18 November 2024

The Royal Dynasty of Ruzhin Sadigura in Ukraine

Historic Convention in Sadigura Ukraine: Sadigura Rebbe Leads Visit for the Heilige Rizhiner’s Yurzheit

The Sadigura Rebbe Shlit”a made a unique journey to Sadigura, Ukraine to honor the enduring royal legacy of his esteemed ancestor, Rabbi Yisroel of Ruzhin – founder of the royal dynasty of Ruzhin Sadigura

The Conventions rich programme began with a grand gala event at the historic “kloiz” in Sadigura,  in honour of prominent supporters of the Mamleches Ruzhin Sadigura  institutions.

The Rebbe Shlit”a affixed a mezuzah to the entrance of the kloiz of the Heliger Ruzhiner  – a historic and magnificent structure that the Rebbe Shlit”a has restored to its original glory. *The building also recently underwent further extensive renovations following its use for the past two years as a refugee centre under the Rebbe’s auspices for hundreds of Yidden displaced due to the war in Ukraine.

Following this, the grand banquet of the convention commenced in the regal setting of the ancient Synagogue. Presiding over the event was the esteemed chairman of the conference, Mr. Aharon Noe of New York, who warmly welcomed participants from across the globe.

The evening continued with an address by the Rebbe Shlit”a, followed by a moving speech by Dr Mark Lamet from Miami, who expressed his great appreciation for the extensive activity undertaken by the Rebbe Shlit”a for the benefit of the Jews of Ukraine, as well as blessing the flourishing of the Rebbe’s Torah and Chesed institutions in Israel.

Attendees were uplifted by heartfelt traditional melodies from the courts of Ruzhin Sadigura, accompanied by a full philharmonic orchestra.

Over Shabbos, the participants experienced a sanctified atmosphere, filled with an overwhelming sense of elevation and inspiration.

 On Motza’ei Shabbos, they ascended to the Ohel of the Heliger RIzhiner and his descendants.

On Monday, the yuhrzeit of the Ruzhiner, the Rebbe Shlit”a, held a tish attended by  many Chasidim from all around the world.

Zechiso yogein oleinu.

To watch the Rebbe davening by the Heilige Rizhiner’s yartzeit. 

Article at

* * * * * *

Very interesting. Motzei Shabbat I attended a lecture by Rabbi Berl Wein, and in his covering some of the history of Jews in the European countries during 18th to 20th century, he especially spoke about Rabbi Yisroel of Ruzhin and his move from Russia to Ukraine. 

* We see that there was an address for Yidden in Ukraine to flee during the extended war occurring in Ukraine. 

The following may be of interest to those wanting more background:

My Shtetl:

Rebbe’s Kloyz in Sadigora, Ukraine:

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