05 December 2022

Stationary Center of the Universe – Brilliant

 The earth is not a planet.

Eugenicists planning genocide use the planet myth to PLAN IT.

/ˈplanət/   noun
a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.

The earth doesn't move, so it's not a planet. [1]

Using that word gives credence to an unsubstantiated heliocentric theory. 

Note how eugenicist globalists use this word to justify genocide, as in "Too many humans pollute the planet." So, the psychopathic thinking goes, by eliminating the 'pollution' (i.e. you and me), they claim to be saving their 'planet’ (as if the ‘planet’ is theirs to save).

These two lies go hand in hand. Once we consider the reality that the earth is NOT a planet but the stationary center of the universe, we are forced to acknowledge the centrality of humanity, an inscrutable Divine purpose and essential worth of every human being. We realize that an infinite Divine Being Who created earth has infinite means to sustain all human life. We also understand how the Creator endowed us humans with a code of absolute immutable values. Freedom, individual rights, sanctity of each human life, etc. are non-negotiables. These core values may not be sacrificed in the name of 'saving' earth, since earth's very existence bears testimony to the imperative of honoring our covenant with G-d by keeping His commandments, including: "Do not murder." A human being is not 'pollution.'

Once we grasp all the above, the myth of scarcity is naturally obviated by belief in the G-d of abundance. 

The only pollution that needs to be purged are the predatory eugenicists themselves (and their useful idiots) who pollute our precious humankind with their abhorrent idolatry, indoctrination, and incitement to mass murder. As our Creator cautioned us: “You shall purge the evil from your midst.” [2]


[1] See Maimonides, Laws of the Foundations of Torah, 3:1,4; Guide to the Perplexed 2:24; Etz Chaim (by Rabbi Chaim Vital) 1:4; and elsewhere. According to its plain meaning, scripture describes the earth as stationary, and all celestial bodies revolve around it. For more discussion of this topic see the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s writings. Heere are a few examples:


[2] In fact, the Torah commands us to “remove the evil from your midst” with regards to nearly all the abominations practiced by the predatory class in contemporary times:

  • Murder: Deuteronomy 19:13
  • Human trafficking: ibid 24:7
  • Idolatry: ibid 17:7
  • Heresy: ibid 17:12
  • False testimony & subversion of justice: ibid 19:19
  • False predictions and fear mongering: ibid 13:6
  • Parental alienation: ibid 21:21
  • Normalizing sexual immorality: ibid 22:21,22,24

source:  R.G.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As we already know, 'evil' has no limits and no shame!
They have no G-D so no need for morality, ethics or compassion;
murder is just another word to them; but that it has this long for
people to wake up and understand what is being done is also mind boggling.
The people of the world to wake up and make sure that this evil not continue.

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