06 August 2024

“Forbidden To Report To Induction Centers”

Chassidish Leaders Join Litvsih, Sephardi Counterparts: “Forbidden To Report To Induction Centers”

As the recruitment of bnei yeshivos reached the operational stage on Monday, with the first Charedi draftees scheduled to appear at induction centers, Chassidish leaders in Eretz Yisrael instructed bnei yeshivos not to comply with draft orders.

Litvish and Sephardi Roshei Yeshivos have already instructed their talmidim not to report to induction centers.

A letter published by Chassidish leaders states: “Since the IDF authorities recently sent draft orders to bochurim and avreichim for the purpose of recuriting them into the army, we would like to clarify that Gedolei Yisrael have already ordered that it is forbidden to enlist in the army under any circumstances. Even if the IDF establishes strictly Chareidi Mehadrin companies and brigades, they have already proven that they do not end up sticking with it.”

“And even if they partially accommodate Chareidim at first, after a while, it’s impossible to remain Shomer Torah u’mitzvos k’halacha there. Even if they say that now they’ll insist that they can remain Chareidi Mehadrin there, al pi din Torah, they have no ne’amanus [trustworthiness] on this. We know very clearly that there is not one Gadol b’Yisrael who disagrees on this issue.”

“Therefore, we would like to instruct, in accordance with the opinions of all Gedolei HaDor, that all bochurim and avreichim who receive draft orders are forbidden to report to induction centers.”

“And Hashem Yisbarach should guard His nation Yisrael to withstand all nisyonos and remain Jews faithful to Hashem and His Torah.”


Myrtle Rising said...

Thanks so much for this, Neshama. A big yasher koach to you.

My son said he personally saw on Israeli social media that groups of secular extreme-Left draft-dodgers are also standing at the recruitment centers and calling for people to refuse conscription into the army.

They apparently stand not far from the charedi protest groups, yet the media ONLY shows the charedi protest groups. These secular extreme-Left protestors oppose army service for completely different reasons than the charedim and for the wrong reasons – like because of their secular Leftist sympathy for the Gazan terrorists, not sympathy for Jewish soldiers and Jewish civilians murdered by Gazan terrorists.

When the secular extreme-Left protestors see cameras pointing at them, they apparently shout at the camera-holder to turn the camera away from them.

Either way, the 2 protest groups apparently do not stand far apart from each other. Yet the media insists on filming only the charedi protestors.

Some charedim are uploading videos of themselves explaining the important difference between why they oppose the mandatory draft of charedim and why the secular extreme-Left opposes any draft.

I didn't see these videos, but we know that the charedi opposition derives from a positive value system and opposition to how the Erev Rav higher-ups in command use army service to ultimately destroy the Torah way of life...while the secular extreme-Leftists oppose army service because they are self-hating nutters who prize Muslim-Arab life over Jewish life, even if those Muslim-Arabs are murderers.

I don't have any access to social media, but anyone who does can access the Hebrew-speaking social media and check out the above.

May Hashem please bring the Geula speedily b'rachamim.

Myrtle Rising said...

In hindsight, the motivation for writing my previous comment doesn't seem clear. So to clarify:

1) People should continue to realize the media purposely manipulates its videos to make it seem like only charedim oppose the draft, as if only charedim are a problem in Israeli society – even though there are secular extreme-Leftists who also oppose the draft.

2) People who see both protest groups should realize their reasons for protesting have nothing to do with each other. Any believing Jew (regardless of background) would find a lot in common with the charedim who oppose the draft targeting charedim. Conversely, any believing Jew would be repulsed by the secular extreme-Left protestors, both because of their offensive secular extreme-Left reasoning and their anti-Torah value system and culture.

(This past year, charedim comprised 13% of draft-dodgers while secular people, mostly from the Gush Dan area, comprised 12% of draft-dodgers.)

In short: The charedim have good reasons for refusing to enlist; the secular draft-dodgers have bad reasons for their refusal.

Thanks again, Neshama, and may the Geula come speedily b'rachamim.