15 August 2018

What Did The Lubavitcher Rebbe Write?

Israel: Chareidi Journalist Censured for Reading a Letter from Lubavitcher Rebbe Against the Toeiva Community
August 8, 2018

Chareidi journalist Uri Revach read a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L on the subject of the toeiva parade and was invited to a discussion during which he was reprimanded on Wednesday.

During his “KAN Moreshet,” he read a letter from the Rebbe who wrote about the subject and wrote: “Although all the blessings derive from G-d, the person must do what is necessary in the natural order. With regard to this problem, you certainly know about doctors and psychiatrists who take care of it, and who have succeeded in many cases. In many cases, I know of a number of cases of people who had this problem, but in the end, they overcame it, married and established families.”

A day after the broadcast, KAN received a request from a journalist to receive a response regarding Revach’s remarks made on the air on Public Broadcasting Corporation airwaves. Revach was invited to a reprimand hearing Tuesday night, journalist Yehuda Schlesinger reported.

However, according to a Kikar Shabbos News report, Revach received another message Wednesday morning, in which he was told that he was called for an urgent call by the corporation’s vice president, but it is not yet clear whether this is indeed the case.

“It’s a matter of shutting mouths,” says Revach, who has been involved in radio broadcasts for years, explained, “If only this was the response each time chareidi Jewry is ridiculed on KAN on radio and television. Suddenly, when speaking about a chareidi journalist, who when all said and done read a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the air, see how they respond towards him”. First a conversation to scold him, and now, another conversation with the deputy director-general.”

The Kikar News report add that another chareidi journalist who responded saying, “It’s so natural that in a week like this a chareidi journalist will read a letter from his Rebbe on this subject, as there is a bunch of people in the corporation who feel anyone who does not broadcast to the spirit of their views is simply going to be targeted. What a shame!”

KAN’s response: In each of the eight radio networks of the public broadcasting corporation, different voices, views and faces are presented that do not necessarily correspond to those of the various sectors that are the fiber of Israeli society. There is no opinion that is not legitimate, and no position will be silenced, as long as it is played in the correct context, does not incite and complies with the rules of the corporation’s ethical code.

“Here is Moreshet, the chareidi public’s religious station, whose broadcasts deal with a variety of issues that are at the center of the public agenda, among them issues that the other chareidi media ostensibly refrains from addressing. The subject of the protest of equality.

“In the series of programs that covered the subject, opposing positions were voiced and various aspects of the protest were presented. In the Melave Malka program, the position of the Lubavitcher Rebbe was heard in the matter, by means of the presenter of the program who read the rabbi’s letters. ‘Melave Malka’ is an old program that has been broadcasting for decades, and its essence is to provide the listeners with a pleasant experience – not offensive and inclusive – from Shabbos to Weekday. Here, Moreshet uses the tools at its disposal to ensure that the program will maintain its ethical character and public broadcasting rules. ”



another case of bullying by an immoral (Greek) philosophy that wants and proceeds to demand equal legal recognition and inclusion. Anyone with a different or opposing opinion is immediately silenced, because this portion of Israeli society is shamefully larger than one thinks.

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