23 June 2024

Rabbi Weissman: The Controlled Media Drops a Belated "Bombshell" About October 7

 All of a sudden, in lockstep, the controlled media, which exists to manipulate you, distract you, and lull you into complacency, is filled with reports that the IDF knew about the attack in advance of October 7.  

Check out this Google search.  Notice how there was a controlled dump just yesterday, with a previous controlled dump on May 23.  Amazing how all these crack investigative journalists seem to operate, almost as if the same source is feeding them the same "scoop" at the same time and instructing them what the game plan is.

Meanwhile, here's what I posted on October 7 minutes after Simchas Torah ended and I first heard about the attack:

So hundreds of terrorists were able to cross the border by surprise and capture entire communities, with little to no military response for many hours, in a country blanketed by cameras, with supposedly some of the best intelligence in the world, and we're supposed to believe this was a surprise attack.  Never forget that the country is run by Erev Rav who work for Amalek.  May Hashem save us from the enemies within as much as the enemies outside our land.

Expect war lockdowns and heightened censorship for your safety.  Do not trust the people who are supposed to be "protecting" you.  They are your worst enemies.

Someone who responded to my email put it best: "My first thought when I saw the news early this morning was that a government established by Nazi collaborators, that slaughters its babies, and kills and maims its citizens with medical tyranny would absolutely allow an enemy attack with all its suffering, wounded and dead."

This wasn't an intelligence failure.  On the contrary; the operation was executed as planned.

It had to be an inside job, coordinated on both sides of the border.  It was obvious the minute it happened (or at least it should have been).  And I wasn't the only one.  But the crack investigative journalists pretend they're giving you news 8 months later, and even "awake" people are getting excited about it, as if this is vindication and validation.  What a joke.

Are we allowed to ask questions yet?

They did the same thing with Covid many months and years after the fact to maintain a veneer of credibility and control the narrative.  

So many fools still believe this was all just an elaborate plot to bring down Bibi or to provide an excuse for our totally not-sold-out leaders to destroy Hamas.  There's just nothing you can do with people who WANT to be brainwashed.

It's not about left or right.

Bibi wasn't in the dark.

They are all phonies.

The elaborate plot is against all of us. Whatever tiny crumbs they are forced to acknowledge many months after the fact are just the tip of the iceberg to cover up for everything else, and lull you into complacency that the system will fix itself from the inside.  

You're still being played.  You're always being played.  

The enslavement and destruction agenda is continuing at full force.

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Rabbi Weissman – Clear Away Some Stones...and Two Kinds of Idiots

 What is an essential prerequisite for Hashem to elevate someone to greatness?

How can we overcome an impossible enemy, and our own evil nature?

How do you know if your money is a blessing or a curse?

Many bonus questions at the end.

This week's Torah class: Clear Away Some Stones

*   *   *
Several people have asked me why I think the controlled media would admit it now that the IDF knew about October 7 in advance (duh) and  let it happen.  As I mentioned, to maintain a veneer of credibility and control the narrative.  There's too much information out for them to deny it anymore, so now they can investigate themselves, find a scapegoat, and lull the people into complacency — the situation is under control.  

As an added bonus, the people can squabble among themselves about who's really to blame and what should be done, instead of organizing and actually doing what needs to be done.

*   *   *
Useful Idiots:

There's a pandemic going on, so now is not the time to ask questions.

There's a war going on, so now is not the time to ask questions.

Come on, they wouldn't kill their own citizens.

Okay, so they let October 7 happen, but right now we have to fight a war, and let them lead us, and we'll deal with it when it's over.

Oh, and we should also let them lead us into another war with Lebanon before we deal with it.

You're bringing down morale!  You'll get us all killed!

I know the IDF is run by traitors who are sending Jews on suicide missions, and destroying Jewish communities, and they were complicit in October 7, but it's the only army we have, and I'm proud to be part of it, and I'm proud for my children to wear the uniform, and their ceremonies are so moving, and we have to just follow orders and rely on Hashem, and together we will win!

It's horrible how many Jews have been maimed and killed in Gaza, so we have to send in even more of them until we win.  

