23 October 2022

Australia . . .

Australia No Longer Recognizes Jerusalem** as Israel’s Capital*


Guest Commenter (excerpts):  Believe it or not, cattle are reportedly now getting jabbed with the stuff, which in a recent mass “vaccination” campaign of an Australian herd resulted in 35 of the 200 animals dying immediately.

We are told that dairy farmers and others are now being forced to inject their animals for the Fauci Flu in order to remain in business, and that the animals are not responding well to it. Just like in humans, the shots are causing such profound damage that many of the animals are succumbing to instant death, while the others are getting sick and dying over a longer period of time. (Related: mRNA spike proteins linger in the heart and brain long after injection.)[…]

“Dairy herd DNA is altered,” one report explains. “Milk is altered and you consume it! Butter constitution, yoghurt, and cheese is altered, meat is altered – will chicken and other meats be next?

Is there any evidence at all to suggest that animals “catch” covid? What is mysteriously absent from the “science” behind forced mRNA injections for animals is any actual evidence that animals are getting sick from covid. Sure, all mammals have lungs. And sure, those lungs can become infected with respiratory illnesses. But does this warrant administering experimental injections to animals that are killing them just the same as they are killing humans?

The government of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, where the first cattle herds we know of are being injected with mRNA, that the official excuse for the new mRNA push is that animal herds need protection against not just covid but also Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease [.…] 

“The NSW Nationals in Government are taking the threat of FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease extremely seriously, and this milestone is another step forward in preparing for a potential outbreak,” announced Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole.

“I have now written to vaccine manufacturers to take up my challenge to develop both vaccines ready for use and manufacture in NSW by August 1 next year. COVID-19 demonstrated to us that all possible avenues in developing vaccines must be explored and we will leave no stone unturned.”[…]

“It is critical that we develop mRNA vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin as quickly as possible to protect our state’s livestock sector,” added Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders, who admitted that Tiba Biotech has been given free rein to churn out as many mRNA injections as possible to supposedly protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry. “The threat of FMD is ongoing and there are concerns Lumpy Skin Disease could enter northern Australia this coming wet season, so it’s critical we continue to do what we can as quickly as we can,” he added.

“Current FMD vaccines use the virus itself, and there is yet to be an approved vaccine for use in Australia for Lumpy Skin Disease, so creating mRNA vaccines to combat either disease would be a game-changer for the industry. mRNA vaccines are cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective and very safe.”

Is Australian meat still safe to eat?

Saunders went on in a statement to claim that mRNA injections are actually safer than traditional injections because they are “fully synthetic and do not require any animal or microbial products… “They do not carry with them the same risks as traditionally derived vaccines,” he insists.

This is unfortunate news for folks who purchase Australian meat and other animal-derived products from Down Under, believing them to be clean and pristine. If mRNA shots for animals become the standard there, many will think twice before purchasing any more animal products from Australia [.…]



**Down Under (by Rabbi Nachman Kahana)

We have been informed that the government of Australia has repealed their recognition of Yerushalayim as the capitol of the State of Israel. Australia is known as “down under”, a most appropriate name. But what can one expect from a country that was founded by convicted criminals? On January 26, 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip guided a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. In recent times, the country has become increasingly controversial when recalling that these “aristocratic” colonizers dispossessed the continent’s indigenous people from their land.

It appears that the emotional and psychological infrastructure of the descendants of Aisav and Yishmael are unable to inculcate that their success is dependent on the degree with which they relate positively to the Jews within their borders and to the degree that they assist, abet, advance, encourage, facilitate, and defend the State of Israel.

What Australia has done is irrelevant to our relations with the world at-large. However, since a gentile is never far from crossing the Rubicon (expression that refers to a difficult decision with irreversible consequences or to pass the point of no return) of anti-Semitism, it takes very little to create a snowball effect wherein other countries will reject our capital of 3000 years and eventually reject the “legitimacy” of our national state. (excerpt from his weekly Parsha)


Neshama said...

Anon, please resubmit using a name, any name.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

For anyone interested in knowing the true nature of Australia, I recommend this new documentary which I watched last night. I was astounded. I knew of the atrocities committed by the Australian government against the original Peoples ("Black Australians") decades ago but had no idea that these atrocities continue to be carried out even to this day. I will make every effort, bli neder, to be sure that I never purchase a single thing from Australia. And they have the chutzpah to tell us, a sovereign nation where our capital is. Not only do they deny that it is Yerushalayim, but they state that the capital is Tel Aviv! May they go the way of Mitzrayim!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment and the video. It is shocking how far humanity can descend.
Rabbi Kahana summarized it in the beginning of his Parsha for Bereshis:

Question: Why were humans created together with the terrestrial animals on day six? Would it not have been more appropriate to have all the sea and land animals, including fish and birds, created on Thursday, and then leave Friday, day six, to be dedicated to the highest achievement of creation – human beings?

In addition, humans and chimpanzees share a surprising 98.8 percent of their DNA. How can we be so similar, yet so different?

Answer: HaShem was delivering a message: humans and beasts share very similar DNA, but with one very essential difference: humans were gifted with the ability to distinguish between high ethical and moral behavior versus hedonistic and animalistic lifestyles, which prioritize pleasure above all else.

Anonymous said...

Very good explanation, Anonymous @8:47. Also, the main difference between a humanbeing and the animal kingdom is that H' breathed life into man and thus receiving a G-Dly soul!


Guest Post: “ The Unspoken Wounds:”

  The Unspoken Wounds: Confronting a Painful Past and the Path to Healing within Israel By confronting the unspoken wounds of the past with ...