22 September 2019

Jews or Israelis?

The 1992 elections brought Yitzchak Rabin and Shimon Peres to power. It was a close election but Labor was put over the top by a deal made with the Arab parties. Before the hard-fought election campaign, Rabin received an assurance of support from the Arab parties against the Likud and Yitzchak Shamir. The details of the deal were not made public but the results were a Rabin victory.

So what could Rabin have promised the (anti-Zionist, pro–PLO) Arab parties?

The answer came rather quickly.

Despite Rabin's campaign promise to the Jewish public that he would never consider recognition of a "Palestinian" state in the Land of Israel, and never recognize the PLO as legitimate, he dumbfounded the country with the Oslo accords and Arafat's triumphant entrance into the heart of our land. This development was the greatest surprise to date in Israeli politics and has had the greatest repercussions on the Jewish state since its birth. Today, the Oslo gamble and its horrific consequences are widely denounced by the majority of the Israeli (Jewish) public.

Since the 1992 Rabin/Peres–Arab secret Oslo deal, the Arab parties have not offered that same recommendation to form a coalition for any other Jewish candidate.

Until 2019.

When a PM candidate considers the choice of parties that he wishes to join his coalition, it is important to note which party receives his first phone call. Ganz decided that the party that encourages terror against Israeli soldiers and denies the legitimacy of a Jewish state most deserved the honor of the first call.

Benny Ganz and his "Blue and White " party made his first post-election call to Ayman Odeh, the head of the thirteen seat strong United Arab party

The details of that conversation are not known; but why do I keep thinking of 1992?

In 1996 when Peres lost a tight election to Netanyahu he was asked, "who lost”?  
He said "the Israelis”,  
and who won?  
"His answer;'the Jews”.

Take that in for a long moment.

It says a great deal about the national and personal identity of those living in the Jewish state today. Historically, deals with Arab parties and with Arab local "vote contractors" were something done but were well concealed for fear of great embarrassment even accusations of treachery to the Jewish people and state

No more.

It does indeed seem increasingly like" the Jews versus the Israelis."

Close cooperation between extreme anti-religious Israeli Jews (by birth) and anti-Israel Arabs is an open alliance whose time has come in the evolution of Israeli society.

The Jews will have to deal with the Israeli challenge


Please join me on my exceptional Sukkot tours:

Wednesday, Oct 16 - Welcome the migrating birds back in the Hula bird reserve.Also the Judean desert, Samaria, Jordan Valley.

Thursday, Oct. 17 -Tel Aviv that you never knew.

1 comment:

moshe said...

The continuation of the Erev Rav, hopefully, for a very, very short stay! We need to all pray to H' that He does not delay with sending Moshiach tzdkeinu, immediately! The holy Gaon of Vilna called them erev rav amaleikim!

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