11 October 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Moles and Mosrim Part 8 (Final)


Avi Greenstein. Who also happens to be the President of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council – the very same BPJCC that was partnering with the NYC government to covertly introduce a Covid / vaccine / “science” curriculum in yeshivos all over Brooklyn. 

The incestuous web of conflicts of interest is remarkable, and we are surely just scratching the surface.

Rabbi Yaakov Weinfeld of congregation Khal Lev Avrohom is another interesting stakeholder. I have no information regarding whether or not he agreed to participate, but here is how the BPJCC described their plan for him: “Rabbi Weinfeld will join our events as the religious representative and the individual our community looks to for guidance. He will speak on the importance of maintaining one's health within religion.”

Such as by doing whatever the government-approved “experts” say?
Old-timers who were around before 2020 remember when it was standard for rabbinic leaders to study things for themselves, slowly and carefully, and arrive at independent conclusions, which were not necessarily the conclusions desired by the establishment. We looked to certain people for guidance specifically because they were not able to be recruited by the establishment to rubber-stamp their activities and messages – even and especially those that pertained to people's health.

But now rabbis know their place, and they submit to the hand that feeds them. 
This brings us to Josh Mehlman. “Mr. Mehlman is the Chairman of the FJCC (Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition). The FJCC has a large association of community rabbis that can be utilized in helping us get religious support for this cause. Mr. Mehlman will join our events as well as get local Rabbinical leaders to join our events in which a well-respected Rabbi will be featured to answer all questions on health questions related to religion.”

Please note that “all questions” did not include questions such as these. We already know their answers were nothing more than rhetoric to take the shots, do what you're told, and stop asking questions. The BPJCC took it for granted that community rabbis would fall into line and endorse their program without a peep of opposition. At no point did they express the slightest reservation that rabbis would challenge anything, or even hesitate to cooperate. 
The only way they could be so confident is if the rabbinic establishment was already in the bag, and had proven that over a long period of time. Before you continue, let that sink in.

The Partner Engagement Plan also included carefully selected stores in the community. “Teachers Edition is an arts-n-crafts store in Boro Park. Since they are the main source of school supplies for teachers and students, they can assist in the creation of a curriculum [that] will raise student awareness of public health. Curricula and books about both public and private health for students, as well as resources for teachers to utilize, will be made available to the community through their store.”

Follow-up strategy: “A meeting will be held to determine which resources were well accepted and which ones should be eliminated or revised. The success of this program and the potential for other ones will also be discussed.”
While you were innocently shopping for school supplies, the government's eyes on the ground were tracking you, researching you, and refining their efforts to brainwash you.

Yuck! I'll go buy some Jewish books instead. 
“Eichlers is one of the largest Judaica stores in Brooklyn. They will assist us in the dissemination of public health information as well as partner with us for street-level outreach.” The BPJCC would be following up with them as well to collect data and “inform our assessments”.

According to a since-hidden Facebook post by Blimi Marcus, a notorious vaccine extremist waging war on the Orthodox community from within (see here), the owner of Eichler's, Mordy Getz, “paid for trucks to park near an anti-vaccine rally last year and blast warnings from speakers.”
Chaim Fischer was tapped by the BPJCC as a board member of Maimonides Hospital. “He will put out messages to the community in which Maimonides is backing our public health initiative which will give us a large measure of credibility and respect and trust...the BPJCC has gained a massive partner in order to reach the Boro Park community.”

Last but not least, we have Hatzalah, which moonlights as an emergency medical response organization when they aren't busy conducting huge fundraisers and pushing Covid shots. In totally unrelated news, Eli Beer, Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel and President of Friends of United Hatzalah, is buddy-buddy with the World Economic Forum (see here and here).

The WEF believes there are far too many people in the world and the population needs to be culled, among other delightful ideas totally in line with the Torah, while Hatzalah supposedly exists for the singular purpose of saving lives. It would seem to be an odd shidduch – unless one of them is fudging it. 
The BPJCC noted Hatzalah as a high-priority stakeholder, though their collaboration on spreading Covid propaganda was strangely understated. “Information on how to prevent having to call Hatzolah, as well as basic first aid information resources provided by Hatzolah, will be distributed to the community by outreach events and through Hatzolah's own organization. Meetings will be held to determine if the amount of information is sufficient to avoid unnecessary accidents, injuries, and illnesses; and whether it would be beneficial to develop more material regarding this topic, will also be discussed.”

That's an odd departure from the topic at hand, no? Suddenly the priority was preventing sprained ankles and burns?
If that were the case, Hatzalah probably wasn't the best address. They were distracted with other things – convincing people to wear masks and take Covid shots, and collecting huge amounts of data on the Orthodox Jewish community to advance these goals. 

In June of 2021 they sponsored a study by Nishma Research with the title “COVID-19 Attitudes and Vaccine Sentiment in the U.S. Orthodox Jewish Community: Views Among the Chasidish, Yeshivish, and Modern Orthodox Segments”. The study is available here. There is much there to analyze and discuss, but for now we should take note of a volunteer first-aid and ambulatory service spending its money – money they relentlessly beg for from the community – to sponsor sociological research on Orthodox Jews, broken down into categories, for the purpose of determining how to get more of them to obstruct their breathing with face-coverings and take accursed shots.

So who is more deceptive on their shidduch profile, the World Economic Forum or Hatzalah?
Is it any wonder the BPJCC considered engaging with Hatzalah a high priority?
Here is a complete list of “stakeholders” in the Partner Engagement Plan. Those who rebuffed invitations to participate in the BPJCC's insidious propaganda campaign are urged to come forward and publicly disassociate themselves from it.

Ami Magazine
Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization Guardians of the Sick
Ezra Medical Center
Rabbi Chaim Zwiebel – Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel
Boro Park Y
Senator Simcha Felder
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein
Community Board 12 (note: Avi Greenstein is a member there as well)
Toys 4 U
Yad Efraim
Boro Park Y
Joel Rosenfeld, Together We Are
Bnos Jerusalem of Belz
Masbia (here is a video from Alexander Rapaport, Executive Director of Masbia, pushing the measles shots on behalf of the Mayor's office in 2019. Note the institutions that received a shout-out as this incongruous spokesman for healthy living waddles by them: Hatzoloh of Williamsburg, Maimonides Hospital, Yad Ephraim, Refuah Resources, Ezra Medical Center. All part of “the family”.)
Rabbi Weinfeld
Teachers Edition
Chaim Fischer
Eichlers Judaica Religious Articles & Gifts
COPO – Council of Peoples Organizations
COJO Flatbush – Council of Jewish Organizations Flatbush
Josh Mehlman

Considering the depth and scope of the operation targeting the Orthodox Jewish community (and greater society), we must assume this list is not exclusive, but representative of the near-total takeover of our institutions, organizations, schools, community leadership, rabbinic establishment, political representatives, and media. 
It's been a full month since this series began. Not one Jewish media agency has picked up the story or even contacted us with an inquiry. Not one Jewish media agency found any of this information remotely interesting, let alone one of the most significant stories of our time. 

They will not publish a word about this, because they are all just as guilty of corruption and collaboration. Shining a light on the BPJCC and their various partners would require exposing themselves to very uncomfortable questions as well. So they will ignore it and count on the community to not only continue to do nothing, but continue to trust them and support them.

Are they right?
Or will the community unite, rise up, and finally change the game?
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