22 December 2015

Who Is Not Being Truthful? You Be The Judge.

Psychologists, Social Workers Protest Shin Bet Interrogation

The Professionals

We were shocked to hear a treatise of awful torture," wrote the specialists in a joint petition, responding to the abuse described by the Jews being held on vague suspicions of involvement in the arson murder, with no evidence presented against them.

"I strongly oppose any harm to human rights and particularly any harm to the rights of minors," said Prof. Guy Enosh of Haifa University's School of Social Work, who is among the leaders of the protest.

"Torture so as to extract admissions from suspects only exists in dark regimes," he said, bemoaning "where the state of Israel is deteriorating to if it conducts such things. Even the process of preventing contact with a lawyer is against human rights and has no place in a democratic state."

"As treatment specialists who respect the law and work in its systems, we are deeply shocked and concerned by this approach to the slippery slope of investigation and obtaining admissions under harsh torture, when it is clear to all that the goal of this investigation is meant only to decipher criminal acts - as serious as they may be - only after they took place."

"Some of the suspects who were investigated and underwent the treatise of torture for long days were released in recent days without any charges, and it is needless to note the physical and emotional damage they suffer currently and are likely to carry with them throughout their lives," wrote the professionals.

"Human rights organizations, and at their head the Israel National Council for the Child, must raise their voices against the torture and end it immediately."

We Hear From A Father

Duma suspect's father: 'Inquisition-like torture'

"Our son was on house arrest for three-and-a-half months, and on a Wednesday, 25 days ago, large forces arrived at our house and summoned him to investigation," he said.

"The father said he asked the forces what his son was being brought in for, and was told that he had breached the house arrest order. After testifying to them that he hadn't done so, and noting that detectives arrived at all hours of the day to confirm that, the father was told that they wanted to bring him in anyway, and "since then until yesterday I didn't see him."

When [the father] asked the ISA why his son is being treated so harshly and not being allowed to see a lawyer, "the laconic answer we received was that according to the laws against terrorists it is permissible to extend an arrest for 21 days without meeting a lawyer."

"To that they added an exemption from bringing our son to the court in order to clarify that he isn't undergoing torture and abuse, and here they issued an order that as far as we understand was legislated against 'ticking bombs,'" [....]

"There is a law [re ticking bombs] but it was legislated...for a specific goal, and it is being manipulated in a twisted, and I would say evil, manner, in order to use it for a goal that it isn't meant for."

Speaking about the Duma arson in July, he said, "this is a murder that was committed five months ago and it is clear to us all that the Shabak (ISA) doesn't know who committed it, or at the least knows that our son and the other boys certainly aren't connected to this issue, and nevertheless they are using this law against our children."

He said that he and his wife, as well as other family members, have also been arrested as part of the investigation in an apparent attempt to intimidate.

"The core of the matter is that the Shabak identifies us as the family of a murderer terrorist, and therefore our treatment is like that of the family of a terrorist who murders Jews," he said, noting that from the ISA's perspective "there's a Jewish terrorist who has support from his parents and therefore they also must be investigated, humiliated and punished."

He noted he was arrested on his way to a synagogue on charges of "disrupting investigation processes," had his fingerprints and picture taken, and was even told by an investigator "that I'm connected to a terror organization as far as he's concerned."

Noting that the suspects should be innocent until proven guilty, the father said that in court "my son told the judge 'I'm ready to admit to whatever they tell me just so they stop abusing me.' That's the most awful thing here."

Now the Politicians.

Ya'alon backs Shin Bet against 'Jewish terror': Defense Minister echoes other ministers in giving 'full confidence' to ISA, despite the alleged brutal torture of Duma suspects.

Netanyahu: ISA interrogations 'lawful': Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu calls attacks on the ISA 'unacceptable', dismisses evidence of illegal torture during Duma interrogations

Naftali Bennett backs ISA over Duma arson allegations: Duma arsonists 'terrorists' trying to undermine the State, Bennett says, gives ISA benefit of the doubt over abuse allegations.

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked the latest to defend ISA, says she 'was told' interrogations were 'under the law.'
[to her credit she did not voice HER opinion, but said she "WAS TOLD"]

How do they know these Detainees are guilty .... 

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