08 September 2019

The Latest Preposterous Arab Claim

Thousands participated in largest army-protected entrance to tomb of Joshua Bin Nun in Samaria 

Yossi Dagan said: "A nation that remembers its leaders even after thousands of years will not forget its roots and its land. We promise that we'll be here to guard the holy places and preserve this land for generations to come.”

Dagan added that "the new Knesset and the new government should have the strength to learn from Yehoshua Ben-Nun who parceled out the Land of Israel, to establish new settlements and return the uprooted settlements of northern Samaria.”

Rabbi Elyakim Levanon said at the event: "We welcome all the masses of the House of Israel on the day of the Jubilee of Joshua Bin Nun, conqueror of the Land of Israel, conqueror of the land. I bless the masses of Israel that He receive our prayers and the government of Israel will come together and unite to act for the sake of the Torah for the sake of settling for the Land; with G-d's help in the merit of Yehoshua Bin Nun and the Torah the land will be built quickly in our days."

Emmanuel Council head Eliyahu Gafni: "It's very exciting to see the Jewish People in such a place. Samaria is blessed with such holy places, that the heritage of the People of Israel began here; we call upon the people of Israel to come here.” arutzsheva

PA Wants to Declare Joshua Bin-Nun’s Altar on Mt. Ebal a Palestinian Heritage Site
By Baruch Yedid / TPS

The municipality of Asira ash-Shamaliya, north of Shechem (Nablus), is probing the possibility of declaring the altar of Joshua Ben-Nun, on Mount Ebal, a Palestinian heritage site. Engineers from the municipality and Shechem district have recently toured the site, equipped with plans and maps.

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Governor of Shechem Ibrahim Ramadan, accompanied by a delegation from the PA’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, took part in a tour of the site in July, claiming the site is “threatened by the occupation and settlers.”

The mayor of Asira ash-Shamaliya Hazzem Yassin stated in an interview with TPS that he is “under no obligation to comment on city plans and certainly not on the site, which the Jews took ownership of, although they have no proof of it being a Jewish site.”

The Book of Joshua describes how Joshua Ben-Nun, the Israelite leader, built an altar on Mount Ebal, acting on instructions from Moses, after the Israelites had crossed into the Land of Israel. Haifa University archaeologist Adam Zertal has identified the remains of an altar found at the site as the one described in the Bible, where Joshua allotted the new land among the 12 tribes.

Joshua (Yehoshua in Hebrew) was Moses’ successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land. The Bible describes Joshua as a devoted student, a saintly man, and a brilliant military commander. Joshua led his people on all fronts, exhorting them to serve G‑d and uphold the Torah, while at the same time leading them in military conquest. Born in Egypt in 2406 (1355 BCE), he led his people for 28 years until his passing in the year 2516 (1245 BCE). His story is recorded in the Book of Joshua.

THE PA:  “For us, the area of the altar, like the rest of the town, is within Area B, under Palestinian civil responsibility. Therefore, I will not deny nor confirm the allegations of turning the site into a developed site,” Yassin added.  […] In July, the municipality called on the public to join and assist in the activities of the ” Committee of the Preservation of Heritage Sites” in the village.

The Committee was established a few months ago and operates throughout the mountains north of Nablus. The PA views the site as “a threatened area,” as do anti-settlement organizations, who are active in the area.

The Palestinian activity is being conducted as part of the “Martyr Ziad Abu Ein ” campaign, named after the Palestinian minister who died after one of the Arab riots in the Shiloh region.

The campaign at the Mount Ebal site was initiated by the municipality and the Fatah movement and was also attended by former Nablus Governor Akram Rajoub.

In January, the municipality planted olive trees near of the site, in response to the preparations made for a road that will make it easier for visitors to reach the site, an initiative of Israeli Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel. A youth delegation came to the village to assist in the planting operation at the “Burnat site,” as the Palestinians call it.

A month earlier, in December, a planting operation was carried out by Fatah activists, BDS officials and the Anti-Settlement Committee – all sponsored by the Nablus governor and PA officials. The Minister for Settlement Affairs in the PA Walid Asaf also participated in the campaign and attended meetings on the Ebal site.


Boaz Haetzni, a member of the Samaria Regional Council, told TPS that the PA plans are a *provocation against Israel, Jews and Christians around the world, as it is a Jewish and Biblical heritage site. He cautioned that it appears that the PA, which has recently announced it does not recognize the division of the land into the areas A B and C, has begun to act accordingly. JewishPress

1 comment:

moshe said...

Every Jew who reads this and is again reminded of the insane sin of having given parts of our Land to our mortal enemies, and is not sickened once again by this reminder, it shows how far removed the Jewish people (majority) have become from their glorious past.
Giving away any part of our Holy Land to any non Jew is a sin,d'Oraisa, and only because leadership has been the Erev Rav from the start, have we lived to regret this horrific crime! The silver lining here is that we hear some good news coming from some real Rabbis and certain members of the knesset, which gives hope that maybe this is a sign of MBY is rising and we will yet see our enemies disappear. May it be immediately! Believe these horrific decisions were made from the start of the rebirth by the Erev Rav in cahoots with Esav/Yishmael to stall and stop the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu and to replace it with their evil agenda. Chazal tell us this was the plan of the Erev Rav when they left with us from Mitzrayim.
But, nothing can stop the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu when H' deems it so! May this coming year bring us the Geulah Shleimah, b'rachamim for all of Bnai Yisrael! Amen!

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