It's horrible how many Jews have been maimed and killed in Gaza, while so many “haredim” aren't participating.  They're the problem.  Disgraceful!

It's really important to explain to the goyim that Israel is the good guys and they should support Israel.

Useless Idiots:

October 7 was a leftist plot to take down Bibi and his right wing alliance with Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

October 7 was an excuse for Israel to finally destroy Hamas.

The white hats have everything under control, and they're going to save us.  Any day now.

Trump is going to save the world.  Any day now.

We'll really show them in the next election and everything will change.

I know the news exists just to fill my head with lies, spin, and distractions, but I have to get my information SOMEWHERE.

There's no point, people are too stupid, and they won't listen, and nothing will ever change, so it doesn't pay.  I'll just keep blowing hot air on social media and that's it.

Buy my books on Amazon here or contact me to purchase in Israel.
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*   *   *

When you sell your soul to the devil and still can't afford a good copy editor.

Yair Davidy on the Ten Tribes Returning to Eretz Yisrael

A Brit-Am Yair Davidiy Biblical Message. Excerpt from a Root and Branch Meeting hosted by Lowell (Aryeh) Gallin: The Lost Ten Tribes when they return to the Land of Israel will still be (to some degree) idolaters. The Almighty will inspire them to repent and to keep the Law. The Ten Tribes will once again become part of the Chosen People in the Spiritual Sense as well as the physical. 

Rabbi Glatstein – Parshas Beha'aloscha: Who I Met in the Elevator in Panama.....&

& the Man Who Won the Lottery

BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: Hagoen Harav Moshe Wolfson

 BDE: Hagoen Harav Moshe Wolfson z"l, Mashgiach Torah Vdaas and Rov Emunas Yisroel

Baruch Dayan Huemes; It is with great sadness that we report the news of the Petirah of Hagoen Rav Moshe Wolfson Zt"l, a pillar of Torah and chassidus for the Boro Park community and beyond, Mashgiach Torah Vdaas and Rov Emunas Yisroel.

Full tribute and Levaye details will follow.

22 June 2024


 Jews maybe unable to leave The Goldene Medina. Jews being scruitinized about Israel relationship.

US Probing Israelis Applying For Green Cards & Visas For War Crimes!

Israelis filling out applications for US green cards and visas must now answer detailed questions regarding their army service to ensure they didn’t commit war crimes, Ynet reported on Thursday.

According to the report, Yuval, a senior manager at a high-tech company in Silicon Valley in the U.S., was happy to receive a letter from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) last week about his application for a green card. But he was shocked by the content of the letter: “In your application form you stated that you served in the Israel Defense Forces between 2005-2008. You must provide us with additional information about your military service so that we can make a final decision on your case,” the letter read.

“You must submit an affidavit under oath, describing your military service,” the letter continued. “As part of this affidavit, the following questions must be addressed: Did you participate as a combatant in battles during your military service? If so, please describe your activity/role in these battles; Did you command soldiers in the army? If yes, please describe the aspects of your command; Have you ever guarded (or commanded others to guard) detainees? Did you use explosives during your military service? If so, detail the types of weapons or explosives you were trained on.”

“Have you ever actually used weapons or explosives? If so, what weapons or explosives did you use? How did you use weapons or explosives? On how many occasions did you use weapons or explosives? How often did you use weapons or explosives? Did you use a weapon and/or an explosive against another person? If so, the circumstances must be detailed, and explain why you used a weapon and/or an explosive against another person/people.”

According to the letter, if Yuval did not provide an affidavit with answers satisfactory to the USCIS within eight days, he could be expected to be deported from the U.S.

“In order to get the work visa two years ago, I answered questions about my military service, so they know that I was released 16 years ago after a rather banal service,” Yuval says. “But these new questions – I am shocked. I feel as if questions were copied From the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.”

Attorney Liam Schwartz, head of the Labor and Corporate Immigration Department at the Tel Aviv-based law firm of Goldfarb, Seligman, told Ynet that the USCIS is now applying a new policy on Israelis, under which they must be questioned about their military service – both present and past.

