28 November 2024

Just in Time for Shabbos - Rabbi David Pinto



 A true story in the skies of absolute greatness! You can do it too! Rabbi Rabbi David Hanania Pinto shlita is a descendant of a family of supreme holy rabbis from generation to generation, a family of rabbis whose greatness has been handed down from generation to generation, for nearly four hundred years. Rabbi Yoshiya Pinto Zatzokal ZIA was a contemporary and father-in-law of the non-Maharajah Rabbi Chaim Vital ZIA, a definite disciple of the Holy Ari ZIA. M 

 In Vayimaen we will reawaken the truth that authentic happiness lies, not in the allure of societal attraction but, rather, in the haven of purity that exists within us. We will learn that every moment of rising above temptation is laden with untold blessings and salvations. M 

 Harness the power of control to bring the shechinah into your life. Even if it’s just once. This one time, the shechinah is entering your space, bringing you to a higher level of kedusha.

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