17 November 2024

Shalom Pollack: TIYUL DATE CHANGE TO Wednesday, Nov 27

Wednesday, November 27

We will begin our day at Qumran, overlooking the Dead Sea, the site of the hidden Dead Sea Scrolls and home of its unique authors, the "Essenes."

The impressive remains of this reclusive ancient Jewish sect have been unearthed. We will learn why this secretive group has left an indelible mark on the Western World.

We continue down the beautiful Dead Sea shore to a unique synagogue mosaic floor of the ancient Jewish community of Ein Gedi. We will learn of its well-guarded secret from the unearthed unique mosaic.

We will enjoy a tasty kosher lunch(not "badatz") with the Kibbutz members at the communal dining room of nearby Kibbutz Ein Gedi, home of the world-famous cactus gardens. (The cost is 65 shekels, not included in the price. You may choose to bring your lunch).

Finally, a visit with Aryeh and Yiscar Grilick and children, a "hilltop farm" family in the Judean desert.

This dedicated family decided to establish their home in an isolated desert area threatened by continued bedouin encroachment of Israel state land.

Through the use of their far-ranging flock, they have successfully stemmed the encroaching threat and are creating a Jewish presence in areas where the authorities were absent.

The organization that helps the "hilltop" movement is the "Hashomer Hachadash"(new watchmen) - Judea, Samaria). The organization and hilltop families have been so successful in protecting Jewish lands that it has reached the attention of the White House (by extreme Left organizations in and outside of Israel). As a result, the Biden administration has ordered sanctions on the organization and key individual farmers.

We will show these heroes our appreciation and support.

Depart at 8:30

Return approx. 5:00

Cost 250 shekels

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