28 November 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Sefer Habris on False Messiahs and More

 In this week's Torah class we learned another incredible excerpt from Sefer Habris, by Rabbi Pinchas Eliyahu ben Meir (Hurwitz) of Vilna.  The sefer used to be widely known, but unfortunately has become somewhat obscure in our time.  Hopefully my classes will help change that.

The author addressed the following topics:

* How can we tell a false messiah from the real deal?
* If most of the Jewish people accept an individual as Moshiach, are we obligated to accept him?
* Since we are so close to the year 6000, how can we possibly have as many days of joy as days of affliction, as prophesied?  

The answers will blow your mind.

Note: Chabad missionaries and worshippers of "the science" definitely do not want people to learn this.

Along the way we also learned some great mussar about what makes someone truly respectable, as opposed to a scoundrel — especially when it comes to asking questions about the Torah and principles of faith.

This is fundamental Torah from the Sefer Habris that should be widely disseminated.  I'm just the messenger giving it to you on a silver platter.

The recording is available here.
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A couple of people have complained that I spend much of my Torah classes reading and translating the original sources, as opposed to just referencing and summarizing them.  There are probably many more people who also find this boring or annoying, so here is the explanation I just gave someone.

I appreciate the feedback.  I understand it's difficult for people who don't understand Hebrew very well (if at all) to listen to me read and translate sources.  However, I do this for a reason.  People are looking for sound bites, the more controversial the better.  I'm not here to entertain them. I'm teaching Torah, and I'm trying to raise people's level and interest in learning Torah, the way it's supposed to be done. We need to actually read the sources, understand the words, analyze the words, increase our knowledge, and draw appropriate conclusions.  This is learning.  

People who just want sound bites and summaries will never do the above, and will never grow.  They will just engage in silly arguments with people who have their own bumper sticker responses, but little actual knowledge.  That's not how we move forward.  I'm trying to actually educate people.  If people want to learn, they have to have patience and do it right.

I respect people's time and try to pack in lots of straight Torah and commentary without fluff.
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And you, my friend, just stumbled on what this orchestrated "war" was about all along.


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At this point in time, this sounds good

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