25 August 2018

Israel Electric Co and the New Smart Meters

Dr. Gabriel Cousens Warns the World About the Toxic Effects of 5G Wireless 
(*do not think one is protected in Israel. read below)

(Natural NewsDr. Gabriel Cousens calls 5G “a complete, unmitigated health disaster.” But, what exactly is 5G, what dangers does it present and what must each one of us be aware of?

PC Mag explains that the “G” in 3G, 4G etc. refers to a different generation of wireless technology. Each generation is differentiated by a change in encoding methods which make it incompatible with the previous generation. 5G promises faster speed, more responsiveness, and simultaneous connectivity for more devices than previous generations.

PC Mag explains:

So 5G networks need to be much smarter than previous systems, as they’re juggling many more, smaller cells that can change size and shape. But even with existing macro cells, Qualcomm says 5G will be able to boost capacity by four times over current systems by leveraging wider bandwidths and advanced antenna technologies.

The goal is to have far higher speeds available, and far higher capacity per sector, at far lower latency than 4G. The standards bodies involved are aiming at 20Gbps speeds and 1ms latency.

5G will make use of a type of encoding called OFDM, and is likely to rely on a network of cells as small as household routers rather than on huge towers radiating over larger distances.

Dr. Cousens warns that since 5G uses a much shorter wavelength, transmitters will have to be erected every 500 feet. This means that such transmitters will appear in schools, at bus stops, and “all over the place.” Even if you don’t use a cellphone, therefore, 5G technology means you will still be in an EMF zone continually, unable to escape its effects.

5G will be in every major U.S. city by 2020

According to Dr. Cousens, there are plans in place to install 5G in at least 11 cities this year, and in all the major U.S. cities by 2020. Why is this a problem? Well, the disastrous health effects of exposure to even 3G technology have already been documented in over 900 studies. (Related: 5G is already linked to rising health problems … concerns about “health calamity” on the rise.)

Dr. Cousens says that while humans can cope with the effects of EMFs for about three years at most, thereafter serious problems start to arise and we become more susceptible to circulatory, mental, digestive and immune diseases. This type of exposure may be a large contributing factor to the fact that about 40 million people are depressed, 10 million of them acutely (or severely) so. This has resulted in huge numbers of Americans being prescribed toxic antidepressants.

Multiple studies have confirmed a link between EMFs and cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and other chronic, debilitating diseases. This is serious, especially when you consider that at least 50 percent of the U.S. adult population now has one chronic debilitating disease, while some have multiple such illnesses.

In addition, Dr. Cousens notes that exposure to EMFs make people just feel bad, out of balance, full of aches and pains. More and more people complain about increased chemical and environmental sensitivities, brain fog and just feeling “off.” (Related: Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals.)

Exposure to 5G comparable to 17 minutes in a microwave

Dr. Cousens warns that experts compare continuous exposure to 5G to being in a microwave oven for 17 minutes on full power. 5G literally cooks your brain and your body.

While there are certainly commercial benefits to 5G technology being installed in U.S. cities, exposure to it means we will be much sicker than the competition. And since sick people don’t perform well at their jobs, ultimately, 5G represents economic disadvantages, too.

So, what can we do about it? Dr. Cousens believes that we need to take thoughtful action, do personal research on 5G, and then get out and speak about it. Our own health and the health of future generations depends on it.

Read for more stories on EMF pollution.
Sources include:

Where are the “Green Israelis” and the “Defenders of the Natural” of the Leftists when you need them?

*5G technology is already in Israel in the new “Elec Co Smart Meters” that send RF signals every few seconds [and probably in those cell towers and other ’ transmitting devices’].. The IEC says it will revolutionize electricity in Israel by 2020. [do you hear humming in your head; is your sleep now disturbed nightly; having trouble thinking and processing; PLUS HIGHER ELEC BILLS; these are some of the affects on the human being] Read IEC Smart Meters See also

Electric Smart Meters, Tel Aviv - Israel , 12/2015

Qualcomm Israel's Assaf Touboul and Ronen Sheashua tell "Globes" about the unheard-of download speeds and greener networks coming soon.globes.  5G mobile revolution designed in Israel: Qualcomm Israel's Assaf Touboul and Ronen Sheashua tell "Globes" about the unheard-of download speeds and greener networks coming soon. Qualcomm Israel VP technology Assaf Touboul starts the conversation with an unequivocal statement: "Qualcomm's first 5G cellular was developed in Israel in Hod Hasharon, and will be launched in 2019." The pride he feels at this enormous achievement is unmistakable.

