Members of the Badatz Eida Chareidis, headed by HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita, have this week signed a harshly-worded letter prohibiting followers from participating in the upcoming election for 22nd Knesset.
This according to some represents the Eida ‘turning up the volume’ regarding its long-time opposition to participating in Israeli elections.
The letter adds that anyone participating in election is in actuality, fighting against the Torah HaKedosha and tradition.
“המשתתף בבחירות אלו נותן יד לפושעים ועליו לדאוג מאחריות השתתפותו בבית המינות, המחרף ומגדף מערכות אלוקים חיים. ולוחם נגד תורתינו הקדושה והמסורה”.
Signatories include Rav Weiss, Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch, HaGaon HaRav Ulman, HaGaon HaRav Rosenberger, HaGaon HaRav Yurovitz and HaGaon HaRav Fisher.

Peleg Says DON’T VOTE, Right-Wing/Chareidi Coalition Would be “Dangerous”
As the chareidi parties are fighting for every vote towards preventing the establishment of a left-wing secular coalition government, Peleg Yerushalmi warns “a right-wing/chareidi coalition government poses a danger, perhaps, not less than a government headed by Gantz and Lieberman”. Peleg rabbonim care calling on followers not to participate in elections.
The HaPeles newspaper affiliated with Peleg Yerushalmi on Tuesday writes that a right-wing/chareidi coalition is dangerous, and perhaps, no less dangerous than a government headed by Benny Gantz and Avigdor Lieberman. The ongoing efforts to impose draft quotas as part of a new draft law, are “destructive” explains Peleg leaders, warning against the establishment of a right-wing coalition along with the chareidim. “‘No’ to throwing chunks of our flesh to the tzibur for the chareidim to fill draft quotas, and ‘no’ with passive support for nationalizing chareidi education in an ongoing process. Nor do they watch over the Torah through careless silence in the face of the other breaches in religion”.
The newspaper continues, “Bnei Torah who understand, will not go to the polls to vote and they will not back a chareidi party”, concluding, “one who votes is actually assisting another in perpetrating an aveira.”
Source: YWN
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