05 November 2024

Response to “There is a Better Way” to help our Suffering Soldiers


--> Ominously: "According to estimates in the Rehabilitation Department, by the year 2030 there will be 100,000 IDF veterans, 50% of whom are mental health patients

An anonymous commenter replied to “

Agree wholeheartedly with your very wise suggestion. There is nothing like Torah, sitting and learning that clears the heart & mind. May H' Bless every one of our chayalim to recover fully from the traumas they suffered.  

So much about the counter attack against our brutal enemy was wrong. From beginning up until now. From what we read and learn from all the news is that it wasn't by happenstance. There must be an impartial investigation to why this war has caused so much suffering, death and mental trauma.

Truthfully, H' is showing Am Yisrael and the world that it is not by our might that we succeed. The people started to idolize the IDF, but now, it's almost Geulah time and Hashem is showing us that there is no one to rely on except our Father in Heaven and not relying on outsiders (others).  

We must realize it is not our strength & wisdom when we succeed,  
Hashem is showing us who is in charge.  
The soldiers realize this and they are sadly being betrayed by leadership. 
Full recovery & speedy Refuah Shleimah to each and every one of our holy chayalim.

But, in the meantime, these holy soldiers are suffering and your suggestion is the wisest. May our tefilot be answered by davening and donating to this vital


Please forward this email to all you know in Eretz Yisrael, in the hope that this becomes the way and put into effect to rehabilitate our fractured fighting heroes.

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A Sign From Above in Parshas Terumah

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