11 October 2022

Rabbi Weissman — Moles and Mosrim Part 8 (Part 1)

The previous parts are available on Dangerous Docs and on my site beginning with part one here.  We did the hard work of bringing this information to the community, which the fake, sold-out Jewish media failed to do and continues to ignore.  Now the ball is in your court.  What are you going to do?

Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part Eight

On February 23, 2022 the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC) staff and consultant David Rubel presented a “Partner Engagement Plan”, as part of their contractual arrangement with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). It is available here. Since they tend to couch their true intentions in buzzwords, euphemisms, and mumbo-jumbo, we will translate from Forked Tongue to plain English. 

The BPJCC, who had been awarded more than a million dollars in grants to serve as government moles in the Orthodox Jewish community, planned to “engage” with more than two dozen prominent Jewish organizations, institutions, rabbis, politicians, and businesses to do the government's bidding while pretending to be serving the people. The plan was to collaborate with them to gather intelligence on the community, “target” various populations with government-approved Covid propaganda, and, most of all, convince their trusting constituents to take the accursed Covid shots. 

Those being “engaged” were referred to as “stakeholders”, a vague corporate term that essentially refers to those who have a vested interest. The vested interest of those engaged by the BPJCC is not difficult to surmise: financial rewards and the good graces of those in the halls of power.

Conspicuously absent from the list of stakeholders, despite being strongly affected by the decisions being made on their behalf, was the general public. They were instead referred to as “targeted populations”.
Each stakeholder was assigned a “Potential role in the activity”, an “Engagement strategy”, a “Follow-up strategy” for sharing data and lessons learned, a “Priority Population Targeted”, and a level of priority for their activities. We will comment on some items of particular interest.

We must also note that merely being on this list is not evidence that the “stakeholder” in question actually collaborated with the BPJCC. We do know for certain that many of them pushed the Covid agenda – they did so loudly and proudly – but it is quite possible that some of them quietly demurred. The Partner Engagement Plan is just that – a plan.
The first listed stakeholder was Ami Magazine. Although Ami was the only media company mentioned in this document, the BPJCC explicitly mentioned Mishpacha, Wellsprings, and the Flatbush Jewish Journal as potential strategic partners, as discussed in parts 3 and 6 of this series. 

The "engagement strategy" for Ami was to "Provide a culturally sensitive and well-respected outlet for the community to gain information as to where to access public health resources. Partner with a writer from our community to put together sensitive public health articles that will speak to this community."
In plain English: Leverage the community's trust in Ami as a “kosher” magazine to spread tailored propaganda (described by the BPJCC as “correct public health information”). This government propaganda would come under the guise of general content from a regular contributor to Ami, who would serve as a covert missionary.

Notice how they always frame their devious, malicious activities as if they are providing a service to the community. If you take their words at face value, the Orthodox Jews in New York simply needed help "to gain information as to where to access public health resources". Really? They had no idea? And they needed an extremely well-funded, covert, deeply insidious government campaign to supply them with this information? 
On a certain level, though, it's an impressive feat to get paid not only by those producing propaganda but those receiving it. 

The next stakeholder was Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization Guardians of the Sick. They provide disabled people and home-bound seniors with meals. The BPJCC envisioned them delivering those meals with a side of Covid propaganda. Considering the carnage caused by the Covid shots, one wonders if this vulnerable population needs guardians from the guardians.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel, was the first individual mentioned. His potential role was to “provide backing to the BPJCC's CDG [Covid Disparities Grant] health initiative so that the community can trust in and accept our mission and leadership.” The plan was for Zwiebel to join their advisory committee, and “also send letters to the schools and synagogues endorsing this program”. 

Why was this endorsement assumed? On what was it to be based?
If you still believe that “rabbinic endorsements” are the product of rabbis delving into the Torah and a pressing issue without being swayed by outside pressure or a conflict of interest, and arriving at an independent, informed, sincere conclusion, which is then communicated in a way that truly informs and teaches the public, it's high time you woke up and smelled the sewage. It stinks.

The follow-up strategy was for Zwiebel to “attend in-person and virtual monthly meetings and discuss how Agudath Israel will help encourage the community to better take care of their health”. 
Quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep were not what they had in mind. Abstaining from unnecessary, dangerous pharmaceutical products was most definitely not what they had in mind.
The next two individual “stakeholders” were Senator Simcha Felder and Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. In the words of the BPJCC, “The community trusts the senator and therefore is more receptive to anything that has his endorsement. Having senator Felder endorse our program to the community will help us a lot”. Eichenstein was to play a similar role. 

Both politicians had already been pushing the shots. One example from Felder can be found here. Eichenstein had already collaborated with Hatzalah; see this nauseating bit of propaganda, in which the accursed shots were equated with the splitting of the sea.

JOWMA was on the list, of course. BPJCC would “utilize the existing content from JOWMA” (all of which has since been removed from the JOWMA website, as it aged like fine vinegar). “We will also partner with them for their Podcast and help publicize it. Included in all health messaging will be the JOWMA hotline so that community members can speak to a trained professional at any time regarding their health concerns.” Trained professional medical propagandists, that is.
The next “stakeholder” is another example of how deeply insidious this operation was. “Yad Efraim provides kosher food to families of patients in the hospital...Initial meeting with Yad Efraim on how to use their data to encourage community members to be more COVID-19 mindful so they don't end up where they need to utilize the Yad Efraim's services.”

That sounds almost like a Mafia threat. Better take your Covid shots. You wouldn't want to wind up in the hospital needing Yad Efraim to deliver food to you, would you?

In previous parts, mainly part three, we discussed the plan to infiltrate the yeshivos with Covid and vaccine propaganda in the guise of a science curriculum. This was to begin at stakeholder Bnos Jerusalem of Belz with a trial run. “Upon positive feedback, we will have further meetings to discuss developing a full curriculum and implementing it within this school. We will also discuss if they can refer and endorse the curriculum to other schools.” 
We noted that this curriculum would be promoted to other schools via the Yeshiva Principals Association. You might have wondered what this association is. Probably an initiative to unite yeshivos in support of improvements to their yeshiva curriculum, right?

Wrong. As described in a 2017 article about a “Yeshiva Education Expo” organized by the Yeshiva Principals Association, they work “to unite yeshivos in support of improvements to secular curriculum”.

Guess who was the executive director of the Yeshiva Principals Association?

(continued 8.5 Final)

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