18 November 2024


BNEI BRAK – Thousands Of Yeshiva Bochurim Begin Receiving Military Draft Orders

Dozens of Charedi protesters from the kehilla of Rabbi Tzvi Friedman demonstrated Sunday evening on Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak against the enforcement of mandatory military service. The protest follows the distribution of thousands of draft orders to yeshiva students starting today. Protesters blocked the intersection and clashed with police.

At one point, police declared the demonstration illegal before taking action to disperse the protest. Despite the warning, protesters escalated into violent behavior, shouting inflammatory remarks such as “Nazis” and other derogatory terms at police officers. Mounted police units were deployed to clear the roadway, and officers arrested one individual for disorderly conduct.

The demonstration caused significant traffic disruptions in the area. Police urged drivers to avoid the area and use alternate routes.

The Israel Police issued a statement saying: “The police will not tolerate public disturbances, obstruction of freedom of movement, or any behavior that endangers public safety.”


The wicked beyond belief shmad agent attorney general has a vendetta against religious people and she must be stopped at all costs. Unfortunately the quiet way isn’t working. I doubt this will either but I could understand the frustration with the attack on their way of life while the Arabs continue to get their exemptions without any protest from the same camp claiming equality for all. Nothing but frauds

These idiots in the comments here are helpless. This has NOTHING to do with learning being more important than the army etc… or another excuse. This is simply about zionist shmad. That’s the ALL of it. Nothing more, nothing less.

They’re decimating Am Yisrael!


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right in your comment about the commenters who have narrow and uninformed minds.
As far as the atty general, she is an obvious Erev Rav and thus has no connection or feelings for kedushat Eretz Yisrael and, of course, despises Torah.
This inane draft order for these yeshiva bachurim is that the regime knows they have lost so many holy soldiers already, z'l, so they need to have more cannon fodder and since many of the secular youth are not penalized for their awol tactics which seems to be fine with the 'democratic' regime, we clearly see the actions of the court as an outright abomination.
The State is losing its hold & grip and deep down in their subconscious, they know they are undoing themselves.
It is our holy Torah that gives life, prosperity and peace in our holy Eretz Yisrael! Without Torah learning and the respect due to these holy young men, the regime cannot succeed in war or peace. Just as Israel needs its army, it needs as its partner, Torah learning for success and total victory.

Anonymous said...

There has also been a practice in the secular communities (many elite ones) that as soon as the kids reach 16 they get fake mental problems and get exemptions from the army. This has been going on for your years, I heard it could be as high as 30% or even higher. Meanwhile the number of secular Jews refusing to join the army is increasing, yet no mention of it in the media or the government doing anything about it.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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