05 August 2018



The Principal value of Judaism is justice itself (with compassion a close second). Contemporary “social” justice, however, hijacks the word and evacuates it of meaning. JPost 

by *Melanie Phillips

Throughout the west, the left has a big problem with Israel. This much is well established.

In America, the Jewish community has a big problem with galloping assimilation, intermarriage and the steady abandonment of Judaism by its children. This much is also now all too obvious.

What’s less appreciated is the extent to which the two are symbiotically linked, and the disturbing implications of how that link works.

It’s not just that so many Jews are leaving the faith. It’s not just that the loss of connection to Judaism produces in addition a loss of connection to Israel or even hostility towards it. 

Far worse, so many Jews, particularly in America, are turning against not just the state of Israel but Judaism too – surreally, in the name of Judaism itself.

This astonishing state of affairs has been analysed in barnstorming detail by Jonathan Neumann in his recently published book, To Heal the World.

The fact that so many American Jews are on the “progressive” side of politics – some 70 per cent vote Democrat – is of course nothing new.

The American thinker Norman Podhoretz wrote an entire book asking Why Are Jews Liberals? (the title surely should have been instead Why Are American [ital American] Jews Liberals?).

Their watchword is the Hebrew phrase tikkun olam.  Loosely translated as “repair of the world,”  this has become synonymous with “social justice” and is the leitmotif of American Jewish liberals.

In his book, Podhoretz described how the Jews who came to America from eastern Europe got involved in labor activism and radical politics, thus effectively converting from Judaism to Marxism. 

Neumann’s devastating insight is that the social justice movement has reversed this process. “Tikkun olam is not about turning Jews into Marxists. It’s about rebranding Marxism as Judaism.”

As Neumann has it, American Jews have been led to believe that “the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God”.

As he asks: “Isn’t it just a little bit incredible for the teachings of the ancient faith of Judaism to happen to comprise without exception the agenda of the liberal wing of today’s Democratic Party?”

Incredible indeed – because it isn’t true. Remorselessly, Neumann charts the way in which progressive American rabbis have grossly misinterpreted or distorted the ancient faith of Judaism, both its religious texts and rabbinic sources, in order to claim falsely that maxims which are in fact hostile to Jewish precepts represent Jewish moral and ethical teaching.

Everything about tikkun olam as social justice is bogus. The phrase doesn’t mean what the Jewish left says it means – and “social justice” is neither just nor very social.

Neumann is not the first to point out that the apparent origin of tikkun olam in the mystical “aleinu” prayer has been fundamentally misrepresented. In the context of that prayer, it is the Almighty himself in whom hope is invested to “perfect the world under the kingdom of God.” 

In other words, tikkun olam isn’t the province of man at all; it is instead the work of God. The Jewish social justice warriors would therefore appear to have replaced God by man. Far from giving practical application to Judaism, then, they are repudiating it from the start.

Neumann’s dense analysis of Jewish sources to show how these have been misused has been criticized as inaccurate by some of the Jewish leftists he has targeted. Regardless of these scholarly disputes, his argument that the social causes claiming the mantle of tikkun olam are in fact a repudiation  of Judaism – owing more to Marxism, moral relativism and paganism – is overwhelming. 

THE PRINCIPAL value of Judaism is justice itself (with compassion a close second). Contemporary “social” justice, however, hijacks the word and evacuates it of meaning. 

For what it boils down to is group “rights” which fragment society into interest groups fighting each other for power and privilege and using bullying, smears and intimidation to do so; “victim culture” under which certain approved groups claim victim status which gives them a free pass for their own bad deeds; and giving everyone the right to identical outcomes regardless of their own behavior or circumstances.

In other words, “social justice” is all about self-interest and takes an axe to responsibility, duty and social order. It is therefore inimical to Judaism.

Neumann’s book prompts one further question. Why has tikkun olam become such a feature of Jewish life in America but not in Britain (or anywhere else, for that matter)? To put it another way, the question is not just why so many American Jews are liberals but why they have now become so determined to make liberalism Jewish.

The answer lies perhaps in the fact that, over the past few decades, liberalism has itself mutated into its own antithesis. Far from enshrining personal morality, it has been hijacked by Marxism which stands for the absolute negation of morality – a transformation which, in suitably Orwellian manner, liberals now call “social justice.”

There is thus an absolute head-on confrontation between Judaism and Marxist “social justice.” And so, in order to resolve this crisis, American Jews for whom secular liberalism is their real religion have branded social justice tikkun olam – and thus rebranded Marxism as Judaism.

As a result, they are also turning not only anti-Zionism but also anti-Judaism into Judaism, thus frying the brains of American Jewish children.

This has now become an existential crisis for American Jews, and by extension a threat to the entire Jewish world.

*The writer is a columnist for The Times (UK)
This is an excellent analysis and worthy of a NYT front page (halavai)

Melanie has also written a new book:  

Melanie Phillips is a British journalist, broadcaster and author. Her weekly column, which currently appears in The Times of London, has been published over the years in the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and Daily Mail. She writes for the Jerusalem Post and Jewish Chronicle, is a regular panellist on BBC Radio's The Moral Maze and speaks on public platforms throughout the English-speaking world.

Her best-selling book Londonistan, about the British establishment's capitulation to Islamist aggression, was published in 2006 by Encounter, New York. She followed this in 2010 with The World Turned Upside Down: the Global Battle over God, Truth and Power, with a foreword by David Mamet and also published by Encounter. The updated edition of Guardian Angel, her memoir, was published in August 2016. Some of her books can be found at Amazon


Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I hope that many American Jews will have the opportunity to read it and learn something. Truth is that the American Jewish liberalism (including all the other isms, which are perversions of reality, truth and G-Dliness) is the fault of the parents, grandparents and great grandparents of those who came to the goldene medina and threw away their Yiddishkeit, their tefillin and all that represents the Jewish heart and soul. These Jewish forerunners were more interested in seeing their children graduate universities and not yeshivot, were more interested in their children becoming doctors, lawyers, professors, etc.) Of course, not all threw away their G-Dly roots, but most did and one generation after the other became worse than the one before. This is why after WWII, many of the Rebbeim did not want to come to the US, because they understood what the results might be. The main culprits were these educated Erev Rav within the midst of the Jewish nation,who took leadership roles in private and public life, and for over 3000 years have worked tirelessly to undo Torah Judaism and hinder our eventual Redemption.
Now that we have reached bottom, B'H, for the good people, thinkers and writers bringing this out to the public. Maybe, it will awaken the real Jewish neshamot to return. Meanwhile, the harm libealism and all it shmutz has caused is beyond catastrophic because this 'tikkun olam' scam is one of the vilest desecrations of H's Holy Name. All those connected to this evil and who don't want to repent are not Jews but Erev Rav, whom our Torah & Sages warned us millenia ago that they will be our worst enemies. This spiritual holocaust is even worse than the horrific Shoa because it is a holocaust of the soul! May H' have rachamim and send us Moshiach now!

Rachel said...

Great article, and great comment! The only thing I would like to add is that, I wish she would qualify "American Jews" with "American non-Torah Jews," as there are many (if not enough) Jews still stuck for one reason or another in America who are true to Hashem's Torah and just as disgusted as she is, with the tikkun-olam hippie preachy elitists who are trying to destroy us.

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