14 November 2024

Lenny Goldberg on the Situation

The following I read over at ShiratDevorah. Since its a public website, I have posted it below. This Lenny Goldberg had some very very interesting things to say. Please listen and leave your thoughts, if you wish, below


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this podcast, interesting.

Anonymous said...

This was one of the most interesting & truly great post yet!
Lenny Goldberg is a long-time disciple of HaRav Meir Kahane, ztl, H'Yikom damo!
He became quite a Torah scholar. His podcasts on IsraelNewsTalk Radio is
always so interesting and informative and a wonderful way of learning all the
great stories in Nach.
His message here is perfect and it's at the right time to the point.
He, in a way, said it all.
I would like to add something: The US has been infiltrated with about
20 million illegal aliens that caused so many problems & crime. The new
President is determined to fix that problem by deporting mainly all the criminal elements of all kinds, which is a very normal and proper response.
Should that not apply to Yisrael? Of course, maybe H' has made it happen
in this way to awaken the Jews in Yisrael and how no one could really dictate to another what he himself is intending to do in his country. May HaRav Kahane's dream be fulfilled that Eretz Yisrael will be filled with all the Jewish people (E. Y.. l'Am Yisrael bilvad).

Anonymous said...


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