21 August 2018


They're Beating Up The Kids Again!

The disgusting leftists can demonstrate by the thousands in Tel Aviv against the Torah Laws, but our Brave Youngsters (who live by the Torah) get beat up mercilessly. [Please see the video at Facebook, I cannot get a copy because I am not a member.]

"From Yekutiel Ben-Yaakov (his Facebook page), June 17, 2018:
The cops and troops are beating the youth badly without provocation on the side of the families and the young people that came to protest the violent expulsion. Please forward the link anywhere you can. They closed the area to the media so this is the only outlet to publish the desecration."

This (following) incident was covered by Esser Agaroth (2¢):

"This hilltop was approved almost 20 years ago, during Prime Minister Ehud Baraq's government. The Beth-El Ulpanah neighborhood was destroyed 13 years after it had been constructed, and the first residents had moved in. In other words, the Israeli Government is becoming increasingly bold when it comes to reneging on its commitments to the Jewish People to protect it, to its homes, and to protect its Divinely promised Land. An Arab pops up after 2 years, 13 years, and now 20 years, claiming ownership of almost always goaded into it by self-hating Leftist."

VIDEO AT Facebook

Here is a still from the video. You can see the “officer” on top of the youth. All the boys came running [to intervene].

"From the video, you can see that there are residents and Torah observant supporters who are not willing to take their expulsion and destruction of their neighborhood lying down. There are also still some prominent students of Rav Meir Kahane hy"d residing in Kfar Tapu'ah, including those who were very close with his son Rav Binyamin hy"d. However, they are very much in the minority, and recognize the gravity of the situation. And that situation is not simply that the government will throw Jews out of their homes at the blink of an eye, give up land to Arabs who want to annihilate us, kowtow to the non-Jewish nations instead of listening to their own constituents, let alone to the Holy One, Blessed Be He."

You can read the rest of this disturbing expose, not in the news anywhere else, but at Esser Agaroth (2¢)!


Slowly the Israeli (not Jewish) Government is giving away Jewish Land, that was forbidden by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and by Hashem in our Holy Torah.

I first became aware of this at TomerDevorah 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


this is heartbreaking...

And this in Hashem's land for His Chosen people...

Breaks the heart... and it seems a repeat of Gush Katif.. again and again and again.

Mashiach has to come... Please Hashem..!1


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