18 September 2019

Hostility and Aggression Increases Upon New York Jews

Please understand that you are becoming victims of rampant hatred, violence, antisemitism. You are ALL POTENTIAL VICTIMS. Be careful what you do, what you say, and how you appear to those around you. Protection CANNOT be guaranteed from the authorities for individual, lone attackers. Because they are emblazoned and soon to be a majority, your way of living is threatened. Update all passports, prepare “exit-suitcases” (with all required documents) in the event you have to leave suddenly. Those who understand should make preparations and connections as to where you need to flee to.

“As quickly as one strikes a match it sparks a fire . . .”

VIRAL VIDEO: Jewish Woman Assaulted In Target Department Store In Flatbush

YWN:  A video viral on social media is making waves in the Jewish community, Monday afternoon.

screenshot from YWN
The video shows what appears to be an Orthodox Jewish women being assaulted multiple times, by a black woman inside the Target Department Store in Flatbush.

[the video shows victim being slapped repeatedly by this rabid antisemite YWN]

According to the video, the attacker admits numerous times that she was upset that the victim did not say “excuse me”, and reached over her child to get something from the shelf. This caused the attacker to become enraged, and hit the victim at least three times on camera.

At the end of the video, the woman asks people to call for security.

One person told YWN that the NYPD reportedly refused to press charges and instead they actually assisted the attacker in filing harassment suit against the victim who was was assaulted.

YWN has been unable to verify if this is in fact the case.


Man Chokes Williamsburg Shomrim Member

[another rabid antisemite:] A man was arrested after he choked a Williamsburg Shomrim on Monday morning. The incident surrounded a dispute regarding a parking issue. While the Shomrim member was talking to the truck driver (suspect), the man suddenly grabbed the Shomrim member, choking him. YWN [screenshot from YWN]


A Hasidic man was assaulted and robbed by several African-American youths in Williamsburg Tuesday night. It happened at around 10:00PM on Warsoff Place near Park Ave. Security camera footage shows the group of three thugs attack the victim, punch him in the face, and take his cell phone. Thankfully, the victim was not seriously injured. Shomirm & NYPD searching for the attackers. [screenshots from YWN]

UPDATE: Flatbush: Bullets Hit Jewish-Owned Vehicle During Shootout . . . An NYPD source tells YWN that it does not appear that the vehicle was a target, but simply caught in crossfire. [caught in crossfire is also being caught up in the aggression] YWN


moshe said...

Unfortunately, with the present mayor in office, it's not surprising.

Tomer Devorah said...

Did you see the video of the confrontation in Target? Did you see how many commenters to the YWN article questioned her good sense and judgment? I in no way condone the black woman's actions, but the Jewish woman's response was reprehensible in my view. The black woman attempted several times to walk away from the confrontation, and the Jewish woman not only appeared to insist on having the last word, but she egged her on until she came back to re-engage. It looked as if the Jewish woman was so intent on getting this black woman on camera that she incited her and ramped up the ill feelings. Also, the black woman was not just hitting the Jewish woman, she was hitting her hand that held the camera. She did not want to be videoed and I can't blame her. Let's be honest.

Neshama said...

My emphasis is on the quickness of raising a hand and slapping another person. It happened in the other incident in Wmsbrg and not the first time. The fact that name calling has turned into direct confrontation, hitting and attacking over “nothing” is a sign of further frustration and hostility by non-Jews to be taken out on the Jews. Violence starts slowly, individually, but progresses to gang and collective attacking chv”s.

This was an analysis, and not taking sides.

Anonymous said...

It was yesterday the Yahrtzeit of MAHARAL.
GOLEM??? Anyone?
There are 2 videos i am going to post here.
The one about Golem.
The other about what Hashem wants.
Why exactly to this post????
Please let me know when you figure it out, thank you.

you can see more about MAHARAL on my blog.
The story end up with MEM TAV.

Neshama said...

Orna, thank you for your contribution. However, I do not hold by that Rabbi in the first video. And am not sure I see your connection in video 2. If you care to enlighten us, it would be appreciated by the visitors here.

Anonymous said...


If i did not know better i will think that the RABBI is SHMUEL HA NAVI.
What he is saying is simple.
Hakadosh BARUH HU wants us to be home and no more in Galut for HE is no more in Galut. ANYONE that deny this to himself/herself is in big trouble. I was...
That's why the head of Mitzraiym now wants us to be out of there. He have no respect for the headless JEWS out there because Hashem do not. So when this person hit, it is Hashem HIMSELF, he look away while goiym do this...beside that JEWS outside do they really think they are home to speak like that? It angers the Goiym because they expect us to serve HASHEM and not MAMON, and they know we belong to be here, not out there. There is darkness out there now, and the ONLY LIGHT is in YISRAEL> Let me explain. In 2013 i was surrounded by a group of muslims just for being Jewish. The only thing that saved me from rape or worse is to connect to my Creator and say SH'ma. I got a baby in my hands. No police came.....and i understood, that this was the leave,,,They saw me saying Sh'ma and left, actually they disappeared in i knew this was from above, Europe was not my home. I contacted true another sister this Rabbi and he said i must come. I came on yom shishi, the attack was on yom shlishi 3 days before.
All my life i think about the story my babi told me. About GOLEM. You see, i was born not far away from Maharal...and saw his work from close. While being the big 'ASHKENAZI' in his time, his roots where from Tunis and some other place far away from Europe.
In the future there will be GOLEM but in Israel. The gula (ALEF) on his forehead will be back in the moment Rabbi Nachman is in Israel.
I never understood it...until now...
My youth was filled with secret stories about MAHARAL, Golem, Diamonds....not speaking freely about the Torah, because the land i was born was occupied by communists and it was deadly to speak about...

These ugly empty people are also in Israel.
But this time....GOLEM is here also and Rabbi Nachman too.
Did you see the story of Golem i posted above?
It was a fight, a war=MILCHAMA last days about the ALEF=ALUF.
with alef or without?
If we do not DO and LISTEN to what HAshem say, we are DAM (that what the woman saw in the Jewish woman in the video), nothing more then that for we deny our connection to ALEF, as in ADAM before the sin, who was one with Hashem.
When you understand the dept of the story of Golem and the error MAHARAL made, then you understand a bit Hashem HIMSELF.
The goyim do not exist, its a illusion that go after us when we do not DO.
And that is the moment when CHAI change into MET.
There is no EMET in a JEW if he/she feels home in GALUT>.
I hope i could explain a spark of it at least....
There is a sod in the GOLEM story that every JEW that was not born in Israel and stay here must understand to not to die.
MET or CHAI???

Anonymous said...


So again:
to make it clear with the story:
MAHARL daughter name was NEMEC=what means in Csech MUTE.
Not able to speak Csech by being a foreigner....
you see the connection?
The GOLEM was mute and while having EMET on his head.....
We are MUTE in GALUT and the only MATANA that Hashem gave us to make us different is the SPEECH.
Other wise we are just like the GOLEM, at the moment someone take the ALEF off our head, we are MET=dead.
No LIGHT, no BLESSING but curse! And no one of the goyim wants that near them.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...