13 December 2015

Chanukah Eighth Light

Chanukah is a bit of an exception in the Jewish calendar. It is the only holiday that does not appear anywhere in the bible, and it is the longest of all Jewish holidays -- eight full days.

The Giant Chanukiah in Mevaseret Adumim - Chanukah 5772. The Chanukiah was made with approximately 400 candles with sand in falafel bags placed on the side of the mountain. Anyone traveling tonight and tomorrow night on the Jerusalem - Dea Sea highway will be able to see the lit Chanukiah. This is a unique way to publicize the miracle of Chanukah.

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EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

a personal note: this bochur represents all the bochurim in the Jewish frum world who are under the same threat, but not yet actual! Without...