29 August 2018


Seventy-three years after the end of the second world war the secret files of the US and Russian (former USSR) governments have allowed the public to take a peek.

A similar item that appeared in both files raised some eyebrows. The information was originally kept from their respective publics for fear that the common man might not appreciate the higher moral necessities of the then-secret government decisions.

Just months after the devastating surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, a family member of the Japanese leadership was in need of emergency medical attention that was available only in the famous US Mayo Clinic.

The request was discussed at the highest levels. Ultimately the Supreme court opined that "the woman in need of medical care did not pose a threat to US security and so it was to be expected, in the spirit of American values to treat her as best as we can just like any other human being.” 

She was the daughter of the fanatically anti-American Prime Minister Yamamoto. All this took place as hundreds of thousands of US servicemen and women were locked in a life and death struggle with the Imperial Japanese forces directed by the woman's father.

After completing her successful medical procedure young Kurisuni Yamamato was escorted back to her doting family Japan even as the Japanese leadership continued to vow to totally crush the USA.

Importantly, American values were not dented, despite the ongoing savage war waged against them.

Another interesting and similar revelation was recently made available for historians to study.

In a similar circumstance, just months after Hitler launched operation "Barborosa" intended to annihilate the Soviet Union, a strange communication went forth from the "Wolfs Lair,”  Hitler's favorite Bavarian fortress home.

It seems that one of Hitler's favorite nieces had an unusually severe psychiatric disease which was causing her and her family extreme suffering. It was known that a certain Professor Demetri Kaganovich, a world renown Soviet psychiatrist had made a unique medical breakthrough which might cure Hitler's niece.

Should she be allowed for medical treatment in the "Lenin psychiatric Institue" in Novosibirsk?

The Soviet leadership consulted with the best legal and political minds and concurred that the young girl was not a threat and that Soviet humanism should prevail.
Young Helga was admitted and after successful treatment was released back to the warm embraces of the loving Hitler family.

Hitler did not stop his war of annihilation against the USSR for a moment, but Soviet superior morality won their point.

In the wake of the above revelations, Israel's supreme court was encouraged to follow the example set by the two embattled Superpowers.

In fact, the learned Israeli jurists lectured that it was in the very essence of our Israeli democracy and humanitarian tradition. This approach was, they insisted, in fact, authentic Judaism.

This week, five women, close relatives of the Hamas leadership were admitted to Israel for medical care.

Hamas, like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, is waging a war of annihilation against Israel. In return for Israel agreeing to help to save the lives of their loved ones, Hamas has not paused even one second in their poison rhetoric, and efforts to kill as many Jews as possible. Not for one second, not even as their loved ones were handled daintily by Israeli medical personnel.

As you may have understood, the first two examples are a product of my wild imagination.

No, the US and the USSR were not "kind to the cruel”.

Israel actually is.

Israel does not fear that her population will not appreciate the higher moral calling of Israel. There are no secret files.

It is happening, in the open, even as I write these incredulous words.

Israel is supposed to be a light unto the nations, not the world's sucker.

This is the Chelm like reality we live in Israel today. The current slide to self-destruction was given a mighty push with the Oslo tragedy/crime that has thrown our moral/self-preservation compass totally berserk.

Hamas decides when Israel will burn; when millions will run for cover; when to try and kill as many Jews as possible. They also decide when they had enough and we routinely abide by their decision. They hold our citizens' hostage and the bodies of our murdered soldiers and we agree to allow thousands of trucks of goods into Gaza. We agree to treat the families of our worst enemies - in the name of "humanity" we are told by our (Osloian) wise men and women.

Ahab, one of the most powerful kings of ancient Israel, defeated a cruel enemy that attempted to destroy Israel at the time, the king of neighboring Aram.

When incredibly, Ahab defeated the mightier army of Aram, its king fled for his life and hid in a cave naturally fearing Ahab's revenge.

His advisors with him in the cave told him that the kings of Israel were known for their mercy. Having nothing to lose, the enemy king surrendered to Ahab. To his surprise and delight, Ahab invited him into his chariot and called him brother.

Shortly after the humanitarian gesture (in the spirit of Judaism?), Aram amassed another force and attacked Israel. The king of Aram gave explicit instructions to his men to seek out and kill king Ahab. 

This  they did.

We have a saying in Judaism,  "He who is merciful to the wicked will eventually be cruel to the merciful" Ahab pursued and killed the true God-fearing prophets of Israel but saved the enemy king. He had innocent farmers killed and took their land. But he saved the enemy and felt that was his moral calling.

In today's Israel, ten thousand Jews are dragged from their homes; their land was given to Hamas killers. The same Hamas enemy ( or perhaps just adversary...or troublesome neighbor..?) is treated oh so humanely in our hospitals.

The Arab enemy within is becoming ever more emboldened as they wave the enemy PLO flag in the heart of Tel Aviv and shout for the destruction of Israel. Who thought it could come to this?

Wait. it has only just begun.

Even Ahab would not believe it!
Sign up for my next great tour!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How true and only Torah is true. Being merciful to the cruel always brings cruelty to the merciful. The Torah is the Divine Guide to Life and, thus, is perfect.
But, sadly what the State is now doing goes beyond stupidity and immorality because with these kinds of actions as described in the post endangers the lives of the people of Israel. That's a great difference between saving the life or lives of family members of the leaders of the enemies but which do not endanger their people.

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