“An investigation that seeks explanations about how, when and why weapons and/or explosives were used against another person is intended to understand if you have committed war crimes. A question regarding the custody of detainees is intended to ‘catch’ the military personnel and police officers who participated in the arrests in the West Bank. A demand for information regarding the active participation as a combatant in battles may also be used by the authorities for the purpose of formulating their position in relation to acts defined as genocide.”

Schwartz added: “The USCIS has the authority to issue permits to foreign citizens, whether they are workers, students or the spouses of Americans. The new policy of the USCIS is extremely worrisome and its impact on Israelis could be broad in areas such as relocation for work, academic degree studies and family reunification.”

The questions also apply to Israelis who apply for visas at a U.S. embassy outside Israel, the report said. Revital decided to apply for a tourist visa at a U.S. consulate in Western Europe, where she had traveled from Israel.

“I was in an interview that lasted more than half an hour, and all the questions referred to my combat service,” Revital said. “The interviewer was very curious about my training and skills in weapons and explosives and wanted to know details about the reserves in Gaza. In the end, the guy left the service window for about 10 minutes, I could see he was talking passionately with someone else. He returned, handed me my passport, and said ‘you are not eligible for a visa today’ and closed the window blinds.”

Recently, even Israelis declaring items to customs as they enter the U.S. may be interrogated. Ofer, VP of North American Marketing for a real estate company, defines himself as “someone who lives on the seam between Tel Aviv and the U.S.” Two weeks ago, upon his arrival at the airport in Los Angeles, he was unexpectedly asked to go to another room for further interrogation after presenting his Israeli passport.

“They opened my laptop,” said Ofer. “They looked up a Google Chrome account with the name of my unit and called an interpreter. There was nothing classified there – just correspondence about the unit’s treatment of evacuees from several localities. It’s just that there was a lot of such correspondence. I sat for four hours until they decided I could collect my things and leave. In the meantime, I missed the connecting flight, and I waited another six hours until the next flight. I travel so much to the US, I have never been bullied like this for being an Israeli.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 June 2024

Nursery Rhymes for Dystopian Times

Roses are red.
Chemtrails are grey.
They want us all dead
so please don't obey.

Those reigning
are misinforming,
The old man's conforming
He got his shot
And he got a clot
and they found him dead in the morning.

Normy Conformy took the vaccine
Normy Conformy altered his genes
All the kings subjects and even the queen
couldn't get Normy off his life-support machine.

There was an old sociopath
who didn't know what to do,
He said: “Too many humans!
I'll scare them with ‘bird flu’!"
Then he sprayed up their sky,
genetically modified their bread,
and taxed them and vaxxed them
until they were dead.

Bill and Klaus went up to Davos
to impose their New World Order
”Just eat ze bugs, keep taking our drugs
We'll disarm you and open your border."

Little Joe Creep,
”elected” by sheep,
puppeteered by the powers that (shouldn't) be
Behind his scripted senility
is plausible deniability,
his rogue handlers get off scot free.

Little Mr. Buffet (et al)
is also a puppet
of the predator class;
When along come We the People
and wake up the sheeple
and topple all the sociopaths.

Old McFauci pushed Big Pharma
He lied, he lied, oh
And in Big Pharma there's an agenda:
democide democide, bro.
With a death dart here
and a Schwab swab there
Doc dictators
Mengelesque vax-pushing traitors
Old DocFauci and Big Pharma
People died, democide, woe.

Don't block my sunshine
My only sunshine
How dare you spray me
or make my skies grey
You do not own me
nor the air that I breathe
So please don't take my freedom away.

This land is our land
It is not your land
You greedy villains
from Epstein Island
It's time to fight back
We'll take our rights back
and defend our essential liberties

Rock-a-bye Bibi, in your scripted war,
When Jews awaken, you they'll ignore,
We will rise up, your tyranny will fall,

And down will come Bibi, globalists and all 

Rabbi Winston: Parashas BeHa'alosecha

 In memory of Eliyahu ben Esther, HY”D, who was killed by the Jordanians on the streets of Beit Yisrael in Yerushalayim, on the 25th of Iyar, 1948.

