30 October 2022

“Om Ani Chomah”


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In what has become an annual tradition with growing numbers of attendees, a large rally was held in Bnei Brak to strengthen public resolve regarding the dangers of technology. The rally is promoted by a group of Avreichim named “Om Ani Chomah” led by Rabbi Zvi Meir Zilberberg and this year took place with thousands of people in the huge Vizhnitz Beis Midrash in Bnei Brak.

Rabbi Zilberberg spoke passionately about the dangers of technology to G-dfearing people. A large number of people present signed commitments to make restrictions in their use of internet and other forms of technology in order to join Om Ani Chomah.

The thousands of attendees came from all walks of Israeli society and special translating services were available for those who do not understand Yiddish. Rabbi Zilberberg told many stories about people whose religious level had deteriorated as a result of using all types of technological devices.

Rabbi Zilberberg spoke against Smartphones and tablets which have for various reasons become commonly used even in chareidi society. He said that these were a danger to the future of Klal Yisrael and must be denounced as such.

Rabbi Zilberberg warned that the Nedarim Plus devices in shuls which are meant to facilitate contributions to the shuls can be hacked and that many have been used for other purposes. He also criticized educators and Mashgichim who have such devices and said that they must set an example to their students on this issue.

Rabbi Zilberberg encouraged those who withstand temptations and added that very soon they will be able to receive Moshiach in purity, knowing that they conquered their Yetzer Hara.


Anonymous said...

Hu tzodeik! I understood the 'ra' in it from the very beginning, not only for the reasons the Rav stated, but there is something so unG-Dly about tech & how far its gone; it's gone too far and we now see that for ourselves with the monitoring of humanity, everywhere. It's the new form of dictatorship. Who knows what else they have in store.
The 'golden' lining is that this is part of chevlai Moshiach who will be here sooner than we think. H' did not allow Nimrod & his evil followers to go one step further than they did, when He stopped them in their tracks; otherwise, the world could not have continued on. Let us (all Jews & the wise of humanity) learn from history!

Neshama said...

Thank you, and that’s a great point you make about Nimrod!

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