13 November 2022

Who Are The Descendants of Yaakov’s Sons Today – Part I REPOST

Where Are The Twelve Tribes Today  § Who Are The Descendants of Yaakov’s Sons Today

Map of the Land Promised to Yaakov’s Sons
"Ezekiel 47 and 48 state the land in millennial Israel will be divided equally between the tribes, each tribe having one portion. In Ezekiel 47:13–21 we find even more boundary detail. Obviously, Israel only occupies a part of what was promised (and is promised) to them. Any attempt by man to apportion land to them, try as they may, will end in failure. However, the way things are progressing in the Middle East, it will not be long until the ancient markers are made right and placed where they were intended to be.

Read EZEKIEL 47. Also an interesting read, THE UTOPIAN MAP IN EZEKIEL (48:1-35)

when Jews return to the Land, in their choosing where to settle, they may instinctually be drawn to their Tribal Ancestor’s portion of Land.

When the Messiah comes, we will all find out which tribes we are from. One of the most important aspects of the Redemption is the promise of the Ingathering of the Exiles from the Diaspora, with all Jews settling in their tribal portion of the Holy Land. We are assured that no Jew will be left behind—including the Ten "Lost Tribes.”

Jacob's twelve sons (in order of birth) and the Tribal Designation to the Land (map)
(Map and text - Wikipedia)

It is thus that R. Joshua of Siknin said in the name of R. Levi: Why are not the names of the tribes in the same order in all places, but sometimes one takes the precedence and sometimes another?
So that you should not think that the children of the wives come first, and those of the handmaidens last, but to teach you that these were not greater than the others
(Midrash Rabbah, Exodus 1:6).

This could be applied to Yaakov’s Sons’ descendants of today, in that they/we are their descendants, from differing Tribes, and while we are different we still need to be treated as family. Also, after all these years in Golus, we need understanding while we shed foreign concepts and move slowly into our new/old roles as various Tribal entities.

G-d is warning: You must not discriminate between the different ethnic groups in the holy land of Israel; they are all Jews! You must unite and help each other. Whoever discriminates will be discriminated by G-d. (R’ Nir Ben Artzi. AbsoluteTruth613

Where are Yaakov’s Descendants Today
conceptual connections between tribe and nahalah demonstrate a purposeful design to land apportionment

In the book, Tribal Lands: The Twelve Tribes of Israel in their Ancestral Territories (by Tamar Weissman), you can read about each Tribe’s ancestor, the personality of the Tribe, and where their Land is in today’s Eretz Yisrael. I read somewhere in this book that when Jews return to the Land, in their choosing where to settle down, they may be drawn to their Tribal Ancestor’s portion of Land. Why does one love the air of Yerushalayim; others the Jezreel Valley, and still others are attracted to the pristine Jordan Valley.

There is a further division to take into account, and that is the division at the end of the Rule of King Solomon, with Judah, Binyamin and half of Manassah in the South, and all the other Tribes in the North led by Ephraim. Of course, this is the division that led to the dispersion and the “Lost Tribes.” According to certain sources, Moshiach be Yosef will serve as Moshiach ben David's viceroy. Thus finally bringing to an end the schism between the northern Ten Tribes, which were ruled by Joseph's descendants, and the Kingdom of Judea, which was ruled by the Davidic dynasty. The principal and final function ascribed to Mashiach ben Yossef is of political and military nature. See footnote below for source (Chabad online) and continuation. The personalities of the Tribes, if I may, might be seen in the various communities/groupings of Jews in Israel today. Just as the lineage of a Kohen can be traced back to Aharon HaKohen, perhaps also with the Tribal Sons.