ONE OF THE greatest gifts you can give a person is inspiration. And though giving gifts on Chanukah is not really our thing, the holiday of Chanukah itself is the gift of inspiration. The chayn in Chanukah and the Menorah of Chanukah tell you that.

Parashas BeHa’alosecha begins

G–D spoke to Moshe, saying: “Speak to Aharon and tell him: ‘When you light—beha’alosecha—the lamps, the seven lamps will illuminate towards the face of the Menorah.’” (Bamidbar 8:1-2)

regarding which Rashi comments:

When you light: literally, when you cause to ascend…He (Aharon HaKohen) is required to light the candle until the flame rises by itself. Our rabbis further elucidated from here that there was a step in front of the Menorah on which the kohen stood to prepare [the candles]. (Rashi)

These two ideas are not only necessary to explain the word, beha’alosecha in the verse, they also clue us in to the actual source of inspiration itself. After all, though most people know what inspiration is, they don’t really know what it is. This inspires us to figure it out. Chanukah, which the Ramban says is alluded to in this parsha, inspires us to try it out. 

That was the easy part. Now for the more difficult one. 

Everything exists because of G–D’s infinite light called Ohr Ain Sof—Light Without Limit. Everything is made from it, and everything lives because of it. Take Ohr Ain Sof away from anything and it immediately ceases to exist. Everything we see or feel is just another form of the light, because there is nothing else but G–D’s spiritualunlimited light. 

Yet, the world that this spiritual and unlimited light created and runs is so physical, so limited. How does that work? We call it a miracle because, naturally-speaking, it is not natural at all. From where we stand it should not be possible at all, but it is anyhow, thanks to something G–D created called sefiros

The sefiros don’t really answer the question, but they do tell us the means by which G–D makes the miracle happen. They are spiritual creations, also made from Ohr Ain Sof, but with a capacity to reduce the spiritual intensity of the Ohr Ain Sof so that the physical world can exist and function.

I’m going to skip the next, very technical (but informative) part, which is in my latest book, b”H, called “Inspired.” The main idea is this. The sefiros are organized like a human body, which we are modeled after. Just as our limbs live and function because of the light of the soul within them, the sefiros also have a light inside of them that acts as their soul, a very specific light called “Da’as.” The light of Da’as is the source of life, sense of being, and spiritual energy to accomplish. 

In short, the light of Da’as that courses through the sefiros that govern our history (Chesed through Yesod) is the source of all inspiration, in the sefiros and in humans as well. Motivational speakers may be entertaining, but it is what they say more than how they say it that talks to us inside and inspires us to get up and do great things. Great ideas inspire great things.

The kohen climbs three stairs he didn’t need to reach the Menorah to teach that only inspired people inspire others. Being a conduit for the light of G–D, the kohen had the incredible job of “lighting” our fires, by channeling that light, the light of Da’as—that the Menorah represents—to us. And he cannot stop what he is doing until he sees that we “burn” with the light of the Menorah on our own.

This is what happened through the kohanim in the time of the Chashmonaim.  They were inspired to fight the Greeks regardless of the consequences, because inspired people do not need goals, to encourage them to fight their battles. They don’t ask questions that might intimidate them from trying. They just put everything they have into what they are doing and let the results take of themselves.

This is only the beginning of this life-altering discussion. Hopefully it will inspire you to learn the rest of it on your own. 

Eliezer Meir Saidel: Harmonic Motion – Beha'alotcha

 Harmonic Motion – Beha'alotcha


וְהֵנִיף אַהֲרֹן אֶת הַלְוִיִּם תְּנוּפָה לִפְנֵי ה' מֵאֵת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְהָיוּ לַעֲבֹד אֶת עֲבֹדַת ה' (במדבר ה, ב).


As part of the inauguration of the Levi'im into their service in the Mishkan, Aharon had to wave them around in the air - תְּנוּפָה. The word תְּנוּפָה is mentioned multiple times in this paragraph and the Malbim on the above passuk says that that each Levi was in fact waved twice, once by Aharon and again by Moshe.


