19 December 2022

Important Limudei Chol


A request for Torah-Oriented Educational Materials for Limudei Chol

If you are a teacher who has created materials, please share if you can.

This time, we are reaching out to you for assistance.

On Chanuka, we relive the time when the Yevanim tried to destroy the purity of Klal Yisrael and disrupt Torah learning and Emunah. Today, the modern-day reincarnations of the Yevanim are hard at work attempting to destroy our children’s chinuch.

As all our readers likely already know, much of the outside world is filtering in to our own frum environment. 

This is happening in many ways, both obvious and subtle. 

Somehow, shockingly, other “religions” are taught in our schools, in the name of “social studies” and “government requirements.” This can involve avoda zarah.

Kefira, Pritzus, negative middos, and other aveiros are also found in the textbooks our children are using.

Even innocuous materials like elementary grade readers have subtle messages that are placed purposely, to influence our children’s outlook on life and shape their values. For example, decades ago, Rav Aharon Kotler was shown a reading book in which a story had a father, mother, and two children. He was very upset, and said “They’re trying to normalize small families in the children’s minds.” 

What would Rav Aharon say about a current textbook in use in a top Lakewood school, which has a family headed by a father, who does all the chores, and has two children?

Or, in a different example, we were shown material which featured pictures of a large family, needy and unhappy, and a small two-child family, living comfortably and content.

(Of course, Rachmana litzlan, these situations do exist in our communities for tragic reasons, but that’s not the point here.)
There are many more, and worse, examples which you will find if you take a look at the books.  

One common issue which comes to mind is the disrespect shown to parents by the children in the stories.

What’s going on is that those who want to destroy the traditional family and take the world away from Hashem are trying to normalize single-parent families, population control, changing gender roles, to’eiva relationships, lack of respect for parents, bad middos, and their whole wicked anti-Hashem agenda. As I’ve written before, this comes from the top (the UN/UNESCO and the WHO.)

These subtle influences really do come through and have a tremendous effect on our children’s outlooks.

Although many good schools try to censor the materials, in the words of Rav Aharon Feldman Shlita, you can censor the lines, but you can’t censor between the lines.

Morasha was created to help protect authentic Yiddishkeit.
Morasha is turning to your for assistance in helping the children of Klal Yisrael receive a pure chinuch.

1) Morasha is interested in amassing materials for “limudei chol” with Torah content, as a resource for teachers and schools to be able to use.

Are you a teacher who has Torah-oriented educational materials or books which you have created, which can help instill proper hashkafos?

Are you aware of materials that other teachers have created, which they may be willing to share?

If so, please be in contact at

2) If you have time to volunteer in Morasha’s upcoming Lakewood branch, please contact

Thank you so much.

Tizku lemitzvos and a freilichen Chanuka.

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