26 December 2022

The Hypocrite Elect in the Beit Lavan


While the Chief Hypocrite was “playing up to the Jews” his rep. and the US rep. was defaming the Jews at the notorious antisemitic UN.

Here’s the thing, though: on Monday, even as the president was lighting his new, permanent menorah, Deputy UN envoy Robert Wood told the Security Council: “The United States expects to see equal treatment of extremists – whether Israeli or Palestinian.”

Wood later clarified he had meant Israel should carry out “arrests, convictions, and punishments, as well as equal allocation of resources to prevent and investigate violent attacks,” creating the obvious impression that Jewish thugs are attacking Arab civilians day and night using firearms – just like those nice Lion’s Den folks are doing.

What a friend we have in Biden (Biden Admin Demands Israel Provide ‘Equal Allocation of Resources’ to Countering Israeli ‘Extremists’ and ‘Palestinian’ Terrorists).

The president then quoted his speechwriters, who said that “the Talmud teaches us we cannot rely on or expect miracles; we have to earn them. Earn them. We know that task is not easy. No one knows better than this audience.”

The Gemara in Shabbat 32a relates that Rabbi Yannai used to say: a person should never stand in a place of danger saying that from above they will perform a miracle for him, lest they not perform a miracle for him. And even if they do perform a miracle for him, they might deduct it from his merits.
Rabbi Ḥanin said the source for Rabbi Yannai’s saying was Jacob, who said: “I have been made smaller (katonti) by all the mercies, and all the truth which You have bestowed on Your servant” (Genesis 32:11). In other words, since You have bestowed so much kindness and truth on me, my merits have been diminished.
The same Gemara relates that Rabbi Zeira would not go out and walk among the palm trees on a day when a southern wind was blowing, fearing that the trees might fall on him.

The president’s writers added another Talmudic citation for the boss, who said wisely: “Just as we light one candle after another, another lesson from the Talmud is this: no matter what challenges we face, we’ve never stopped moving forward. Think about it. Never once have we stopped moving forward. We must rise in our faith and holiness. Never decline. And as we do, let us also hold on to the hope, as the Jewish proverb says, even a glimmer of light can dispel much darkness.”


. . . as the world descends into the darkest of Teves darkness! [under the sway of Eisav]

Addendum:  "President Herzog: 'I condemn any statement that acts as a basis for exclusion’” [be careful]; under the law all business people have the RIGHT to refuse a customer in a private business. Supporting acts of toevah places one in the same basket. "'The state of Israel will uphold equal social and political rights [immorality is not social or political, but private] for all of its citizens, with no difference of religion, race, and sex,' that's what is written in the Declaration of Independence, and we all must keep that at any cost and without compromise. Any action against these basic values is dangerous to our very lives and existence as a nation and a state."

Herzog emphasizes: "I oppose any statement that acts as a basis for exclusion or any phenomenon that allows discrimination. I work and will work with all my ability as President of Israel, to prevent harm to parts and populations of the public.” THIS APPLIES EQUALLY TO ANY PRIVATE BUSINESS OWNER THAT DECIDES NOT TO ACCEPT A CUSTOMER! The Owner has equal rights also!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Hertzog actually saying something his grandfather,z'l, would be very ashamed of.
He forgets he is the pres. of Israel and not of the goyim. Just as the new govt. wants
to make sure that the Shabbat will be respected together with other Torah Laws, they now
need to see the rest of Torah Laws are also to be respected.


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