We are very familiar with תְּנוּפָה. We do it on Sukkot when we wave the אַרְבַּעַת הַמִּינִים. There is a specific pattern of waving. The Rambam details the procedure numerous times (הל' תמידין ומוספין ח, יא; הל' מעשה הקרבנות ט, ז; הל' סוטה ג, טו; וכו') and describes it as מוֹלִיךְ וּמֵבִיא מַעֲלֶה וּמוֹרִיד. His source is a Gemara (Sukkah 37b).


It begins by raising the item being waved and holding it against your heart. The item is then projected away from and retracted back to the heart three times – in six different directions, north, south, east, west, up and down – three projections/retractions in each direction (שו"ע, אורח חיים, ס' תרנא, סע' ט).


There are different minhagim for the order of the directions, according to the different eidot. Every Sukkot I look around me in shul as people wave the Lulav and it never ceases to amaze that every year people seem to be waving in orders I have never seen before!


תְּנוּפָה is a very common procedure in the service of HKB"H and is integral to many mitzvot (e.g אַרְבַּעַת הַמִּינִים). In the time of the Beit HaMikdash, תְּנוּפָה was required with various korbanot, waving animals (whole), waving body parts, waving Menachot, Bikkurim, etc. and also, like in our parsha, waving people.


It is one thing to wave a Lulav and Etrog, that weighs under 1kg, as described above. It is another thing altogether to wave an adult Levi (between the ages 30-50), weighing anywhere from 50-120kg, around in the air. And not just one or two Levi'im, but 22,000 of them.


Most of the Mefarshim (R' Bachyei etc.) regard this as a miracle. The Birkat Asher on the above passuk says that this emphasizes Aharon's and Moshe's incredible strength. One of the prerequisites of being a Kohen Gadol was that you had to have great physical strength. We also know Moshe's incredible strength in the Midrash's description of how he killed עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן. The Meor HaAfeila brings a more "rational" approach that there was no waving of Levi'im in the way the korbanot were waved, but rather that Aharon and Moshe led the Levi'im in a musical procession in the Azara (he doesn't explain though how 22,000 Levi'im fitted into the small space of the Azara of the Mishkan).


In this shiur I would like to explore the spiritual symbolism, the meaning of the תְּנוּפָה.


The Gemara (Sukkah 37b) brings a machloket regarding the reason for תְּנוּפָה. R' Yochanan says מוֹלִיךְ וּמֵבִיא לְמִי שֶׁהָאַרְבַּע רוּחוֹת שֶׁלּוֹ מַעֲלֶה וּמוֹרִיד לְמִי שֶׁהַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ שֶׁלּוֹ, that the waving in six directions is acknowledgement of HKB"H, Ruler of Heaven and the four corners of the earth. The Gemara brings a second opinion of R' Chama bar Ukva, in the name of R' Yossi bar Chanina - מוֹלִיךְ וּמֵבִיא כְּדֵי לַעֲצֹר רוּחוֹת רָעוֹת מַעֲלֶה וּמוֹרִיד כְּדֵי לַעֲצֹר טְלָלִים רָעִים. According to this second opinion, the purpose of waving is to counteract harmful winds and rainfall that damage crops.  


Although the semantics of the two opinions differ slightly, the ultimate purpose is the same, to acknowledge HKB"H as Master of the universe and thereby ensure agricultural bounty. In the first opinion, it is directly addressing the source (HKB"H), in the second, it is indirectly addressing the "messengers" (wind, rain).


It is not coincidence that תְּנוּפָה is an integral part of rituals that are agriculture/climate related – the Omer to bless the barley crop, the Shtei HaLechem to bless the wheat crop, the אַרְבַּעַת הַמִּינִים to bless the rain, etc.


Another, more Kabbalistic, interpretation of the תְּנוּפָה relates to the number "six" and its connection to our physical world. This is explored at length in the shiur on Mishpatim 2024.


