20 September 2019

Kinyan Eretz Yisrael

We are blessed to be living in this generation, which will Yi"H witness the rebuilding of our Third Temple. The signs are coming and the prophecies, materializing right in front of our eyes!

Time is running out and soon Yom HaDin will be upon so. We all need to take upon ourselves good decision, whether it be in the area of Bein Adam L'Chavero or Bein Adam LaMakom. Start small, but be consistent. Every little effort counts in the eyes of Hashem, especially at this time of the year!

Kinyan Eretz Yisrael is here to serve the Jewish People and increase its merits.

In case you want acquire for yourself the blessings and segulos of Eretz Yisrael, you can do so through us for a very small price. Remember there are a total of 28 Mitzvos very few people have the opportunity of doing in a 7-year cycle!

For those who want to purchase the merit of the 28 Mitzvos of the Land of Yisrael, you can do so here: kinyaneretzyisrael

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life as Tzaddikim and merit to see the redemption with our own eyes! Thank you for your continuing support!

Wishing you a blessed Rosh Hashana and a Shana Tova Umetuka,

The Kinyan Eretz Yisrael Team

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Bitachon 191 - Be Careful What You Wish