28 November 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The Erev Rav Waging War on Many Fronts

We start with Five Towns Fauci, Rabbi Dr. Death.

Insert your own punchline.  

In addition to whoring for the poison shots like few others, Glatt was instrumental in the horrific death of Deborah Bucko, fighting tooth and nail to deny her Ivermectin.  For the complete story, including court records, see the following article and interview with Deborah's husband (for whatever it's worth, my most-watched program by far). 

The fact that Glatt and so many like him are still leading Jewish communities and institutions around the world with hardly a peep of outrage is a disgrace upon our people.  Why should Hashem redeem us, really, if we tolerate this?
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This comes from a reader:

"I saw what you wrote a few years ago regarding Haim Walder. Has his Taryag franchise been hijacked?! See attached pictures, freemasonry symbols. The whole book is about the triangle, also the number 33 makes an appearance.

There is a weird  "slide" that is in many playgrounds, it looks like a snake, think how children should use it, these people are sick."

My articles and podcast about the Erev Rav's elimination of Walder can be found at the following links.  The articles in bold are essential.

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The IDF requests that people stop using sentences that begin with "You can count on both hands the number of..." and to stop teaching children to count with their fingers and toes.
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This isn't receiving any attention, but the regime screwed over all the previously handicapped people who can't find parking spaces anymore.
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A question to all the people who rushed into death traps, supported sending our finest people into death traps, and demanded that more Jews be sent into traps:

If you could go back in time one year knowing how it would turn out today, with all the maimed and killed, all the other collateral damage, and that we really have nothing to show for it other than that, would you still do it?  

If yes, how can you try to justify it without being ashamed?

If not, why won't you say it openly, why did you seriously expect this time would be different, and why won't what you know now influence your future behavior?  Do you not fit the colloquial definition of insanity?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again we read about the notorious rabbi glatt.
Unbelievable! How easy it is for us to now understand
our holy Sages (Chazal) who did not want to live in the era of
the arrival of Moshiach because the evil at this time surpasses even the
cruelty and evil of 2000 years ago Rome.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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