In this shiur I would like to focus on the perush of the Zohar HaKadosh (תוספות לזהר, חלק ג', מאמר והניף אהרן את הלוים, אות עה-עז) –


"וְהֵנִיף אַהֲרֹן אֶת הַלְוִיִּם תְּנוּפָה לִפְנֵי ה'". ר' יְהוּדָה שְׁאִיל לר' אַבָּא: לָמָּה הָיָה הַכֹּהֵן מֵנִיף אֶת הַלְּוִיִם? אָמַר לוֹ למה"ד - לְתִינוֹק כְּשֶׁהוּא בּוֹכֶה וְכוֹעֵס. מָה עוֹשִׂין כְּדֵי לְפַיְּסוֹ? א"ל רַבִּי יְהוּדָה מְנִיפִין אוֹתוֹ וּמְנַעְנְעִים אוֹתוֹ כְּדֵי לְשַׁתְּקוֹ. א"ל ר' אַבָּא יְהוּדָה יְהוּדָה מִלָּה זֹאת בָּאָה לְיָדְךָ וְלֹא חָקַרְתָּ בָּהּ וַהֲלֹא יִשְׁמְעוּ אָזְנֶיךָ מָה שֶׁפִּיךָ מְדַבֵּר. כָּךְ הִיא מִדַּת הַגְּבוּרָה כּוֹעֶסֶת וְרוֹגֶזֶת, דִּכְתִיב "שִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי אַחִים כְּלֵי חָמָס מְכֵרֹתֵיהֶם" וּכְתִיב "אָרוּר אַפָּם כִּי עָז וְעֶבְרָתָם כִּי קָשָׁתָה" לְפִי שֶׁהֵם מִתְגַּבְּרִים וּמִתְקַשִּׁים בְּאַפָם וְעֶבְרָתָם לָצֵאת לַעֲשׂוֹת דִּין לְכַלּוֹת וּלְהַכְרִית בְּנֵי הָעוֹלָם אֲזַי הַכֹּהֵן שֶׁהוּא הַחֶסֶד הָעֶלְיוֹן מֵנִיף אוֹתוֹ הַצַּד שֶׁל הַלְּוִיִם שֶׁהִיא מִדַּת הַגְּבוּרָה כְּדֵי לְשַׁכֵּךְ וְלְשָּׁקֵט רֻגְזָה וְכָעֲסָה כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּשְׁתַּבְּרוּ הַשְּׂעָרוֹת מִכָּל שׁוּלֵיהֶן וְלֹא יִתְגַּבְּרוּ וְלֹא יִתְחַזְּקוּ. כְּעֵין דֻּגְמָא זוֹ הַכֹּהֵן שֶׁמֵּנִיף אֶת הַלְּוִיִם תְּנוּפָה כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּשְׁקֹט הַצַּד שֶׁל גְּבוּרָה שֶׁלָּהֶן כְּדֵי שֶׁלֹּא יִתְעוֹרֵר הַדִּין בָּעוֹלָם. בָּא ר' יְהוּדָה וְנָשַׁק אֶת יָדָיו.



On our passuk above, R' Yehuda asked R' Aba – "Why did the Kohen have to wave the Levi'im? R' Aba replied "I will give you a mashal. It is like an angry, crying baby. What does one do to calm him down?" R' Yehuda said "You pick him up, wave him around and 'shockel' him to calm him down". R' Aba said "Yehuda Yehuda! Do you actually hear what you are saying? This is the angry mida of Gvura, as Yaakov rebuked Levi in the psukkim שִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי אַחִים כְּלֵי חָמָס מְכֵרֹתֵיהֶם and אָרוּר אַפָּם כִּי עָז וְעֶבְרָתָם כִּי קָשָׁתָה. The Tribe of Levi is the attribute of Gvura - Midat HaDin – that comes to destroy the world in its zealotry. To balance this comes the Kohen, who is the attribute of Chessed – Midat HaRachamim - and waves the Levi'im around to calm them down so that Midat HaDin does not prevail in the world. R' Yehuda went and kissed his hand.


What an incredible perush! What the Zohar is teaching us is that "stasis" typifies Midat HaDin and that "motion" is indicative of Midat HaRachamim. It is the fundamental difference between עוֹלָם הַבָּא and עוֹלָם הַזֶּה.


In עוֹלָם הַבָּא there is no motion, everything is static. Tzadikim are sitting (not walking or running around, sitting still), with their crowns (of Torah) on their heads, basking in the radiance of the Shechina (ברכות יז, ע"א). How long does this continue? For all eternity! This is the true reward for Tzadikim in עוֹלָם הַבָּא. It is the ultimate pleasure, that no pleasure of this world can even begin to approach.


