15 August 2018

Solar Minimum and Earth Anomalies

Many bizarre events occurring all over the world.
Could the Solar Minimum be removal of the sheath to the Sun?

"His body temp reached 109 degrees just walking to the park" - Solar Minimum

Massive Dust Storms ROAMING the Earth 
- Very Similar to Mars

This is Huge! Sun goes Blank-Earth Roasted by Cosmic Radiation-Temperatures Skyrocket Worldwide

Over 100,000 global lightning strikes! - Tokyo Typhoon

Huge Anomalies On MIMIC: Wave Patterns Coming from Mystery Base In Antarctica
[aimed at Japan and Greece area]  DAHBOO77

Toxic Red tides in the Gulf of Mexico and toxic blue-green algae in inland waters are killing animals and stoking outrage in South Florida

Image: Toxic Red TideFish are washed ashore on the Sanibel causeway after dying in a red tide on Aug. 1 in Sanibel, Florida / Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Massive Flotillas of Putrid Seaweed Wash Up in Caribbean and S. Florida, Threatening Beaches
( – pic not tsnius)

Beaches from Florida to French Guiana in S. America have been plagued in recent years by massive influxes of Sargassum blooms, threatening not only the ecosystem but also tourism as resorts battle tons of the seaweed-like grass washing up on beaches on a daily basis. This year is gearing up to be one of the worst Sargassum invasions in recent memory.

Sargassum is abundant in the ocean, originating in the Sargasso Sea, a region of the North Atlantic. The seaweed forms floating rafts that can stretch for miles. The leaves and branches contain gas-filled berry-like structures called pneumatocysts that make the plants buoyant and able to float on the surface of the water. The floating masses of Sargassum provide an essential habitat for fish, sea turtles, birds, and hundreds of other sea creatures.

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