11 November 2024


 Security forces demolish buildings in hilltop community

Security forces evacuated and destroyed buildings in the Tzur Harel hilltop community, named for fallen soldier Harel Sharvit, whose birthday is today.  Read more:

the night before

in the morning

The eviction is the latest in a series of actions taken against the Tzur Harel community and its members, including demolitions and administrative restraining orders. 
The defense establishment noted that the structures that were demolished were illegally constructed on land that is *privately owned by a Palestinian Arab.

The residents claimed this morning that "for the fourth time, the defense establishment destroyed our hilltop, despite all of the illegal construction around us and the non-stop attacks by Arabs from the nearby village of Burqa, they decided to evict us. It is very disappointing to see that (former Defense Minister) Gallant's spirit continues to dictate the policy of the State of Israel's Defense Minister, we call on incoming Defense Minister Israel Katz to come to his senses and stop harming the land of Israel so he won't be remembered in the settlement movement as a Defense Minister who harmed and destroyed the settlements like his predecessor.

"Despite the destruction, we will continue in full force and not give up. We call from here to the people of Israel to come and support the settlement of the land of Israel. We will continue to fight for the lands of our fathers until a beautiful community is established here," they added.

The defense establishment commented: "The structures were built illegally and were removed per the decision of Central Command Commanding Officer Maj. Gen. Avi Bluth and the head of the Civil Administration Brg. Gen. Hisham Ibrahim. In addition, the many criminal incidents that emanated from the community and the security risks created as a result constituted a threat for a potential flare-up in the area. The IDF and defense establishment will continue to work to ensure the security of the area and its residents."


No such thing as a palestinian; they are all arabs of syria, egypt, iraqi and jordan .

There is no such thing as a non-Jew owning any Land in Eretz Yisrael, as the Land belongs to HKG"H who bequeathed it to Yaakov Avinu and his decendants!


Anonymous said...

Unless every Yid in EY realizes once and for all that the medinah is NOT under Jewish control but under the total control of the Erev Rav and their Asavian handlers, how can it be better other than emmese Yidden waking up and uniting against what is going on. The naive (really tipshi) dati loyalists still put their emunah where it doesn't belong. Emunah should only be in Hashem together with Bitachon in Him and things would turn around in a flash for the true Am Yisrael. There is no one to rely on. There is only AIN OD MILVADO.

Anonymous said...

A yasher koach - that's the truth that there is no such thing as a lo-yehudi owning land in our Eretz Yisrael. Trouble is we are under the control of Erev Rav, not Jews who allow everything because they are the ones aiding & abetting the amaleikim to help them steal our Land and murder our people, c'v.
May we see our Salvation already; it's too much and the yehudim in the meantime are like sheeple and just close their eyes to everything, like in the shteitels of Europe, r'l.
Somehow, H' will see to it, hopefully very, very soon, that we greet MBY and see deliverance from our sonim, and then greet MBD where life will become
true happiness and the world will know there is only Hashem and no other;
Ain Od Milvado!

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