Contrast this with עוֹלָם הַזֶּה, a world designed according to the blueprint of motion.


Everything in this world is constantly in motion – even things that appear to be still, are in fact moving. When we stand on solid ground, the earth appears to be still under our feet (unless there is an earthquake chas vechalila). However, the ground below us is far from still. Planet earth is rotating around its axis at a speed of 1670 km/hr. In fact, the earth beneath your feet (and you on it) are flying through the atmosphere at a speed exceeding Mach 1.


Objects that appear to be motionless, like a table, a tree trunk or a mountain are in constant motion. The molecules that comprise them are constantly vibrating (with a frequency of between 1013Hz - 1014Hz). Electrons are spinning around atoms at the speed of light.


Time itself is in constant motion (you know the adage "Time never stands still"). All matter (including life forms) is born, lives and dies. Nothing in this world is static.


HKB"H designed this world to be alive with motion. Motion is a song of praise to HKB"H, this is why it is termed "harmonic motion". The earth orbiting the sun, the moon orbiting the earth, the planets in their celestial orbits, the electrons in an atom orbiting the nucleus, the vibration of all matter, thermodynamics, a speeding cheetah, a soaring eagle, Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile, a parent rocking their baby to sleep, someone "shockeling" while davening Shmoneh Esrei – this is how HKB"H designed עוֹלָם הַזֶּה, that everything in it - by virtue of its motion – is singing praise to HKB"H.


Lehavdil, if anyone has ever seen the opening "Circle of Life" scene of Disney's "The Lion King", this portrays it succinctly - every living creature rising with the dawn, each with their own song, praising their Creator. When the rooster rouses everyone with a "cockadoodledoo", when the birds begin chirping before dawn and at sunset, when the frog croaks, the cricket chirps – they are all singing שֶׁבַח וְהוֹדָיָה to HKB"H. If you want to understand what they are singing – read the sefer Perek Shira. Shlomo HaMelech understood the language of every creature.


It is by its very motion that this world continues to exist. Were motion to stop for even a brief second, the universe would cease to be. It continues to exist only through a perpetual injection of energy by HKB"H.


That is what it means when Chazal say that this world exists only because of Midat HaRachamim - motion.


The purpose of עוֹלָם הַזֶּה is to serve as a "corridor" to עוֹלָם הַבָּא (Avot 4, 16). We are given a brief time in עוֹלָם הַזֶּה to maximize as much motion as we possibly can.


Let us illustrate with a mashal.


The mayor of a city holds a lottery, in which there will be three winners. The grand prize for these lucky winners is that they will each be given a large shopping cart and 2 hours, during which they will be given access to every store in the largest shopping mall in the city. During these 2 hours, they may enter any store in the mall and fill up their cart to capacity with whatever they choose. At the end of the 2 hours – whatever they have in their shopping cart is theirs to keep.


The lottery is held and the three lucky winners are announced. Each receives a letter from the mayor's office telling them to be at the mall on a specific date and time to claim their prize.


The three winners appear at the predetermined date and time, raring to go. Each is given their cart. The judge starts the stopwatch and the three have 2 hours to grab whatever they can. They scurry around and 2 hours later, arrive at the finish line. Each winner's shopping cart is completely different.


The first winner's cart is stuffed to capacity with a wide assortment of food, appliances, toys, clothes, shoes, hardware, gardening tools, etc. The judge makes a tally of all the loot - $150,000 in merchandise, well done, enjoy!


The second winner's cart is only 2/3 full, also with a wide assortment of different things. The judge does a tally – $60,000, enjoy! "Hang on though, may I ask you a question?" asks the judge, "Why did you only fill your cart 2/3 and not completely full?" The second winner replies "Well, while I was running around stuffing my cart, I noticed this prestigious steak restaurant that is famous all over the country for its rib-eye steaks. You said everything in the mall was free, so I stopped for 45 minutes to enjoy the best rib-eye steak in the country and believe me - I enjoyed every bite. It was time well spent and it doesn't matter that I didn't have enough time to fully load the cart to capacity!"


