06 August 2024

A very important message...

 I have no shortage of ideological differences with so-called "haredi" society.  (I've been against the labels for decades; they put people in a vague box and are needlessly divisive).  However, I think all of Israel should be rallying around them and with them right now.  They are the only segment of society that is standing up to the Amalekite regime in massive numbers without fear, come what may.  They are also extremely organized and resourceful, and the vast majority of them are truly God-fearing people who will sacrifice everything for Hashem, the Torah, and the Jewish people.  

The “haredim” are the main obstacle standing between the Amalekite regime and total enslavement of the population.  The regime cannot enslave the population without defeating the “haredim”.  They cannot defeat the “haredim” unless the rest of the population is against the “haredim”, too.  And the rest of the population is doomed if the “haredim” are defeated.

So you have a very important choice to make.  Do you sit it out and pretend this doesn't concern you?  Do you side with the regime?  Or do you side with the “haredim” and push back against your mutual oppressors?  

I realize it isn't easy for many people to swallow this, but it should be an easy choice.  It's time even those with the greatest antipathy for religion and the “haredi” world in particular put it aside and joined forces with them.  It's the best chance we have to ward off what the Amalekites have in store for us without open miracles.  Possibly the only chance.

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Was Uriel ben Mordechai Murdered by the Regime?

About a year ago, activist Uriel ben Mordechai was found dead in his apartment under extremely suspicious circumstances.  His wife provides further information in the above clip.
Uriel did tremendous work helping citizens fight the mask tyranny in Israel and bringing lawsuits against airlines that violated the rights of passengers.  The motive was certainly there.  

It seems most likely that his death was yet another murder by ....., followed by a cover up.

May Hashem avenge his blood.

Past programs with Uriel:

R&B Amalek and Erev Rav #54 - Pro Se Fighters Against the Covid Tyranny

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