Where are the “Green Israelis” and the “Defenders of the Natural” of the Leftists when you need them?

We are electromagnetic beings, and we are affected by electricity in our environment.  The increasing saturation of wireless radiation (cell towers, cell and cordless phones, wi-fi and smart meters) pollutes our air and living environments.  In order to maintain health and wellness prudent avoidance of EMF’s is advised.
Symptoms can vary with each person, depending on:  the strength, type and length of EMF exposure; exposure to other environmental toxins; individual constitution; and basic health practices. Symptoms can be mild to severe including: sleep problems, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, headaches, concentration, memory, learning and immune system problems, heart palpitations. nausea, joint pain, swelling of face, neck, eye problems, rashes, and cancer.
In order to heal, reducing exposures is imperative. Please see Safety Tips for steps you can take to reduce EMF’s and start feeling better.

Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness. For some people, avoidance is essential to rebuilding health.  Here are some suggestions:

• Reduce or eliminate cell, cordless phones and wi-fi. (Learn more)
• Use a corded phone and wired internet connections (confirm the wi-fi is off on both computer and router)
• Use a notebook computer on battery with an external (wired) keyboard and wired mouse (Do not use on your lap, or while charging)
• Restore analog utility meters. Avoid smart meters and smart appliances.(Learn more)
• Figure out the least electricity you need and turn the rest off at the breaker box.
• Sleep in an electricity free bedroom. (power off at the breaker box)
• Sleep in a metal free bed. Consider a wool bed.
• Remove dimmer switches, CFL’s, and fluorescent lights.
• Use meters for testing: Tri-Field Ex100 for magnetic fields and Acousticom 2 for wireless. This High Frequency meter is also recommended.
• Install Stetzer filters to mitigate “dirty electricity”. People with EHS have differing reactions to filters.
• Practice “Prudent Avoidance” of EMF’s. Reduce where you can, and still enjoy life!
• Shielding may be helpful. This bed canopy has been recommended: Light duty Faraday Canopy
• In some cases a Signal Tamer could be useful.
• In some cases it may be necessary move, especially if your home has high EMF sources that you cannot control. (power lines, cell towers, banks of smart meters)
• Alternative health care can be very beneficial along with prudent avoidance of EMFs: chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, massage.
• Spend more time in nature.
• Eat fresh, local, and organic foods.
• Follow all rules for basic good health and take it slow: Healing comes with time.
• Work with policy makers to create responsible public policy to reduce EMF and RF in the environment.
• Learn more about EMF Sensitivity

Where are the “Green Israelis” and the “Defenders of the Natural” of the Leftists when you need them?

Electricity (EMF’s) is today’s new pollution. Common sources include smart meters, cell and cordless phones, cell towers, wi-fi, indoor wiring, CFL’s, overhead power lines, and more.

The best way to find out if EMF’s are affecting your health is to avoid them and see if your health improves. Also notice how you feel when you are using devices, like a cell or cordless phone, concentrating at a computer or working under florescent lights. Do you have health problems you, or your doctor can’t explain? Do you feel better when the power goes out? Many people feel more peaceful and note how quiet it is. Do you feel better in nature?

How to turn off wifi by Mark Graham


Anonymous said...

This proves that EY is the Torah Center of the world; not technology. This proves how promoting Israel (Yerushalayim) as the 'technology' center of the world is a chilul H'. We've lost all common sense.

Neshama said...

The main point is that they are creating dangerous life altering and life threatening technologies in the name of “progressive” and “creative”. This is going too far. You do not realize how utterly dangerous this is. These people belong to the NWO catastrophe. Don’t be naive.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not being naive here snd we should all know by now that this is all part of nwo agenda. Most people, unfortunately, do not. The reason I wrote about tech being such a big to do in EY is because they're promoting the holy city of Yerushalayim as the Tech Center of the middle east, r'l. Already that's a chilul H', when Ir Hakodesh is really the Torah Center of the Universe! Thus, this will all backfire on them because this is a war against H', not only humanity! H' yerachem!

Lea said...

Tower of Bavel Part 2
This time our brains are dropped and no one cares...


  IDF To Begin Sending 14,000 Draft Orders To Bnei Yeshivos This Thursday 🤡🥳🤡🥳🎶😊🥸 😂🥹🤣🤓🤩🥳🤡