The third winner's cart is only 1/4 full. The surprised judge does a tally and announces the total - $54 million. The cart was only 1/4 full but what was in it was the most expensive jewelry from the most prestigious jewelry stores in the mall – exquisite diamonds, rubies, emeralds, 24 carat gold pendants and more.


The third winner with the $54 million was different from the other two. A week before the allotted date, he visited the mall, went into the most expensive stores and asked the store owners for the prices of the most expensive merchandise they had – and he made a list. On the auspicious day, he used his 2 hours wisely, pulled out his list, went to all the listed stores and loaded up his cart with $54 million in merchandise.


The other two winners, seeing what the third winner had done, realizing their mistake, begged the judge for a second chance. "Sorry, you only get one chance!"


That is our life in a nutshell. HKB"H places us in the "mall" of life with a limited time to scurry around and fill up with whatever we want. If we are smart, we do our homework and discover what the truly valuable "merchandise" is and scurry around furiously and wisely trying to accumulate as much of it as we can.


Others, who are less smart and do not understand the true purpose of this world, waste their precious time accumulating vast quantities of valueless bric-a-brac, or squandering their time enjoying the physical pleasures of the world. When the bell rings and each does a tally and realizes how poorly they have performed, they beg the "judge" for more time, a second chance.


The uninformed look at עוֹלָם הַבָּא and see people "lazing" on "Adirondack" chairs, sipping יַיִן מְשֻׁמָּר and "suntanning" in the radiance of the Shechina and think to themselves "Why wait 80 years for that? Why work so hard? I can already enjoy sipping pina coladas on the beach, coppin' some rays, munching on a rib-eye steak – right now!" This is the origin of the hedonistic culture of leisure. At its core is a confusion which world you are in, until it is too late.


This is not to say that a person is never allowed to take a break during their life, to enjoy good food, good wine, make their home comfortable, etc. We are allowed, are even commanded to enjoy the pleasures of life (a נָזִיר has to bring a korban חַטָּאת because by denying himself things that are permitted, he is sinning). However, we are not allowed to enjoy the pleasures of life for their own sake. We take breaks and vacations to recharge our batteries so that we may better serve HKB"H. We eat and drink to keep ourselves vital and healthy so we may better serve HKB"H. We are allowed to enjoy all the pleasures of life as long as they are in the service of HKB"H and not hedonistic.


Stasis is the nemesis of עוֹלָם הַזֶּה. If there is stasis in the human organism, it can lead to illness and death. This applies to both physical stasis and also mental stasis. The human organism is designed to evolve, not to tread water. When we stop evolving, we are like that 2nd winner who stopped off to enjoy the rib-eye steak. This is stasis, Midat HaDin and causes destruction, because it diverts us from our true purpose. It ultimately results in anger and crying.


To mitigate this comes motion, Midat HaRachamim, that causes us to evolve, to think of the other, not ourselves and enables us to fill our cart with the most valuable merchandise of all. We simply have to wise up and do our homework - use the Torah to guide us in determining the merchandise with the most value and scurry to obtain it.


A person who discovers what their purpose is in life and is constantly working to achieve it, is in perfect harmonic motion and singing HKB"H's praises.


תְּנוּפָה is a repeated action of projecting out from the heart and retracting back to the heart. The heart is always the source, but the motion is like a sine wave, there are peaks and crests. It is not always progress - it includes setbacks. When we encounter a setback, we retract back to the heart, return to our core, reacquire direction and continue to move forward. The reason it is repeated three times is because וְהַחוּט הַמְשֻׁלָּשׁ לֹא בִמְהֵרָה יִנָּתֵק (קהלת ד, יב), when something is repeated three times it acquires strength that is unbreakable.


Levi began as Midat HaDin, but they did not remain static, they evolved. They took Yaakov's rebuke to heart and created motion and evolved into the spiritual leaders of Am Yisrael, combining both Chessed and Gvura, Kohanim and Levi'im, working together in tandem, in harmonic motion in the service of Hashem.



Shabbat Shalom

Eliezer Meir Saidel

Machon Lechem Hapanim

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