For instance, Reuven:

The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (he was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright, and though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph) – the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel: Enoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. Chronicles 5􏰁:1􏰂–3

To Tour the Nachala – Organizing an itinerary is a straightforward task; bringing it off, however, is not simple, atlas not for one carrying an Israeli passport. First the most logical border crossing for those seeking to visit is the Allenby Bridge … located just opposite Jericho and is an easy half-hour ride from Jerusalem, […]􏰀

Dan ben Bilhah: The Liminal Child

If there ever was a provocative and entirely appropriate symbol for a tribe, it is that of Dan: the Serpent – like its tribe, Dan – provokes a reflexive distance. Grasping the complexities of this tribe was difficult. Dan seemed to act ever the serpent, skulking away in the shadows, evasive and unyielding,. It took much reflection – stormy at times – to determine just why this tribe evoked a strange mingling of discomfort and fascination. Dan represented a new force in the family of Israel.


Examining the character of Naphtali was like spending time with Mesilat Yesharim: at once, exhausting and exhilarating; humbling … and positively energizing. Naphtali is a delight perfectly capturing the midday of zerizut, or enthusiasm. He had a lightness and swiftness that refreshes after a meditation on his older brother Dan.

The Nachala of Naphtali. Often, in our times, Israelis travel north to recharge their batteries, soaking in the spaciousness of Nahalat Naphtali and enjoying the large expanse between villages. Anecdotally, a noted benefit of living up north is that there is a more generous, open spirit among local residents than is found in the more congested and busy center of the country.

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In this Book, you will find discourse on the character of each tribe, woven from classical Jewish sources, accompanied by a description of the tribal nahalah. Suggestions for conceptual connections between tribe and nahalah demonstrate a purposeful design to land apportionment. The day-tour itineraries provide an enriching accompaniment to the character portraits, allowing the reader to virtually experience some of the outstanding sites in each tribe’s nahalah. Maps and full-color photographs illustrate the contours of each nahalah, and highlight some of the impressive sites within each nachalah.


With the Rebirth in 1948 of The Land of Israel – Eretz Yisrael 
which Jews returned to Israel in the beginning of the State?

Jewish Virtual Library:  In 1950 the Law of Return, granted every Jew the automatic right to immigrate to Israel and become a citizen of the state. With the gates wide open after statehood was declared, a wave of mass immigration brought 687,000 Jews to Israel's shores. By 1951, the number of immigrants more than doubled the Jewish population of the country in 1948. The immigrants included survivors of the Holocaust from displaced persons' camps in Germany, Austria and Italy; a majority of the Jewish communities of Bulgaria and Poland, one third of the Jews of Romania, and nearly all of the Jewish communities of Libya, Yemen and Iraq.

Additional mass immigration took place in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when immigrants arrived from the newly independent countries of North Africa, Morocco and Tunisia. A large number of immigrants also arrived during these years from Poland, Hungary and Egypt.

in the early 1970s, the Soviet Union permitted significant number of Jews to immigrate to Israel. At the end of the decade, a quarter of a million Jews had left the Soviet Union; 140,000 immigrated to Israel.

After 190,000 olim reached Israel in 1990 and 150,000 in 1991, the stabilization of conditions in the former Soviet Union and adjustment difficulties in Israel caused immigration to level off at approximately 70,000 per year. From 1989 to the end of 2003, more than 950,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union had made their home in Israel.

In 1984, some 7,000 Ethiopian Jews walked hundreds of miles to Sudan, where a secret effort known as Operation Moses brought them to Israel. Another 15,000 arrived in a dramatic airlift, Operation Solomon, in May 1991. Within thirty hours, forty­one flights from Addis Ababa carried almost all the remaining community to Israel.

On the eve of Israel Independence Day 2016, Israel's population stood at a record 8,522,000. The Jewish population makes up 6,377,000; 1,771,000 are Arabs; and, "others" (non-Arab Christians, Baha'i, etc) make up 4.4% of the population (374,000 people). When the state was established, there were only 806,000 residents.


Mashiach ben Yosef (continued): He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel. The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that "they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child." (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be followed by a period of great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss. Read more HERE which includes an alternative commentary by R. Saadiah Gaon (with equally interesting and informative footnotes to text).

Post compiled 8/16–18

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