19 October 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Real Torah on the Shots

My weekly Root and Branch Torah class resumed yesterday, and we spent the entire class on Bereishis, getting back to basics.  The recording is available here.  

A while ago my father's first cousin, a well-respected Rosh Kollel in Mattersdorf, gave me a Torah booklet about the shots and crapcines in general.  I finally got around to reading it, and it's really well done.  I contacted the person who published it with a few comments and to find out how I could obtain more copies. He emailed me the entire booklet, with an English version beginning on page 87 (the printed copy I have is in Hebrew), and he sent me some other material as well.

I've attached the booklet here and additional material here and here. This is serious Torah – compare with the rhetoric and propaganda of the corrupt rabbis serving as mouthpieces for the establishment.  

Please share it!  It's very illuminating and the real Torah needs to be spread to the masses.

Many of the arguments and Torah sources that I used in various articles also appear in the booklet, but the latter is far more scholarly and comes from serious Talmidei Chachamim.  I'm gratified that my thinking was aligned with theirs.  If you can handle this higher-level learning, you should definitely read the booklet, and even if it's beyond your level you should try.

One valuable source that I missed in my own learning but discovered in the booklet was the Bi'ur Halacha (by the Chafetz Chaim) on Orach Chaim 618, the halachos about feeding sick people on Yom Kippur.  The phonies distort these halachos to claim that we have to listen to doctors and inject healthy people with God-knows-what.  

The Chafetz Chaim writes that nowadays doctors have forfeited their trust, and it is up to rabbinic teachers to assess who can be trusted and when.  We don't give “experts” a blank check and we don't count raised hands.  See here.


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