24 October 2022

Amazing Article – Mengele and the Culture of Death – Part Two


Mengele and the Culture of Death: Alive and Kicking in the Woke 21st Century - (continued)

By Sheri Oz

In addition to the many private practices that offer gender-affirming surgerythere are now at least 30 academic medical centers in the U.S. that have a transgender surgery program.

You cannot change the sex of anyone. Every cell in the human body carries the chromosomes of their birth sex.

Gender care for minors gained further legitimacy as medical groups endorsed the practice and began issuing treatment guidelines. Chief among them is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (No surprise – associated with the World Economic Forum),  a 4,000-member organization that includes medical, legal, academic and other professionals from around the world. Over the past decade, its guidelines have been echoed by the likes of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Endocrine Society, which represents specialists in hormones.

At least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in the five years to the end of 2021. More than 42,000 of those children were diagnosed just last year, up 70% from 2020.  (Could it be all that Woke propaganda in school and the influencers on social media?)

Where are the longitudinal studies on the efficacy of this mutilation?

Did you know that we know complications from genital surgeries are common? A California study found that a quarter of 869 vaginoplasty (removal of male sex organs and replacement with a vagina)patients, with a mean age of 39, had a surgical complication so severe that they had to be hospitalized again. Among those patients, 44% needed additional surgery to address the complication, which included bleeding and bowel injuries. Here is a link to photos that show the surgeries. All you excited parents promoting your child’s desire to change sex, take note.

What about the hormone blockers and the hormone replacement drugs – for life. Are there any side effects? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Or is this just a massive Mengelian experiment? While the number of gender clinics treating children in the United States has grown from zero to more than 100 in the past 15 years – and waiting lists are long – strong evidence of the efficacy and possible long-term consequences of that treatment remains scant.  In 2016, the FDA ordered makers of puberty blockers to add a warning about psychiatric problems to the drugs’ label after the agency received several reports of suicidal thoughts in children who were taking them (but I thought the surgery reduces suicide?). More broadly, no large-scale studies have tracked people who received gender-related medical care as children to determine how many remained satisfied with their treatment as they aged and how many eventually regretted transitioning.

Echoes of Nuremberg?

The United Kingdom is shutting down its main clinic for children’s gender care and overhauling the system after an independent review found that some staff felt “pressure to adopt an unquestioning affirmative approach.” Read more here.

Dr Annelou de Vries, a specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry worries about the growing number of children awaiting treatment, but the graver sin is to move too fast when puberty blockers and hormones may not be appropriate.

“The existential ethical dilemma in transgender care is between on one hand the (child’s) right for self-determination,” de Vries said. “On the other hand, the do-not-harm principle of medical intervention. Aren’t we intervening medically in a developing body where we don’t know the results of those interventions?”

Some scientists and doctors also say they wonder about possible neurological effects of puberty blockers. The question: Hormones released during puberty play a major role in brain development, so when puberty is suppressed, can that result in reduced cognitive function, such as problem solving and decision making? The New York Times(THE NYTIMES!!!!!) reported in May 2021 that “more research is needed to fully understand the impact [puberty blockers] may have on certain patients’ fertility. There is also little known about the drugs’ lasting effects on brain development and bone mineral density.”

Even the Biden administration is questioning hormone treatment  at the same time as it describes state bans on puberty blockers and hormone therapy for minors as “bullying disguised as legislation” and an attack on “lifesaving health care.”

Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Medical Association (AMA), and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), collectively representing more than 270,000 physicians and medical students, and CHA represents more than 220 children’s hospitals across the country, sent a letter to AG Garland asking him to investigate and prosecute those who disagree with their practices on treating gender dysphoria in children.

So government is involved as it was during the time of Mengele.

This despite the fact many doctors acknowledge that long-term hormone therapy may reduce fertility, and they say children who receive puberty blockers followed by hormones run the highest risk. But with no definitive science to rely on, doctors often leave the question open when talking to children and their parents.  So, just when you need doctors to share the possible repercussions, they remain silent.

There is also a lack of clarity on the issue of “detransitioning,” when a patient stops or reverses the transition process.

Echoes of Nuremberg?

Despite grave concerns, medical schools are ramping up this field.

It’s time to ramp up gender education in medical schools for the next generation of doctors.”

Teaching Mengelian practices.

You know life has gone terribly awry when Catholic Georgetown University is also promoting these practices.

There are those who may take umbrage with me for comparing today’s medical ethics with the time of Mengele. Mengele was evil. The Nazi regime was evil. We were to have learned from this behaviour. We didn’t. Our medical ethics have moved from life affirming to a death cult – be it abortion, end of life or the mutilation of children.

Perhaps today’s doctors should be considered worse. Because they should know better after we learned about Mengele.

From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”

{Reposted from the author’s blog

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