasco of anti-religion pre-election politics, these attacks have increased. Will the non-Jewish Jews start replicating European anti-religion Of days gone by?

1 comment:

moshe said...

Believe these new policemen/women are NOT Jews; they are either erev rav amaleikim or mercenaries from different countries. Would not be surprised that Israel is now being given orders from the UN because they have aligned themselves with the globalists. Believe that only the religious are being harrassed because they want to get rid of Judaism. This is the war against G-D, r'l. All 'true' Jews (whether religious or secular) must unite against this evil and not let these fascistic rulings continue in EY.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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