07 December 2022

An Egyptian Reflection

Ancient Egypt, 1392 BCE (most apropos)

Egypt's pharaomaceutical authority determined that it was vital for all newborn boys to be immunized against the much-feared Israelite Sedition virus, a predicted public health risk, by injecting them into the Nile River.

"These injections are safe and effective," stated Dr. Pharoauci, the kingdom's foremost medical expert. "Just follow the science."

Pharaolanthropist Mr. Billaam Gates agreed. "The only way we'll return to normal is with a 100% injection rate," he declared in a live stream. "Nile injection is also the only promising way to deal with Egypt's biggest problem, overpopulation. I reckon that it will help reduce the population by some 10-15%. That's 600,000 fewer useless eaters," he said with a grin.

Some experts pointed to the statistical probability of a super spreader of infection being born and mass-infecting the population with the dreaded disease called freedom. This surely didn’t bode well for the kingdom’s pyramid-like social structure, so it was necessary to take steps to mitigate this risk. Hence the Nile injection program. Every male infant had to be regarded as the potential super spreader.

Some river fatalities were initially reported, but the main stream media attributed these coincidental sudden deaths to 'unknown causes.'

The government dealt harshly with injection hesitancy. Any objection to injection was met with rejection.

Egypt's chief rabbinate fully endorsed state policy. Rabbi Dathan N. Abiram from the Death Bin -- I mean Beth Din -- of Goshen Heights issued a stern warning for anti-injector parents. "Whoever doesn't comply with medical authorities is a rodef and will be banned from school and shul. We'll report you to Pharoah's executioners too."

Goshen Heights schools did not accept students who weren't fully immersed (read: submerged) in Nile health policy. 

However, one family refused to comply. They would not allow their newborn to be a-Nile-ated. Consequently, the Royal Child Protection Services was called in to seize the uninjected infant from his neglectful parents and make sure he'd get injected like all other baby boys.

"No one gets a free pass from Public Health Policy," said Dr. Eli Raamses Rosen, the pediatrician and mandated reporter who informed on the family to the CPS.

Shockingly, the child's mother did not cooperate with the state agency nor did she recognize their jurisdiction in any way. In fact, she had insisted on having a home birth (gasp) in bold defiance of Egyptian medical policy and concealed all details concerning her infant's birth from the authorities.

When they finally received reports of the illegal birth, enraged CPS agents immediately arrived at the family's home.  However, they were unable to locate the child, due to the fact that the defiant mother had already anticipated their unwarranted entry and search of her home and had evacuated her child in advance. 

She was willing to expose her child to risks of the river -- both real and imagined -- like 'crocodile corona,' 'viper viruses,' and 'pandemic pythons,' in order to shield him from the lethal dangers of the pharaomaceutical injection!

While the infant's whereabouts remained a mystery to the authorities, at the same time a few miles away downstream, Pharaoh's daughter adopted a baby boy. Of course, elites never injected their young, so the child was spared the injection.

No one in the palace was able to nurse the child, mostly because all the women in Pharaoh's court had been jab-injured affecting their breast milk. In an ironic twist, the only woman found in the Empire who hadn't been jabbed and was safely able to nurse the child was the child's own mother who had bravely defied Public Health Policy.

Furthermore, the uninjected child wasn't allowed to attend school.

And so, right under the nose of Pharaoh's ever-watchful CPS, the defiant mother nursed and homeschooled her own uninjected child, raising him to become the future leader who'd liberate his people from servitude to pharaomaceutical mandates for all times. 

Let my people know.


For further reading on this topic:

Dephying Mainstreem Tirannie

All Hebrew baby boys had to be 'mainstreamed' into Nile-policy compliance without exception. No exemptions were granted. [1]

Nearly all parents submitted... they were in deNile.
One brave mother dared to defy the mainstream trend.

She cited religious exemption and kept her child home for as long as possible. Then she built him an ark so he'd survive, just like Noah survived the surging mainstream trends of his day. She preferred to surrender him to nature (i.e. Divine providence) before subjecting him to mainstream submersion. [2]

This child grew up to be a conscientious objector to slavery and took bold action to stop authoritarian abuse of human rights, at great personal sacrifice. [3]

He and his brother were not afraid of speaking truth to power. Citing their G-d-given right to religious freedom, they challenged the mightiest tyrant on earth and liberated their people for all time.

Together with his brother and sister, he led his people though the wilderness to freedom.

All because their mother would not submit to the dominant mainstream narrative.

And in our turbulent times, the heroic Yocheveds among us are fearlessly building their arks, prepared to sacrifice everything to protect their young.

But what can be done to save all the other children from mainstream a-Nile-ation?

Who will stand up in defense of the children?

Who will insist on defending our religious liberties that hang perilously in the balance?

Who will speak truth to power and liberate our enslaved people from the grips of tyranny, an authoritarian assault that has no precedent nor parallel in all annals of history?

Who will be today’s Moses’ and Aarons’ if not we?

[1] Exodus 1:22
[2] Ibid 2:2-3
[3] Ibid 2:12

source R.G.

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