11 December 2022

Shalom Pollack: Please Understand


"We come NOT to these lands as a foreign conqueror. Our forefathers were forcefully expelled from our God-given lands by the Babylonians and by His grace, we are back in our homeland. We are returning to what is rightfully ours. You are sitting on our lands and the time has come for you to remove yourselves from them."  Yochanan, Macabee leader - 132 BCE

Mr. Netanyahu, unfortunately, is not a modern Maccabee.  He does not have the strength that only faith in the God of Israel fortifies a Jewish leader.

I would ask him only to please not obstruct idealistic Jews like Ben Gvir and Smotrich and their comrades, who do have the requisite faith and zeal, like our hero Yochanan the Maccabee.

Samuel, the prophet rebuked King  Saul, who for "political reasons" hesitated to fulfill his responsibility as king of Israel. He scolded," You are not a private person. You are the king of Israel’!

Mordechai warned  Esther not to shirk her responsibility as a Jewess with political power;, "It is for this reason that God placed you in your position" You are not a private person"

Mr. Netanyahu, you are not a private person and Israel's destiny is not politics as usual.
You are the "king" of  Israel. Israel

This land and the Jewish people are not pawns in the game of politics as usual. This is not your private playing field.
Your previous sins of commission and omission must not continue.

The people of Israel do  NOT want more of the same.

I suggest you read the words of Yochanan the Maccabee, Samuel, and Mordechai and act upon them.
Remember, you are not a private person.

Understand, God’s Land and the Jewish Nation are not just another one of many.

You represent God's People and Land.

Please understand


Anonymous said...

Beautifully said! Trouble is the politicians are all bought and sold and they do the bidding of foreign powers, unfortunately. But, this past election shows that the tide is slowly turning and Israel's true children, the G-D fearing 'bnai Yisrael, will, hopefully, soon be victorious.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Excellent editorial. We must also remember that it is written that the leaders of nations lose their bechirah. We still have it, but the leaders of nations are under the control of HKBH. So, we must also see all this chaos as exactly what we need to create the opening for Moshiach. And, also as people eagerly line up on the side of Satan, it will be much easier to sort out who is who.

Neshama said...

Almost like a plea to Hashem

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