21 August 2018

Generation 49 of Seder Olam

Generation 49 of Seder Olam
Hebrew years 5760-5880 - From 2000 CE 

With the 49th Generation, the world has entered the last generation before the ultimate 50th Jubilee of generations that will mark the start of the Messianic era. This ultimate period will open from Hebrew year 5880 (equivalent to 2120 CE). The 49th Generation is thus to be understood as Pre-Messianic era, and world events unfold to confirm it.

This 49th Generation is the 7th set of 7 Generations, and the importance of the number 7 has been explained throughout this site. As a reminder, it has been explained at the time of the Exodus (click here for more information), in the 21st Generation (also a multiple of 7), to show that there is a recurrent pattern of divine intervention towards mankind, and in particular towards the Jewish people, at every return of a Sabbatical "generation" (by Sabbatical "generation", we mean a generation which is a multiple of the number 7). And these Sabbatical generations thus far have been the following ones:
  • - 7th generation: death of Cain, as promised by God, and start of a new era of mankind with the Bronze Age
  • - 14th generation: the Flood, as the eradication of evil on Earth, and re-start of the Creation with new rules
  • - 21st generation: the accomplishment of the divine Covenant with the Exodus of the Hebrews and their establishment in the Promised Land
  • - 28th generation: the redemption of the Israelites after their captivity in Babylon, and the construction of the 2nd Temple
  • - 35th generation: end of the Jewish political nation at the hand of the Romans, and completion of the Talmud; the Israelites become a spiritual nation
  • - 42nd generation: strenghening of the Jewish spiritual nation in the Diaspora (Zohar, Maimonides, Nahmanides), thus preparing for the future redemption
  • - 49th generation: final return to Sion (Zion) and pre-Messianic times
The 49th Generation is thus the last Sabbatical generation before the Jubilee of Mankind (the 50th "Messianic" generation), similarly to the fact that a 49th year is always the Sabbatical year (7 x 7 years) prior to a Jubilee year (the 50th year).

Year 5760 – 2000 CE – The pre-Messianic signs
Year 5760 – 2000 CE – The land of milk and honey
Year 5760 – 2000 CE – The Jews in the world
Year 5760 – 2000 CE – The ingathering of the Jewish people
Year 5760 – 2000 CE – Islam and Israel
Year 5760 – 2000 CE – The "Exile of Ishmael”

Year 5762 – 2001 CE – Year of Jubilee
While some of these things were fulfilled at that time and some later, while some are left for the Messiah. We have learnt that God will one day build Jerusalem and display a certain fixed star flashing with seventy streamers and seventy flames in the midst of the firmament, and it will shine and flash for seventy days. It will appear on the sixth day of the week on the 25th [day] of the sixth month, and will disappear on the 7th day after seventy days. On the first day it will be seen in the city of Rome, and on that day three lofty walls of that city shall fall and a mighty palace shall be overthrown, and the ruling of that city shall die. Then that star will be visible throughout the whole world. In that time mighty wars will arise in all quarters of the world, and no faith shall be found among men.
--- Zohar, Balak 212b

Year 5769 – 2009 CE – Birth of the Messiah
For some Jewish scholars, the Messiah came to existence in the decade starting in 5760 (in Hebrew it is year תש''ס where the letter ס means סוף --end), which could be any year up to the end of that decade, in year 5769 AM (or 2009 CE). Of course, the time of his revelation to the world is not set yet and is not known to any human being. Let's recall that Moses was revealed to his people as their leader to redemption from slavery at the age of 80. This belief about the birth of Messiah is corroborated with the fact that, every time in Jewish History, when evil or good is about to happen, the contrary is also born to be a response to it. Here, when the Muslims rose against Edom in 2001, the seed of Messiah has come to life in the same time or decade.

Year 5769 – 2009 CE – The era of Obama
Year 5774 – 2014 CE – Russia takes over Crimea
Year 5774 – 2014 CE – Attack on Israel
Year 5775 – 2015 CE – The turning point
Year 5776 – 2015 CE – Russia in the Levant
Year 5777 – 2016 CE – The U.N. vote against Israel
Year 5777 – 2017 CE – The 70 Nations gather against Israel

Year 5778 – 2017 CE – USA recognizes Jerusalem as capital of Israel
On the 6th of December 2017 (which was night time in Israel so equivalent to the start of date 19 Kislev 5778), US President Donald Trump, who also started office in this special year of 2017, formally accepted the decision of the US Congress passed 22 years before about recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

Coincidence or not, a memo was written on the same day of 19 Kislev by Ben-Gurion regarding this issue debated at the Knesset a few days earlier. In this memo, he wrote:

  • Israel's position on the question of Jerusalem came to me as clear and final during the Knesset on the 14th of Kislev (5.12.49) by the government and all the factions in the Knesset. Jerusalem is an inseparable part of the State of Israel and its eternal capital. No vote at the UN would change this historical position. Dated: 19 Kislev (10.12.49) 

This will be updated in light of events that will unfold in the course of the present 49th generation

All of the above comes from Seder Olam (Revisited)
Please visit the site and browse through the interesting events of our history (listing in the bar on the left side).

In Hebrew at סדר עולם רבה


Anonymous said...

Don't quite understand, it seems according to this, there is still another 22 years. The way things are going downhill, could the world withstand the tzoros?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my mistake - 5880 is 102 years away (5800 is 22 years away). Doesn't sound right or at least, hope it's not right!